Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 826: The last enemy

The sharp steel needles about ten centimeters long were blocked by the black halberd and fell on the gray brick ground of the Shura Field. The murderous steel needles seemed to be highly poisonous, and there was a sudden ray of silver light. The ground has corroded pits and holes everywhere!

"What a sinister woman!" Wang Mang looked at the coquettish woman and narrowed his eyes slightly. "Do you think this kind of hidden weapon can really hurt me?!"

"Oh? Isn't it?" The coquettish woman looked at Wang Mang's appearance and couldn't help but chuckle with a sarcasm. In the palm of her hands, fifty or sixty ten-inch-long sharp steel needles suddenly hovered!

"Then you give it a try!" Wang Mang sneered, and the big cloak of bearskin on his body shook without wind, and a suppressive and terrifying qi burst out of his body instantly!

This is not a simple aura, but a special display of physical power! Thousands of tons of physical power can destroy everything, including the enemy in front of you!

"Kill!" Wang Mang yelled fiercely, and the halberd in his hand was like a massive and heavy mountain, slamming toward the head of the coquettish woman at an extremely terrifying speed!

Contains a thousand tons of force, smashed at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, no one can easily resist it, the weak will die when touched!

The glamorous woman looked at Wang Mang’s swift and incomparable attack, her pupils shrank, and her heart seemed to be shrouded in a terrifying shadow.

Before she could think about it, fifty or sixty sharp steel needles in her palm shot out with all her strength. The position she aimed at was the vital part of Wang Mang's neck. As long as he resisted with the halberd, she would be able to survive!

Wang Mang snorted coldly. He didn't have the slightest resistance to the dozens of steel needles that came in a violent shot.

When the steel needles hit a few inches of his neck, the dozens of steel needles seemed to be plunged into the mud. The sharp needles couldn't make an inch, and the solid and incomparable gas shook suddenly. Those steel needles instantly Splash out!

"I said, in front of absolute power, these are all falsehoods!" Wang Mang's eyes were cold, and the halberd in his hand instantly hit her head!

With a bang, the coquettish woman had no time to resist, or could not resist at all!

The technique she learns is trickery, which is sinister and vicious. Faced with this powerful, heavy, heavy halberd, she raised her hands in vain, but before she raised her head, her head was lost. Smashed!

The beautiful body instantly shattered like a broken mirror. The area in front of Wang Mang's body seemed to rain like a rain of blood, and the gray-yellow stone bricks were dyed into scarlet red!

"There is one last enemy!" After Wang Mang killed the glamorous woman, he waved his hand at a corner of the Xiuluo field. The referee in the corner nodded knowingly and twisted a golden hoop in front of the table!

Following Wang Mang's **** killing, the crowd of spectators in the audience seemed crazy, yelling frantically, tearing their clothes constantly, as if this was the only way to vent their excitement!

"Who will be the next enemy? I really look forward to it!" Wang Mang held the halberd, took a glass of water from the storage ring, took a shallow sip, and looked forward with deep eyes!

"Om!" There was another clank, and the air ripples showed the figure of a vigorous man. He was of ordinary build and face, and he didn't have a trace of evil spirits around him. He didn't look like a cultivator, but rather like an honest farmer!

But the moment Wang Mang saw the weapon in his hand, the muscles in his body instantly tightened, his eyes were alert, as if he was approaching an enemy, that man! The halberd that I actually used!

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