Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 829: Yum

"Who said I can't?!" Guo Rui yelled, his face covered with blood streaks like shattered blood, and suddenly all the blood was emptied. The limbs and body shrank instantly, and there was a constant flow of energy that contained supreme blood. Poured into the halberd of destiny he held in his right hand!

Watching this scene, Wang Mang couldn't help but let out a cold snort. This time, could he let you cut this second trick? !

"Bah! Bah!" ’A clamor of electric waves converging sounded in the huge Shura field.

Wang Mang stretched out his left hand and snapped his fingers at random. In an instant, the noisy electric current became more and more blazing, and fragments of war halberds the size of fingernails flowed out from all corners of the Shura field and gathered again in his By your side!

A familiar halberd gradually condensed into shape. Wang Mang held the end of the halberd with a bloodthirsty color in his eyes.

Suddenly, his left arm tightened instantly, and a wild force spread from all over his body to his left arm, and then instantly applied to the black halberd!

The dark halberd resembled a cannonball that fired out of its barrel, and it shot at Guo Rui’s throat at an invisible speed a few inches before it.

Guo Rui had only madness in his eyes, and he was completely indifferent to this deadly attack. He didn't need to live, as long as he cut the last blade of energy before he died, the animal on the opposite side would also die!

‘Om! There was a burst of air, and the halberd in Guo Rui's hand seemed to peel off, and the dark halberd gradually revealed a bloodthirsty scarlet color!

At the moment when the halberd blade showed scarlet red, Guo Rui moved, and Wang Mang moved too!

A stern dragon roar sounded, and the blade energy that contained all Guo Rui's vitality instantly turned into a tyrannical and crazy blood dragon, with a terrifying dragon mouth open, and with an unstoppable majestic force, it rushed away at the king!

At this time, Wang Mang looked solemn, with one arm raised and his palms open. At the moment when the blood dragon appeared, the black halberd that was about to pierce Guo Rui’s throat exploded with a ‘bang’.

The sharp halberd head pierced his throat, and the flying shattered blade tore his body. The shattered halberd rod was turned into hundreds of pieces, and the body of the blood dragon was torn to half in an instant!

"I'm really confused, I don't even know the most basic trick of flying halberd, how did your master teach you?!"

Looking at the blood dragon whose power had been weakened by at least 60%, Wang Mang suddenly flashed a ferocious and tyrannical eye, his left fist instantly clenched, and he slammed it forward!

‘Boom! Click~crack~crack! The sound of space cracking sounded, and the moment Wang Mang shook his fist, half of the area of ​​the Shura Field was plunged into an unprecedented horror situation, the gray and yellow stone bricks turned into fly ash, and the mud was instantly wiped out!

The blood dragon that hadn't gotten close to Wang Mang just came and let out a horrible roar, and was torn into countless pieces of energy by the space in an instant!

Seeing this, Wang Mang's eyes were a little deep. He had practiced the halberd technique for ten years at the end, and he might as well take the quick shrimp fist with a full blow. Did he take the wrong path? !

Immediately afterwards, Wang Mang looked at Guo Rui half-kneeling on the ground again. A sense of absurdity came to his mind. Guo Rui had superb skills and amazing talent. Only with the halberd in his hand, he could withstand his unparalleled strength. , It is not a genius!

But it was such a genius who had worked hard for countless years, so he was easily killed by himself. Wang Mang was slightly confused about this halberd technique. What could he do if he practiced for another ten years?

"Wang Mang, Yum!" A loud shout sounded, interrupting Wang Mang's thoughts. As soon as he raised his head, there was a roar of cheers from the audience!

The first Hundred Winner on the Xiuluo field appeared, he was the Black Halberd Power Demon——Wang Mang!

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