Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 840: Zhan Kui

Listening to the heavy and melancholy sigh of Bai Li, the standing halberd frowned, his eyes showed a thoughtful look, and he suddenly arched his hands:

"Lord Bai, please take the liberty. You suffered such a serious injury from the previous Lord of Time and Space, leaving behind irreversible hidden dangers, but why did you give Wang Mang the tricks?"

The official Bai shook his head slowly, tapping his fingers on the table regularly, "Haber, you don’t understand! The box of the strange tricks is left with me, and it’s almost a part of my heart. Let Wang Mang take it away." , The province looks upset!"

The official Bai banged on the table ‘obtrusively’, suddenly he clenched his brows, his right hand was covering his heart, and a very sickly pale feeling appeared on his face!

"My lord!! It's the worm again!?" Ji saw the painful look of Bai Li's chest, and hurried to his side, a touch of pure vitality emerged from his palm, clinging to the back of Bai Li's heart.

"Hiss!" A sharp, penetrating insect scream burst out of Bai Li's chest. His body twitched for a while, and it took three to five minutes before he was relieved.

The sickly paleness on his face gradually disappeared, and the white official let out a long sorrowful breath, "Ji, the worm in my heart is awakening more and more frequently, and I won’t be taking over for long."

"The eighteen masters of mine, the one I trust the most is you, Ji! You must understand that level as soon as possible!" Baili sighed faintly, leaning on the soft collapse without saying a word, I don't know if I want to write. what!

"I understand! Lord Bai! I will definitely try my best!" Ji bent down deeply, halved deeply, and Bai Li waved his hand sadly, letting Ji leave!

Ji nodded solemnly, turned around and walked out of the hall. His lord Bai's injuries were getting worse and he was in a bad mood. Now, he was going to choose an opponent for Wang Mang!

On the Asura field, Wang Mang, who had waited for half an hour, sat on a wooden chair extremely irritably, closing his eyes and experiencing the mysteries of the first trick of the magic trick, the ‘ten thousand insects’.

He killed the swordsman before, it was just the most basic use of all insects. As long as you have enough imagination and enough abilities, then no matter how wonderful the insect technique is, it can be realized!

"I just simply aroused the parasites in the swordsman, and the swordsman was killed instantly. Since it can take their lives, can they be mixed with worms and make their bodies obey their commands? "

Wang Mang murmured in his mouth, his eyes flashed suddenly, his own tricks of deception have many shackles, if the enemy's parasites are assimilated into deceptions, can it be achieved that hundreds of people can be controlled by him at the same time ?

Wang Mang rubbed his chin, carefully pondering the flashing thought just now, the more he thought about it, the more he found it feasible!

Just as he couldn't wait to experiment, a "buzz" of air exploded, and on the other side of the Shura Field, a figure with boundless evil spirit gradually appeared as the air ripples!

Wang Mang stood up abruptly from his chair, his eyes revealed a hideous murderous intent, the slender and straight halberd in his right hand glowed with a sharp cold light, and a strange black air appeared in his left arm armor!

He looked at the figure with incomparable aura, and his eyes narrowed, revealing a touch of solemnity. This opponent is very strong, and his momentum is above the sixth order!

"Unexpectedly, I Zhan Kui can stand in this Shura field again, everything here is comfortable!"

A sturdy man covered in bronze armor with a grinning face looked up to the sky and smiled, and the terrifying aura exuding all over his body was almost condensed!

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