Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 849: Dissatisfaction with the halberd

One of the most incomparable advantages of the overwhelming sea of ​​black beetles is the almost infinite number!

Let me ask, if there is a kind of creature whose number reaches millions, tens of millions, then it is considered to be cut with a knife. When will it be cut?

Even though the advantages are obvious, the shortcomings are equally fatal, that is, the black beetle that constitutes the sea of ​​insects is extremely low in intelligence.

They can hardly understand the slightly more complicated instructions. Fortunately, there is only Wang Mang in this Shura field, otherwise this black beetle is very likely to attack indiscriminately regardless of the enemy and us!

Wang Mang exhaled a long breath, looked up around the Shura Stadium, looked at the tens of thousands of spectators in the auditorium, and waved to the referee's stand in the corner of Shura Stadium.

Seeing Wang Mang waving his hands, several fat and thin referees hurriedly pulled out a comfortable wooden chair and trot to send it to Wang Mang!

Wang Mang lay on his back on that comfortable recliner, swaying leisurely, closing his eyes slightly, thinking about his gains from three consecutive battles.

After a short while, just as he was about to twist the golden hoop and return to the cultivation space, ripples of air burst into the Asura field again!

Wang Mang's eyes widened, almost believing in the scene before him. He has fought for three games. Is it possible to arrange a fourth opponent for him? !

Not only was Wang Mang shocked, even the hundreds of thousands of spectators in the auditorium suddenly clashed. This is not in compliance with the rules!

When the ripples gradually calmed down, the figure became clear. After Wang Mang saw it clearly, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back on the wooden chair.

The halberd that came out of the air ripples looked at Wang Mang's leisurely chair, and then at the broken half-corpse in the Xiuluo field. He couldn't help frowning, and the mist snake was also dead? !

The halberd walked towards Wang Mang with his hands on his back. Seeing that Wang Mang hadn't even moved to stand up from his chair, his halberd-like eyes suddenly tightened, and the urn asked: "Wang Mang, are you lawless now?"

Wang Mang sneered from the bottom of his heart, but still pretended to have just seen Ji Ji. He stood up slowly and said with a smile: "Senior Ji, I just fought three games. I was a little tired. I didn't pay attention to you! "

Hearing Wang Mang's words, Ji frowned slightly, glanced at Wang Mang thoughtfully, and after a short while, he turned and left without saying a word.

Wang Mang looked at the back of Ji's departure, and there was a glimmer of murderous intent in his eyes. Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

Through the battle with Zhan Kui and Mist Snake, Wang Mang became more and more convinced of the speculation in his heart. Now the arrival of the halberd is just the evidence of this speculation!

The strength of his opponent suddenly became so strong. If there is no shady, he will never believe it. The arrangement of this matter must be ordered by the official. As for who will execute it, except for the halberd he trusts most. Will there be others?

It’s not that Wang Mang is ungrateful, but that this halberd is a bit too much.

He practiced hard for ten years, how many times has Ji come to guide? Few! Wang Mang dared to say with extreme certainty that he would definitely not exceed three times!

For his existence, Ji has always been in a dispensable state. It seems that in his eyes, teaching himself is a trivial matter, and only the affairs of a white official are big things!

Just as Wang Mang recalled in a trance, a familiar shout suddenly came from his ear, "Brother Mang! Brother Mang! I'm here!"

Wang Mang's eyes suddenly showed a hint of incredible joy, and he quickly followed the sound to find the source of the sound, but there were too many people in the audience and the environment was extremely noisy. Wang Mang frowned, and he didn't find the person who shouted for a while!

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