Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 851: Wang Hu's shock

Wang Mang unexpectedly heard about the forging technique Wang Hu chose, because in his hundreds of battles, one of his opponents practiced forging technique!

Wang Mang still has a fresh memory of that opponent. The man is of ordinary build and mediocre strength. Perhaps the only thing worth mentioning is that his strength is relatively strong, but compared to Wang Mang, that strength is not mentioned!

But what makes Wang Mang the deepest reflection is the armor and weapons on his body!

A Tier 3 or Tier 4 cultivator is holding a saint soldier's long knife, and his body is covered with the armor of the holy rank peak. Its combat power and defense power become extremely terrifying under the superposition of weapons and equipment!

Wang Mang punched his belly with all his strength, but he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, and he couldn't take his life directly!

After swinging more than a dozen punches, Wang Mang sank the holy soldier's armor slightly, and the cultivator's abdomen was broken and he finally died!

Thinking back to the original battle, Wang Mang looked at the serious Wang Hu again, rubbed his chin and nodded.

"Ahu, it's not bad if you want to practice this forging technique. The power of this technique is very powerful. Although it is not a combat skill, it has a considerable increase in combat effectiveness!"

Wang Hu also nodded slightly, "Brother Mang, in my trial time and space, various snake and insect venom barriers have emerged one after another. Although I practiced with poison type abilities, facing those poisonous beasts, it was very difficult!"

"I want to build several weapon armors that can enhance the power of my abilities. That's why I chose this forging technique!"

Wang Mang drank a sip of the urn wine, smiled and pointed at his arm armor covered with evil insects, "Ahu, you know the power of my cultivation, this arm armor is a special armor that enhances the power of insects!"

"If you want to practice this forging technique, I don't have any good advice for you. There are some awards for victory that I have won, which should be of great help to you to improve your strength!"

Wang Mang stood up, took out a beautifully shaped brocade bag from his storage ring and handed it to Wang Hu.

Wang Hu took the brocade bag and laughed twice, and he was not polite. He opened it and looked at it. As soon as he opened it, his eyes suddenly widened, full of shock!

"Brother Mang, the things here are so precious!" Wang Hu held the brocade bag, the surprised expression on his face still remained.

In this brocade bag are placed several majestic blood pills, five or six energetic spars, and several weapons and armors of high grade. Their value is extremely high just by looking at them!

Wang Mang smiled slightly and patted him on the shoulder, "Ahu, these things have little effect on me now, you can take them!"

Wang Hu looked at Wang Mang with a little shock, and suddenly woke up, and said in a trembling voice: "Brother Mang, your aura is so powerful! What rank are you now promoted to?!"

Wang Mang gave a faint smile, and a solid and terrifying momentum all over his body resembled a huge wave hitting the shore, suddenly venting out. While Wang Hu was surprised, he couldn't help muttering in his mouth: "Brother Mang has reached the fifth rank! !"

Seeing that Wang Huming realized his strength, Wang Mang also smiled and suppressed his momentum, his eyes gradually became serious.

"Ahu, the process of cultivating space is very important. You have to grasp it. This is the most important opportunity to consolidate the foundation!"

"Through the extremely slow flow of time here, if we strive to accumulate cultivation, once we are out of the outside world, who else is our opponent in the same level?!"

Wang Mang squinted his eyes, full of ambition for the future!

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