Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 856: Aftercare

"Puff! Puff!" Ji's body was instantly cut into pieces by hundreds of qi, and there was almost no human form!

Only the Coiling Dragon halberd in his hand is like a proudly erected flag that is firmly erected on the ground.

Everyone who surrounded them looked at the halberd that turned into a pool of rotten flesh, with a relaxed and happy smile on their faces. The only blocking stone was dead. In the future, this technique time and space will be their own masters!

But at this moment, the Panlong on the halberd seemed to suddenly awaken, and the stiff gilt body swam around the halberd abruptly, revealing a trace of absoluteness in a pair of dragon eyes!

When Tyrant saw this, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he screamed: "Leave all! Leave quickly!"

After speaking, Tyrant Spear almost directly aroused his own blood, teleported to the door of the hall, ready to leave here directly.

Seeing this, other spell masters also fled from around the Panlong Halberd, but it was all too late.

The Panlong on the halberd uttered a mournful wailing, as if reminiscing the only master in his lifetime,

Its entire halberd body split instantly, turning into a ruinous red light covering every corner of the hall in an instant!

The Tyrant at the door squatted, holding the spear with both hands, gritting his teeth, and stabbing seven or eight spears in an instant.

That powerful gun gun was fully offset by the sputtering red light for seven times, before suppressing the red light's destructive aura!

Others are not so lucky. In the face of this situation, they can't slap strong enough to withstand the red light like a tyrant spear. They can only rely on their weapons and their bodies to resist!

Ordinary weapons were directly cut off, and those with weak physical strength were instantly divided into weird upper and lower halves by the red light!

It was just a breathing room, and only eight of the seventeen cultivators survived! The rest seemed to be like corpses, instantly destroyed by the red light of destruction!

Even if the eight survived, only one gun was undamaged and uninjured, and the rest suffered minor or severe injuries.

Tyrant Gun looked at this mottled and **** side, only squinted his eyes slightly, and then murmured after a long time: "This **** halberd, even if it's dead, he has to put his hand on it. It's really horrible!"

"En?!" Ba Qiang suddenly raised his head and looked around, his eyes revealed a trace of doubt, "Brother Wang Mang, you are not dead?!"

Wang Mang laughed twice, pushed Bai Li's body away from the collapse a little, and sat down leaning on him. Facing the doubts of Tyrant Gun, he just grinned and said indifferently: "What? Does the senior want me to die?"

"Heh! No matter what your attitude is, at least you killed the white official. I'm still convinced by you!"

Wang Mang smiled and patted the corpse of the narrator beside him and snapped his fingers. The corpse of the corpse looked like a graceful dancer, standing up from the collapse, flying onto the carpet and dancing!

"Senior, how do you know that I killed Master Bai? You can eat rice, but you can't talk nonsense!"

Wang Mang said with a serious face, even though he knew in his heart the real cause of death of the white official!

"You can't hide it from others, but you can't hide it from me. I once practiced a technique for sensing the abdomen. Its power is not great, but its effect is not small. I have seen everything you do!"

Tyrant Qiang Chao Wang smiled recklessly, and then said: "Don't be afraid, you are a great hero, you have your share of the position of the space-time manager!"

Wang Mang slowly shook his head when he heard the words, "I don't want anything else, I just want his corpse!" He pointed to the dancing white official, with a look of great interest in his eyes!

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