Build a doomsday base, starting from the infinite supermarket

Chapter 12 Host, you are employing child labor!

Yan Wushuang stood there and hesitated for a long time.

He touched his head and spoke sheepishly.

"Um, I have a merciless request, um... I still have a mission to complete, but the journey will be very dangerous, and it is not safe to take Lingling with me. Seeing that you have a lot of supplies, and they are very safe, I wonder if you can bring Lingling I'll stay with you for now...I'll come back to pick her up after I finish my mission."

Yan Wushuang spoke hesitantly, and it took a lot of effort to express what he wanted to express.

After saying that, he was afraid that Song Zhi would disagree, so he quickly added.

"Well, I can pay you. I have a second-order crystal core here. I heard you just said that you can use this to exchange for points and use it as currency..."

"Okay." Song Zhi agreed calmly.


Song Zhi agreed too quickly, and Yan Wushuang still didn't react. When he came to his senses, he quickly handed the crystal core glowing with purple light to Song Zhi.

"Thank you so much, you...I'm sorry, I'm a little excited..."

Yan Wushuang was speechless and incoherent.

I didn't expect that Song Zhi would really agree.

In the apocalypse, people cannot protect themselves, and no one will be willing to bring another oil bottle, let alone a stranger.

The system didn't understand why Song Zhi agreed.

Song Zhi smiled slyly at the system, "You'll know later."

After about two minutes, Yan Wushuang finally calmed down, squatted down in front of Shen Ling, and gave her instructions.

After Shen Ling heard that she wanted to live with this beautiful sister forever, she quickly agreed.

When Yan Wushuang left, he still stood at the door and waved to Yan Wushuang.

Yan Wushuang left in a hurry. Almost as soon as Song Zhi agreed, he gave Shen Ling a few words and left.

The figure quickly disappeared into the thick night.

"Your name is Shen Ling, then I will also call you Lingling from now on."

Song Zhi pulled Shen Ling to him and spoke to her gently.

"My name is Song Zhi, and you will live here with me from now on."

Shen Ling still didn't speak, but this time she nodded towards Song Zhi and gave Song Zhi a hug.

Song Zhi, who had never been very close to others, was a little stiff by the sudden embrace.

In her previous life, she only cared about killing zombies and building large and small protection bases. She had no time to get along with people quietly, let alone the intimate act of hugging.

The tips of Song Zhi's ears turned a little red unconsciously.

Shen Ling, who was short in stature, happened to be caught in the eye, and there was a hint of pride in her eyes.

Is your sister shy? so cute……

I didn’t expect that what the teacher taught was really useful.

Shen Ling was left alone.

Seeing that it was dark outside and there was no light in the distance, it was estimated that there would be no more customers tonight, so Song Zhi didn't want to rely on it anymore and closed the shop.

"Come on, I'll take you to take a shower and change your clothes."

Song Zhi looked down at Shen Ling, who was wearing a pink dress, and said slowly.

Although Shen Ling was well protected by Yan Wushuang and her body was relatively clean and not contaminated with much dust, Song Zhi still planned to change her clothes.

It can be regarded as the beginning of her raising children.

Shen Ling raised her head slightly, her dark blue eyes looking particularly clear under the light.

She nodded first, and then took the initiative to hold Song Zhi's hand.

It's soft and warm in your little hands, and it feels very comfortable to hold it in your hand.

Song Zhi was so stunned by this wonderful touch that he quickly reacted and led Shen Ling into the room.

Twenty minutes later.

Song Zhi sat on the bed with Shen Ling and wiped her hair little by little with a bath towel.

Shen Ling sat there obediently, occasionally looking around curiously.

"Okay, dry off. It's too late today. You stay with me first and I will take you to other rooms tomorrow."

Song Zhi's tone was still gentle.

When Shen Ling heard this, she turned her little head and looked at Song Zhi with bright eyes, thinking about Song Zhi's words.

After a few seconds, she nodded and agreed.

In fact, after leaving that place, she can live anywhere. Even if she lives alone, she will not be afraid.

What's more, she likes this sister very much, and intuitively, this sister will be very good to her.

Song Zhi was very happy to see Shen Ling agreeing readily.

Only the system itself is confused.

"Host, isn't this the only room here? Where can I find the extra room for her to live in?"

There is only a supermarket here, and a room with rewards for completing novice tasks, and nothing else.

"Of course." Song Zhi said calmly.

"Where?" The system still didn't understand what Song Zhi meant.

Song Zhi did not reply to the system, but squinted her eyes and looked at Shen Ling sitting opposite her with a smile.

Shen Ling didn't know why and tilted her head.

She seemed to feel that she was being calculated.

The next second, her feeling came true.

"Lingling, my sister runs a supermarket, but she is usually too busy with the many customers. You live with me now. When you have nothing to do, can you come to the store to help? As a reward, I can make you a lot of delicious food, how about that?"

Song Zhi's tone was coaxing, coupled with the temptation of delicious food.

Shen Ling thought of the milk chocolate and soft bread she had eaten during the day, and agreed almost without thinking.

Shen Ling's little head nodded crazily.

She wants to eat more delicious food and also wants to help this beautiful sister work.

Song Zhi was very satisfied with Shen Ling's reaction and raised his hand to touch her head.

"Lingling is so good, let's go to bed."

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The system was stunned by Song Zhi's series of operations. After a few seconds of silence, it protested strongly in Song Zhi's mind.

"Host, this doesn't count, you are cheating!"

Let's not talk about whether it is illegal to employ child labor. How old is this child? He was deceived to work like this?

How cruel!

The system thought about it and decided to use these four words to describe Song Zhi.

Song Zhi didn't think she did anything wrong.

Talking to the system in a flat tone in his mind.

"I didn't! The task is just to hire an employee. I hired her, she doesn't have to do anything, and I will pay her. Don't worry, I volunteer to be the sucker and support an idle person for nothing."

Song Zhi brought out the words he had prepared long ago.

"Host, you..." It's just a bug in the system!

"Okay, give me the task reward quickly. I'm going to clean up the room for someone tomorrow."

Her idea was very reasonable. It was just to let this little girl have a name, and she didn't need to do anything.

The system felt wronged, but was afraid that Song Zhi would use the supermarket's location selection as an excuse, so it had to agree reluctantly.

"Okay, host, but you can't do this next time." The system compromised.

"Okay, okay." Song Zhi agreed.

"Congratulations, host, the task is completed, and the reward is: unlock the employee's living room*1, expand the supermarket area to 120 square meters."

"By the way, there is also this crystal core, calculate the current wealth value."

Song Zhi took out the reward given to her by Yan Wushuang. The next second, the crystal core disappeared in her hand, and then the system sound rang in her mind.

"A second-level crystal core is detected, which can be exchanged for 2,000 wealth points."

"Current accumulated wealth value: points."

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