"Master host, your current wealth value is 2 points. As long as you attract more customers, you will be able to save 300 points in no time." The system detected Song Zhi's need and came out to remind him.

Song Zhi squinted his eyes, like a cunning little fox.

The system was confused for a second, but then it saw Song Zhi taking out a crystal core from his arms.

"You can also use this crystal core to exchange for some wealth value."


"Master host, the first-order crystal core can be exchanged for 1,000 wealth points. Do you want to exchange it?" The system was very unhappy.

Lost a motivation that kept the host full of energy.

"Exchange." Song Zhi did not hesitate.

"The exchange was successful, and the current host's accumulated wealth value is 1002 points."

In the end, Song Zhi spent 300 wealth points to decorate three shelves in the supermarket and stocked some new snacks.

Like chocolates, candies, potato chips, biscuits, spicy bars, various sodas, etc.

These are all things that she can sell at this stage. However, the supermarket had a limited area before, so she didn’t put them out. Now that the area has expanded, it’s just right to put them out.

Everything is ready and the supermarket is open for business.

Last night Guo Xiong spent the whole night in front of the supermarket.

When I saw the supermarket open, I came in immediately.

"Morning." Song Zhi was in a good mood and saw Guo Xiong coming in to greet him.

"Morning." Guo Xiong replied politely.

After yesterday's shopping experience, Guo Xiong didn't waste any time and went directly to the shelves to make a purchase.

At dawn, he could clearly see that this place was not far from his base, about twenty kilometers away, so he planned to bring more food back to his wife and children.

His wife and children were doing some logistics work at the base, and the food they received every day was pitifully small, so they usually had to wait for him to go out to search for supplies.

The team he was following this time encountered a zombie attack. He had to run desperately to save his life, let alone search for supplies, so even if he went back, he wouldn't be able to get any food.

Fortunately, he came across this apocalyptic supermarket. The items sold there were many times cheaper than at the base. He wanted to buy more.

Guo Xiong was dazzled by the shelves in front of him. There was so much taro paste in the taro paste bread that it flowed out, and the ham on the ham bun looked very burnt, not to mention the self-heating hot pot that could only be eaten before the apocalypse. , just looking at the picture above, Guo Xiong couldn't help but drool.

He had almost forgotten what spicy food tasted like.

Be calm and take whatever you want to eat, since you can afford it anyway.

Guo Xiong mentally forced himself to calm down and not get too excited.

When he walked to the next row, he suddenly realized that the supermarket seemed to be a lot bigger than when he came yesterday.

There are also three more shelves with some snacks and drinks from before the end of the world.

The things sold here were too cheap, and he still remembered them clearly, so there was no way he could remember them wrongly.

But it was obviously not like this yesterday...

Guo Xiong held the bread and instant noodles in his arms and looked doubtfully in the direction of Song Zhi. Song Zhi was sitting leisurely on a chair, humming a tune.

never mind.

So what if things change faster? The food we sell is so fresh and cheap, that’s enough. I can’t even survive. How can I control this?

Guo Xiong selected a few snacks that he had eaten before the end of the world from the new snack shelf, intending to take them back to his wife and children.

They will be very happy when they see these foods.

"Boss, I want these. Let's calculate how much they cost." Guo Xiong put the things in his arms at the cashier.

Song Zhi counted them one by one: "These total 5,000 Chinese coins."

"Okay." Guo Xiong took out a wad of coins from his pocket. When he was counting them, he suddenly realized that the money seemed a little not enough.

Guo Xiong looked at the food placed on the cashier counter, looking embarrassed.

The food here was so cheap that he really didn't want to give up.

"Well... besides paying with Chinese coins, is there any other way to pay?" He still had a few crystal cores on him, which he picked up by luck when he went out to search for supplies, but he never handed them over.

And he didn't dare spend it in the base for fear of being reported, so he kept it with him.

In the apocalypse, crystal cores are a new type of transaction currency that are much more valuable than Chinese coins. I just don’t know if this supermarket will accept them.

"Well...if you have a crystal core, you can also redeem some points here. One point can be worth 100 Chinese coins, but these points can only be used in my supermarket. If you have one, you can go to that machine Redeem yourself.”

After Song Zhi finished speaking, he pointed to a small machine standing on the other side of the supermarket entrance.

Guo Xiong looked along Song Zhi's hand and found that it was a machine similar to a claw machine used to exchange game coins.

"Then how do I redeem it?"

"Just put the crystal core on that platform, the machine will automatically identify the value of the crystal core, and then give you a points card." Song Zhi explained.

This machine had been there when she arrived, but because there had been no customers, she had not used it.

As Song Zhi said, Guo Xiong took it out of his arms for a while, took out a small crystal core, and put it on the platform. The crystal core suddenly flashed a white light. After the light dissipated, it turned into a picture. A thin card with 1,000 points displayed on it.

"How amazing!" Guo Xiong returned to the cashier with the card in shock and handed the card to Song Zhi.

Song Zhi took the card and saw that it showed 1000 points. She knew that Guo Xiong had taken out a first-order crystal core.

He swiped the card lightly at the card swipe, and the number on it changed to 950.

"These things are worth 5000 Chinese yuan in total, which is 50 points when converted into points. Please keep the card. Our store doesn't recognize people, only cards. Don't lose it." Song Zhi handed the card back and reminded him with reassurance.

Points can only be used in her supermarket, which means that the person in front of her will always come to her supermarket, so she can happily get some wool.

Anyway, the system counts the number of guests received. If you buy things, you are a guest, no matter how many times you buy.

"Okay, I know." Guo Xiong thanked him and carefully put the card away.

Guo Xiong walked on the road with a full bag of food, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

Now it's good, with these foods, it's enough for their family of three to live for several days.

"New task: Receive 5 guests, currently 0. Reward for completing the task: Upgrade the food area or unlock a new area, expand the supermarket area to 90 square meters."

"Come on, host, this task is easy to complete." The system jumped out and spoke to Song Zhi, with this tone, as if it had done something wrong.

Song Zhi sat on the chair, listening to the tasks and rewards issued by the system. After listening for a while, she realized something was wrong.

"No, I just received a guest, why is the number still 0?"

Want to trick her, thinking she can't find it?

The supermarket is set up in this ghost place, it's not easy for one person to come, she must remember it clearly.

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