The task of fetching water team was assigned to Si Qing and Qi Er each leading half.

Qi'er was busy today, so the team originally led by Qi'er was led by Qin Mingyue and Liang Yan.

The rest were still led by Si Qing.

The team led by Si Qing moved very quickly and everyone cooperated very well.

The person who pumps the water is responsible for controlling the location of the water, and the person who packs the water looks at the water pumped up by the water pump. The person responsible for carrying the water is then responsible for moving the packaged water to an open area behind.

After that, they will be carried back by the space system users in the base.

Filling the water took about three hours.

At this time, the sun in the sky had completely risen, but it was strange today that they did not feel the heat around them.

The sun is still the same sun, but it seems to be much weaker than the one in the base.

Gu Si had just finished carrying a bucket of water and came to Si Qing panting.

"Boss, do you think the sun here seems different from the sun outside?"

He has been with Si Qing all year round, and his observation skills are much better than ordinary people, so he immediately discovered something was wrong.

Si Qing looked back at him and said, "Then tell me what's the difference?"

Gu Si told what he found.

"Boss, don't you think the sun here is much weaker than outside? At this time, it would be too hot to stand outside, but it's still cool here now."

"And boss, I also found that the soil here is different from that outside. The soil around our base has cracked due to the long drought. But look at the soil here, it is always moist."

Gu Si said, and in order to prove his words, he grabbed a handful of soil and put it in front of Si Qing.

Si Qing slapped the dirt in his hand away with disgust, his eyes curled up.

"Not bad, my observation skills have improved a lot compared to before." Si Qing was slightly pleased.

Gu Si, a careless person, finally knew how to observe his surroundings.

When he was fighting zombies before, he only cared about himself and didn't pay any attention to the surrounding environment. As I continued to fight, I was almost reaching the zombie base camp.

If he hadn't arrived in time, Gu Si might have become one of the zombies.

Gu Si was not angry after being beaten, but looked happy.

"Wow, boss, are you praising me? Praising my progress?" Gu Si jumped up happily on the spot like a child.

Si Qing turned away, not looking, not seeing.

"By the way, boss, have you noticed it before? There won't be any problem with the water, right?" There was a hint of weirdness everywhere, and Gu Si was a little worried.

"There's no problem with the water. I've seen it before. This lake and everything here is related to Boss Song. Boss Song has no ill intentions towards us. Let's not talk about it yet."

Si Qing pursed his lips and warned Gu Si.

Gu Si didn't know what Si Qing meant, so he just nodded in agreement subconsciously.

"Okay boss, I will listen to you."

Gu Si was used to listening to Si Qing's words.


Song Zhi still followed his previous living habits.

I woke up early to restock the supermarket with one click. By the way, the supermarket was expanded and I spent 300 Chinese coins to add three more shelves.

Now, she was having breakfast with Shen Ling, sitting leisurely in the supermarket and watching TV.

The supermarket area has expanded. In order to facilitate the checkout when there are many people in the future, Song Zhi built two doors.

One is the main entrance where she stayed before, where Guo Xiong is now cashing out, and the other is the side entrance of the supermarket that she spent 150 Chinese coins to open this morning.

Two doors, two checkout areas.

In this way, when many people come to the supermarket to buy things, they don’t necessarily have to queue up.

After opening the door for a while, guests arrived.

Guo Xiong greeted the visitor enthusiastically. It seemed that he was an acquaintance from the base before.

Seeing that they were chatting happily, Song Zhi didn't want to disturb them and continued to sit here and watch TV.

Over there, Guo Xiong finally met his good brother.

He couldn't wait to get up, stepped forward and hugged the person.

"You kid, I've been worrying about you in the base all day, but you're secretly enjoying yourself here. This is not far from the base. When you settle down, can't you go to the base and send me a message?"

Li Pu recovered from the joy of reunion, went up to give Guo Xiong a kiss, curled his lips and said sadly.

Guo Xiong was hit hard, but he was not angry.

Instead, he bared his big teeth and smiled at Li Pu.

"Hehe, I'm sorry. I should have gone to the base earlier to send you the news. I made you worried. How are you doing recently? I'll buy you a bottle of water. Just wait for me."

Guo Xiong said, and quickly ran to the shelf to get a bottle of soda.

After paying for himself skillfully, he handed the soda to Li Pu.

Li Pu took it generously, "You have a conscience, but how did you know I was thirsty? Thank you."

Li Pu unscrewed the cap of the bottle and drank half of it.

They chatted there.

Guo Xiong told Li Pu what happened after he left the base, how he came to live in a hotel and later became an employee here.

Li Pu listened carefully, and finally saw that Guo Xiong was really doing well, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Actually, it's good that you left the base. You said it's safe and zombies can't get in. The base is different. After you left, zombies came and attacked several waves. I was lucky and saved my life. Alas..."

While the two were talking, the door of the supermarket was pushed open.

Guo Xiong pulled Li Pu to the back of the cashier counter and stood side by side with him, then he spoke skillfully with a smile on his face.

"Welcome, you can choose the goods in the store by yourself, the prices are marked below, and you can come to me to check out after you choose."

Guo Xiong smiled and was very polite.

But the other party did not appreciate it. He glanced at Guo Xiong with an unfriendly look, snorted, and rushed into the store with five or six people behind him.

"Who are they? They are actually people from the base." Li Pu complained a few words beside him.

"Forget it, don't worry about them, the world is so big that there are all kinds of strange things."

Guo Xiong continued to chat with Li Pu.

During the chat, Guo Xiong was not idle either, and he would take some time to stare at the people who entered the store.

He had a bad premonition, and his right eyelid kept throbbing after they came in.

This premonition lasted for a long time until it came true.

Li Yuan brought five people into the store and took a lot of things in the store, so much that he couldn't put them in his arms.

This was their first time entering this supermarket, and they had only heard about it from others before.

When they saw it today, they were so shocked that their eyes almost fell out, and their mouths were wide open the whole time.

How could there be so many good things here, and they were all unique to the end of the world.

The prices were also extremely cheap.

"In fact, it's not impossible for us to pay for it, anyway, it won't cost much..." The short-haired man couldn't help but speak.

"No, don't forget the purpose of our coming here, which is to teach her a lesson." Li Yuan interrupted the short-haired man and spoke with a little displeasure.

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