"Who? Who's talking!"

Li Yuan was startled by the sudden sound and quickly turned his head around to find the source of the sound.

I saw an extremely stunning-looking woman walking from the other end of the supermarket step by step.

She had a slight smile on her face and a calm demeanor, which seemed out of place with the surrounding environment.

Everyone was stunned.

"Hey. Don't stare so wide. This is my boss, Boss Song."

Guo Xiong glanced at Li Pu's foolish look and slapped him with a hint of disgust.

Li Pu withdrew his dreaming gaze, and nodded politely towards Song Zhi.

Well, I thought his love was coming, but I didn’t expect it was the supermarket owner.

He had heard of the reputation of the supermarket owner at the base before, picking out a hundred and destroying everything.

A person with this ability, even if he is a great beauty, would not dare to have other thoughts in his heart.

Life is at stake.

Song Zhi saw Li Pu standing next to Guo Xiong and knew that he was Guo Xiong's friend, so he said nothing.

The eyes of the people around him were so intense that it was difficult for Li Yuan not to notice.

They are all lustful and useless things!

"Of course it's the supermarket owner who's talking. Why, I just saw what you guys meant. Do you plan to have sex for free?"

Song Zhi's tone was casual, and he walked over step by step as he spoke.

She obviously still had a smile on her face, but they just felt an inexplicable coldness.

Li Yuan has been dazzled by love.

He didn't care about Song Zhi's words at all.

Instead, she felt that when the supermarket owner came, she finally didn't have to talk nonsense with these two shabby clerks.

Li Pu: Please pay attention to your wording. There is only one clerk, and I was fetching water with you just now! Can you please stop being so forgetful.

Li Yuan: Okay, clerk.

Li Pu:......

Li Yuan stood in front of Song Zhi, raised his head and spoke proudly.

"Are you the supermarket owner?"

Song Zhi nodded: "Yes, I am the owner of this supermarket, what do you want?"

"You're here just in time. I'm just telling you, the base gave you so much money to buy the so-called lake water use rights. You can't prove that the lake is yours at all. Why should you charge money!"

"But our base is not a stingy person, so we won't ask you for money. If we want these supplies, we will take some away, okay?"

Li Yuan continued to repeat the lines he just said once.

Even though Song Zhi had just heard this once, he still couldn't hold it back when he heard it again. He burst out laughing with a "puff" sound.

Li Yuan was angry, "Why are you laughing? I'm talking about a very serious matter. You'd better let us leave, otherwise the base will terminate its cooperation with you."

Li Yuan talked more and more, completely forgetting that she was just an ordinary survivor in the base and had no such right to speak.

"I laughed at your naivety." Song Zhi stopped smiling, and the surrounding environment dropped several degrees in an instant.

"Today, if you don't pay, you won't be able to get out of this door. I'll put this here."

Song Zhi became serious.

Dare to have sex with her so freely, don't you want to live anymore?

Song Zhi's aura was overwhelming, and at first glance, it was obvious that ordinary people could not resist it.

The other four people brought by Li Yuan began to tremble uncontrollably, out of unconscious fear.

Li Yuan was the only one who insisted.

Resisting the desire to tremble, he showed off his superpower.

"I really have to take away my supplies today, you..."

Li Yuan wanted to continue talking.

The next second, Song Zhi used the system to throw her out, along with the few people she brought with her who also wanted to have sex for free.

The supplies they had just taken fell to the ground in an instant.

All these actions are completed in just an instant.

At the end, Song Zhi clapped his hands and pretended to dust them off.

After that, Song Zhi turned to look at Guo Xiong and gave him a slightly apologetic look.

"I've already thrown the person out, so I'll ask you to sort this out."

Guo Xiong immediately agreed: "Okay, Boss Song!

Everything just happened was almost done right on the faces of Guo Xiong and Li Pu. Their expressions were nothing but shock.

The mouth is so big that it looks like it could fit an egg in it.

Li Pu: Help, is this the strength that can challenge more than a hundred people with special powers? As expected, he was so powerful that he didn't even see how he made the move.

Guo Xiong (with a proud look on his face): That’s right, my boss is so powerful that he can send those few minions away with just a flick of his finger.

Li Pu: Please put away your expression. I am praising your boss, not you!

Guo Xiong:......

Those people were easily dealt with. After that, Song Zhi didn't stay at the door any longer, turned around and went back to watch the show.

Guo Xiong and Li Pu carefully picked up the materials that fell on the ground, and then put them back on the shelves.

Li Pu: "This is a little bigger than when I came last time. There are so many more things!"

"Yes, it has been expanded a bit. If you need anything, I can buy it for you. Anyway, I don't spend money on food and accommodation now, so there is no point in keeping it."

Guo Xiong nodded. Compared with the last time they came together, this place is indeed much bigger.

Li Pu shook his head and rejected Guo Xiong's proposal.

"Forget it. You should keep the money for emergencies. I brought some money with me, which is enough for me to buy some supplies."

Lip picked out some things he wanted to buy in the supermarket and took them to the front desk, where Guo Xiong paid for him.


On the other side.

Li Yuan and others were teleported outside the supermarket.

They looked at the scene in front of them in astonishment, not understanding what had just happened.

After a few minutes, they reacted and were all scared.

They were all thankful in their hearts.

The supermarket owner was so powerful that he could throw them out without seeing how he did it.

Fortunately, they didn't say anything too much just now, otherwise, this little life might have been lost.

Looking at Li Yuan again, she still didn't give up and wanted to go to the supermarket.

Seeing this, the others refused to go with him.

"Li Yuan, I see that the water over there hasn't been filled yet, I'll go over to help, so I won't go to the supermarket first."

"Yes, yes. If you want to go, go by yourself, I'll go to help first."

"I... I suddenly feel a little dizzy now, maybe because the air conditioner was blown too much just now, I have to sit here to slow down."

The four people were looking for excuses and didn't want to follow Li Yuan.

Li Yuan pursed her lips and saw through everything. She was furious, but she couldn't force anyone. She could only turn around and walk away angrily.

Humph! They are all useless things. Waiting for her to get the supplies, let's see who will be jealous!

Li Yuan is now determined to get the supplies in the supermarket.

She has forgotten her original intention.

She attacked the supermarket again step by step.

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