"Are you just making trouble in the hotel?"

Song Zhi walked out with a nonchalant expression and slowly came to the front of several people.

Wu Mingwen stood there. When he saw Song Zhi come out and saw her face clearly, the panic he had just been was instantly replaced by lust.

He had a lewd smile on his face and looked up and down at Song Zhi.

"Are you the supermarket owner?"

Wu Mingwen tried his best to make his voice gentler and talked to Song Zhi with a smile.

He didn't expect to see such a beautiful woman here. She was more beautiful than the ones he saw in the base before.

"Well, that's right." Song Zhi's expression remained the same, and he did not become angry because of the man's eyes.

"Boss, has anyone told you that you are very beautiful? I haven't seen someone as beautiful as you for a long time."

Wu Mingwen had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter, his tone was arrogant, and his inner thoughts were self-evident.

Shi Shuwan was anxious and looked angry.

"How can you speak like this? Can you be more respectful?"

"It's none of your business, I'm happy with it."

Wu Mingwen glared at Shi Shuwan fiercely, dissatisfied with her meddling.

Guo Xiong was also anxious and wanted to beat Wu Mingwen for how dare he talk about his wife!

But as he stepped forward, he was held back by the person next to him.

"Brother, don't be impulsive. You can't beat them. Seeing how powerful your boss is, let your boss do it."

Yan Xuesong quickly grabbed Guo Xiong with his eyes and hands.

We can't let this big brother go up there and die, he still has to buy an air conditioner!

The supermarket owner looked very calm, not panicking at all. He looked like a confident person and could probably solve the problem.

Besides, even if she couldn't solve it, there would always be no big problem if he was still there.

Yan Xuesong was relieved and held Guo Xiong tightly with one hand to prevent him from taking a step forward, while looking at Song Zhi quietly.

After hearing what he said, Guo Xiong surprisingly didn't resist and replied very relieved.

"What you said makes sense. Our boss is so powerful that there is no need for me at all."

Yan Xuesong: "What?"

The next second, Song Zhi's direction moved.

Seeing that Song Zhi didn't speak or resist, Wu Mingwen thought that Song Zhi was afraid and acquiesced to his wishes.

He stepped forward with a smile that almost broke the corners of his mouth to the base of his ears.

"Boss, you open such a big supermarket by yourself, do you need any help? I am a kind-hearted person and like to help others. You are lucky...ah!"

Before he could finish his words, he let out a piercing scream.

Song Zhi felt that he would not say anything anymore, and he would not write anything at all.

He went up to him and kicked him, directly kicking a man with a height of nearly 1.9 meters and a sturdy build.

Song Zhi deliberately found the right position when he kicked, so that he could fly to the door of the hotel just right.

The whole audience was shocked.

He stared in shock at the direction in which the man flew out.

When Shi Shuwan and Guo Xiong saw it, they were so happy.

If your lust comes to our boss, you will be unlucky. Hehe, there will be something more cruel soon, just wait!

The two couldn't help cheering inwardly. If there weren't so many people present, they would have jumped up.

Wu Mingwen's associates saw this scene and subconsciously wanted to step forward to help their boss.

But they forgot that they were standing where they were just now because their feet couldn't leave the ground.

As a result, as soon as they exerted their upper body, their bodies fell uncontrollably.


Several screams were made one after another.

"By the way, there are you guys too." Song Zhi noticed these people when he heard the voice, and slowly stepped forward with a devilish smile on his face.

"Since you are in the same group, you should share the blessings and the hardships."

As soon as Song Zhi finished speaking, he raised his feet and kicked them elegantly one by one.

Several people were kicked out like rubber balls and flew several meters away, landing heavily next to Wu Mingwen.

One of them accidentally fell on Wu Mingwen.

Both of them were not light in weight, and the man flew out, so Wu Mingwen suffered super heavy injuries and almost couldn't breathe.

There was a lot of commotion outside the hotel, and soon many people living in the hotel came out to watch the fun.

Because the person lying on the ground was Wu Mingwen, they didn't dare to lean too far forward.

Just people leaning against each other, crowded at the door of the hotel.

"Isn't this the one who littered just now? Why are you lying here?"

"You deserve it. This looks like retribution. He scolded me for no reason yesterday, bah!"

"Evil people will eventually be punished. I think they have long been dissatisfied. Was it the woman over there who did it? She is so beautiful..."

For a moment, the people standing at the door of the hotel were talking all over the place, and the scene was chaotic.

But this is exactly what Song Zhi wants.

She deliberately stayed there for a while, waiting until the guests in the hotel were almost there, and then walked slowly over.

She raised her voice a bit, put one foot on Wu Mingwen's waist, and secretly exerted force.

Wu Mingwen felt like his waist was about to be broken, and he kept wailing and begging for mercy.

"Miss, sir, I beg you, please let us go just this once. I really don't dare anymore. Really, I beg you to spare my life, please..."

Wu Mingwen no longer looked arrogant as before. His mouth was filled with mud and blood. He looked very embarrassed.

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His accomplices were the same. They cried and begged for mercy.

"Spare my life, spare my life. We really didn't mean to provoke you. Please let us go. We really don't dare to do it again..."

They were thrown hard and temporarily lost their ability to move.

"Oh, now you know you are wrong?"

Song Zhi sneered.

Wu Mingwen and his accomplices nodded: "We know we are wrong. We really know we are wrong. We won't dare to do it again. Please forgive us this time."

Song Zhi raised her eyebrows and relieved some of the strength of her foot on Wu Mingwen's waist, but she didn't move away. She continued.

"Then do you know where you are wrong?"

The cold female voice was like a devil's whisper, constantly echoing in everyone's heart.

Wu Mingwen: "I know, I know... I shouldn't tease you, and I shouldn't say bad things to you..."

Song Zhi: "What else?"

Wu Mingwen thought about it, but couldn't remember who else had offended the scary woman in front of him. He lay on the ground with a frown in thought.

Song Zhi kindly reminded him: "What did you do in the hotel? Say it out loud. If you don't speak loudly, you don't have to speak again in the future."

Wu Mingwen was even more scared.

If he didn't speak again, wouldn't that mean he would turn them into dead people? Only dead people won't speak.

How can this be!

The instinct of survival made Wu Mingwen speak faster.

"We shouldn't litter in the hotel, nor should we insult them...well, we shouldn't, we shouldn't provoke trouble..."

Wu Mingwen said one by one.

Shi Shuwan was listening there, but she didn't expect that he didn't commit any crime.

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