Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1045 Yunmeng's

When "Pacific Rim" set off an upsurge in Chinese learning around the world, it also affected the UK.

Coupled with the fact that the Prime Minister was forced to step down and a female Prime Minister came to power, this temporarily stopped the wave of protests and strikes that swept across almost all walks of life in the UK.

But Lin You didn't expect that: it was not the end, but just a short break.

"Increased salary", "improved working environment", and "cancelled delayed retirement", these three fundamental demands, the new female prime minister was unable to solve at all.

Not only was he unable to solve it, but he almost accidentally collapsed the national pension, which made people complain.

The citizens who have already practiced make perfect, without saying a word, once again set off a wave of vigorous protests and strikes.

So the female prime minister stepped down again.

By the way, it set a record for the shortest term of a British prime minister - just one and a half months.

Afterwards, the next new prime minister stepped in again and took office urgently.

Faced with the three fundamental demands of "increasing salary and benefits", "improving the working environment", and "cancelling the postponement of retirement", the decision he made was——

[Allow Yunmeng to build a server center in the UK. ]

When Lin You just heard Zhong Chang report the news to him, he was stunned.

He had long forgotten: at the very beginning, the protest march was indeed initiated by Yunmeng players.

Later, because of the need to "unite all forces that can be united", more slogans and appeals were added, and more people were united.

In the middle and late stages, the demands of the players have retreated to the second line and become marginal demands with little attention. What the people really want are the three most immediate demands.

But now, the first thing the new prime minister did after taking office was to pick up this appeal that was almost forgotten by everyone, saying that he agreed? !

Lin You felt that this was too shameless and outrageous.

But this group of politicians is just able to speak righteously, with an appearance of paying attention to the opinions of the people and making major concessions.

"Then... shall we reject them?" Zhong Chang asked a little uncertainly.

Although it is impossible for normal people to refuse this benefit.


Boss Lin is not like a normal person.

Based on Zhong Chang's understanding of the boss, it is entirely possible that he would refuse things that are beneficial to him just because he "sees you not happy".

Lin You was really lost in thought.

Zhong Chang suddenly felt bad—the boss seemed to be really trying to make trouble!

Fortunately, after Lin You finished thinking, he gave a rational answer: "It's not enough to refuse, the UK server center still needs to be built."

Zhong Chang breathed a sigh of relief.

"But..." Lin You said again.

Zhong Changgang lifted his breath again, "But what?"

"It is not necessary to follow their wishes and put the server center in London."

"???" Zhong Chang was a little confused, "Aren't we putting most of the overseas server centers in their capital?"

Lin You did not answer this question directly, but asked Zhong Chang another question: "Is there still a [referendum] in Wales?"

Zhong Chang was stunned for a moment, "What a mess."

"Is there a lot of trouble?"

"Very fierce." After Zhong Chang answered these two words, he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

And this premonition came true immediately——

"Then how about we build the server center in the capital of Wales?"

"The capital of Wales? Cardiff?" Although Zhong Chang felt that it was outrageous, he subconsciously began to think about the development of related industries in Cardiff and whether a server center could be built.

"Is Cardiff the capital of Wales?" Lin You asked curiously, "This is the first time I've heard of this place."

"Huh?" Zhong Chang felt even more outrageous.

Co-author, you don't even know where the capital of Wales is, just to disgust the British politicians and the new prime minister, you just slap your head and choose the capital of Wales?

"Oh, that's not the point." Lin You blurred the point of the topic, "Just say it's okay."

"It should be fine." Zhong Chang was very confident.

As far as the British Isles are concerned, wherever the server is built can meet the needs of users.

Yunmeng is used to building in the capital because the capital is often the place with the most dense users. If you are looking for the ultimate network speed, this is the best way to build it.

In fact, in terms of cost performance, this is not the best option - the cost of building a server center in the capital is much higher than that in second- and third-tier cities.

That's why Yunmeng always spends so much money because he is not short of money.

Now it is cheaper to switch to Cardiff.

As for the government’s opinions in Cardiff—Wales has started to vote for the Brexit referendum, and it’s no wonder they can refuse things that can cause trouble for the other side, let alone considerable tax contributions.

It just so happened that the prime minister let go now, and there was no legal problem. It was impossible for them to refuse due to emotion and reason.

"Then let's do this, come on!" Lin You confirmed the matter so happily.

Zhong Chang was helpless on the face, but he was eager to try in his heart.

——Disgusting the prime minister of a developed country openly, this kind of thing is exciting to think about!

His efficiency is very fast. On Thursday afternoon, he finalized the cooperation draft with Cardiff - for the sake of efficiency, this negotiation was even carried out in the virtual world.

Before Yunmeng could make an announcement, the Cardiff city government couldn't wait for the official announcement.

Obviously, Lin You and Zhong Chang were not the only ones looking forward to the face-slapping of the prime minister.

Then, without any surprise: the British media went straight up!

As soon as the new prime minister came to power, he did not engage in any serious matters, avoided the most important, avoided conflicts, and only brought out the least important Yunmeng server to deal with the public. This kind of behavior has long been unacceptable to the media, and the criticism has not stopped Pass.

Now the Prime Minister’s spokesperson said that he would accept the opinions of the public and welcome Yunmeng to London to build a server center, but then Yunmeng signed a contract with the Cardiff City Government to settle in Cardiff.

Don't be too obvious about the meaning of targeting!

Obviously, Yunmeng didn't give the new Prime Minister any face at all, she almost wrote the word "not cooperating" on her face!

[Yunmeng server center settled in Cardiff, taking action against the new prime minister to avoid issues]

[Prime Minister's Spokesperson: Welcome Yunmeng to London, Lin You: Stay away from me]

[Prime Minister, or user? Yunmeng chooses users! ]


Because Lin You always goes his own way, loves kindness and hatred, and has a very distinctive personality traits, the media often anthropomorphize Yunmeng.

Once Yunmeng did something that violated commercial common sense, the media would always interpret it as Lin You's attitude.

Afterwards, everyone will often find that: the fact is really the case!

So the media immediately began to report overwhelmingly - not only the British media, but also the global media are joining in the fun.

The users of Yunmeng in the UK also responded very strongly.

At this time, the British people are at the stage of extreme distrust and disgust towards the new prime minister and the ruling team.

If Yunmeng followed suit at this time and accepted the invitation to come to London, the users would understand, but the perception would not be very good.

But now, not only did Yunmeng not "collude" with the new prime minister, but she even slapped him backhandedly.

This is so depressing!

Favorability is immediately full!

Users and the media, especially in Wales, have begun to sing their praises.

After seeing this reaction, Zhong Chang suddenly thought: The boss must have thought of these things, right?

It's not that he thinks too much, it's just that the boss will emphasize when he has nothing to do: think more from the player's point of view, and stand with the player as much as possible.

He really wanted to ask Lin You, but unfortunately, Lin You didn't go to work today...


At this time, Lin You was laying out a dynamic world map on the coffee table in the small sofa area of ​​the space carrier.

He picked up a map pin and stuck it in the Cardiff area.

Accompanied by his actions, the entire British Isles quickly changed from the original yellow to green.

He stood up and looked at the map——

On the map, the entire Eurasian continent, except for Persia, which announced the ban, and India, which Lin You voluntarily gave up, is red, and some parts of Central Asia are too poor and backward, yellow, and the rest are all green.

When the line of sight leaves Eurasia, Australia and New Zealand, it is already green.

[South America] Brazil, Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay are all green.

The rest of the dozen or so countries are all yellow and need to rely on servers from the above four countries.

【North America】.

Mexico, green.

America, red.

Canada, yellow.

For the remaining small countries, the uniform color is yellow.

In the end, not counting Antarctica, only [Africa] remained.

There, only Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa have set up server centers, which are shown in green.

Then there are some yellows on the south coast of the Mediterranean Sea and around the above three countries.

There are still a large number of countries left, even gray ones!

——This shows that not only are there no servers, but there is not even a single host.

Looking at the entire map, it seems that there are still many countries and regions that are not covered, but in fact, there are not many places where it is necessary to build servers-after all, many of these places do not have Internet soil at all.

There are actually only two countries that still need to be conquered by Lin You:

[Persia] and [America].

——Canada is not counted, that country can only be counted as a gift from [America].

Thank you [Miao Yanyou] for rewarding 4000 points.

Thanks for the support!

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