The beginning of the promotional video shows a group of cats and dogs running around outdoors on green grass.

The house is clean and white, the sky is as blue as a wash, and the white clouds are as soft as balls of marshmallows, gathering together and turning into kittens and puppies one after another.

There's even a rainbow stretching across the sky, further highlighting the fairy tale atmosphere here.

Then the end came closer and locked onto a cat and a dog. They were running and playing, and the atmosphere was full of joy.

But suddenly, without warning, a large piece of the ground collapsed, and the milkshake rolling on the lawn rolled down without stopping.

The cow cat [Ah Meow] rushed to the edge of the pit, biting the collar around Milkshake's neck and trying to pull him, but it was too small. Not only was it unable to pull Milkshake, it was also dragged down by the weight of Milkshake and fell in together. into the cave.

The next few seconds were all scenes of them rolling down in the hole.

After finally rolling out of the hole, they fell onto the delta wing of a hang glider.

The balance of the hang glider was broken, and it immediately began to fall crookedly. During the fall, a dark, damp, desolate city full of steel and neon lights could be seen in the background.

And the place where they stayed before they fell was basically a small floating island wrapped in a spherical holographic display, supported by a large number of corroded pipes, desolate and abandoned buildings, broken sky railways, etc.!

The hang glider fell crookedly for about ten seconds, and finally hit the edge of a high-altitude swimming pool.

Amidst the screams of "meow" and "ow", a cat and a dog were thrown out by the delta wing. After falling for more than ten meters, they hit an air bed, were ejected again, and fell into a pipe. .

Continue falling along the pipe...

The next scene is no longer shot to the end, but there are traces of editing.

Obviously, the development team does not want to expose all the environment in the promotional video - it is Yunmeng's old habit to bring surprises to the players as much as possible.

The scene around them was constantly changing, but the downward trend of Ah Meow and Milkshake never changed.

The barrage also started with "It hurts!" "Ouch!" "Save the child!" "Yunmeng, you are so cruel"...

Turned into "iron bones!" "No pain or itching!" "Falled through the center of the earth!" "Cats have nine lives, and so does a milkshake!"

It wasn't until the progress bar reached 40 seconds and the promotional video had come to an end that the two little guys fell on the big mushroom made of jelly-like material and stopped falling.

They stood up and shook their fur vigorously, huddled together in fear, then raised their heads, looking longingly at the ray of sky emerging from the top of the cave.

More intense white light flowed down like liquid, drawing two large white characters——

"The Return"

In the last few seconds, the camera returned to the pet paradise at the beginning, with a group of cats and dogs surrounding the hole, meowing and barking.

Lines of words appear on the screen——

[Producer: Ye Xiaohe]

[Main Planner: Ye Xiaohe]

[Source of inspiration: Ye Xiaohe]

[Leading Starring: Milkshake, Ah Meow]

[Technical support: Yunmeng Pet Department]

[Special thanks to: every pet employee of Yunmeng]

[Thanks to: Lin You]


The promotional video ends here.

Although almost no gameplay content was seen, players still understood the theme of this game——

As its name suggests, help Milkshake and Amiao return to their original home and complete this difficult and distant "return".

Thanks to the two pet protagonists who are full of funny expressions and fun actions even when falling, as well as the always brisk and lively background music, everyone is not too worried about the difficulty of the game, but looks forward to the longer and longer "return". good.

According to Yunmeng's style, as long as the scene appears on the screen, regardless of whether it is the place where the main plot goes, you can go and explore it.

So the longer the "return" means the richer the game content!

Moreover - this is about transforming into a cat and playing games with a dog!

"Can I finally stop being a human being?!"

Many players commented excitedly.

Although players have long ceased to be human beings, they were previously playing the role of Predator and alien monsters, which were all expanded ways of playing the game and were not the main way of playing the game.

Not to mention these two transformations, neither of them are good-looking things, and casual players have very low recognition of them.

And cats and dogs are so much more lovable than those weird things!

-- at least for most people.

No one doubts whether Yunmeng can do the trick of transforming into a pet.

This is not only because of the technical confidence that Yunmeng brings to everyone, but also because of the big reason——

"That's Ye Xiaohe, Ye Xiaohe who has a group of cats and dogs following him wherever he goes!"

"Who would have thought that the official insider would actually lead a team to make games by himself!!"

"I've told you before that anyone looking at the water fountain at Yunmeng headquarters can make fun games!"

"I have nothing more to say. This is my wallet and it's yours now!"

Ye Xiaohe is not a nobody.

She has far more opportunities to appear on camera than other employees in the company, and she even meets netizens more frequently than Lin You.

In addition to being an official mole, she also hosts live broadcasts when she is not busy, broadcasting the daily work of Yunmeng and the daily lives of pet employees.

So both players and netizens are very familiar with her.

Now that the first game she took the lead in producing is available, netizens have expressed their enthusiastic support.

This put her in a good mood and kept scrolling through the comments section.

Then, she saw a question that she couldn't even think of:

"I have a question: Has the little animal played by the player... been neutered?"


"If there is no sterilization, can it be..."


Ye Xiaohe was truly stunned.

"What do you perverts want to do??"

This was her first reaction.

The second reaction is: is it possible?

Couples and lovers can have sex in the virtual world, and everyone knows about it.

But what about animals?

Can you mate in the virtual world after turning into an animal?

Ye Xiaohe really doesn’t know this.

After all, she had become a monk halfway, and she didn't understand the technology involved in building a virtual world at all.

Therefore, although she was very sure that she did not design these unnatural things, she really did not dare to guarantee whether the construction rules of the virtual world supported this behavior - after all, she did not really sterilize the players, and restricted the players from not being able to do so. She really hadn't thought about whether the technology of deviating from NPCs could also restrict players from deviating from animals...

And I'm afraid only Lin You knows about this kind of thing. you want to ask Lin You?

Ye Xiaohe took out her mobile phone and found that the last message Lin You sent her was——

[Use me as a shield, right? you are done! ]

Ye Xiaohe, who had just become swollen due to the praise and praise from players and netizens, immediately became intimidated and quickly dialed the phone: "Boss, I was too busy just now and didn't see the message. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

"Are you saying you didn't see it?!" Lin You wouldn't be easily fooled, he had clearly "read it"!

But Ye Xiaohe quickly changed the topic, "I really didn't see it, but I'll put this aside first. There is an important technical issue now, and I need to consult you, boss."

"Technical problem? What technical problem?"

"Um..." Ye Xiaohe organized his words, trying to be as tactful as possible.

But after thinking about it, I felt it was too troublesome, so I finally asked bluntly:

"Can players mate after they turn into cats and dogs in the game? If so, will they be restricted by the couple's contract? If not, then do we have to dress all the cats and dogs in the game? clothing?"

"?" Lin You instantly forgot about Ye Xiaohe's question of blaming him.

He wasn't thinking about technical things either.

He was just a little doubtful about life: Was there something wrong with Ye Xiaohe's brain? He didn't expect that no player would be in heat with a cat or a dog, or were there really netizens who were so perverted and XP was so unpopular! ?

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