Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1276 Extra: The Lost Tyrannosaurus Rex

[November 11, 2030]

[Bathroom Group] joined the [Ahu Hunting Group] and went to hunt tigers in the wilderness outside the "Paradise" playground.

In the process of searching for the tiger, Ayi accidentally discovered the cave leading to Dinosaur Island, which triggered a large-scale landing on the island, causing a huge sensation in the player circle and even the global Internet.

But it was actually an accident.

Lin You prepared a lost Tyrannosaurus rex in the wilderness outside the amusement park.

In the original script, the players should first discover the Tyrannosaurus rex, and then in the process of tracking and searching, based on various clues, find the hidden cave and then discover the Dinosaur Island.

The mission line itself is to send this lost T. rex home.

But by chance, this boot program was skipped.

After that, everyone's eyes were fixed on Dinosaur Island, and the lost Tyrannosaurus Rex was naturally ignored.

Yunmeng, who is rich and wealthy, will naturally not delete this Tyrannosaurus rex for a trivial computing power - in fact, both Lin You and Yunmeng have forgotten the existence of this Tyrannosaurus rex.

As a result, the beasts in the wilderness welcomed a predator from the prehistoric era.

For a period of time after that, this Tyrannosaurus rex lived a very nourishing life, just going wherever it wanted to go.

Enjoy your freedom unbridledly in a corner where no one is paying attention.


[December 29, 2030]

"Paradise" Ecological Reserve.

Virtual outdoor practice class for class 2, fifth grade, Yongjing Primary School.

A class of 34 primary school students bundled up and walked in the lush dense forest under the guidance of teachers and experts, visiting the lives of animals in the ecological reserve to increase their knowledge.

Everything went smoothly for the first half of the trip.

But just as they entered the tropical zone and marched hard through the dense rainforest, a very unfamiliar roar of a beast suddenly sounded in the dense forest not far away.

The children looked at the expert innocently: "Teacher Gu, what kind of animal is that barking?"

This is not the first time similar questions have been asked.

On the way here, the knowledgeable teacher Gu has answered many children's questions, and every time he can find the corresponding animal, verifying his judgment. It is obvious that he has real information.

But now, his confident smile froze on his face.

What animal sound is that?

Animals living in the rainforest flashed through Gu Xingcai's mind, but none of them matched the sound.

There’s not even one similar!

Gu Xingcai frowned, turned around and walked in the direction where the cry came from - if it were reality, of course he would not change the route so casually, but this is a spiritual realm and under the protection of the "research system", everyone is Very safe.

After walking 60 meters westward and pushing aside the branches that blocked his view, Gu Xing saw the source of the cry.

Then he froze on the spot.

Because what appeared in front of him was a broken Tyrannosaurus rex.

The well-informed Gu Xingcai suddenly had countless question marks on his forehead——

Why is there a Tyrannosaurus rex here?

Is Tyrannosaurus Rex considered a protected animal?

Why was its leg broken?

How to treat fractures in Tyrannosaurus rex?

If I get close to it, will it eat me?

Is this a male Tyrannosaurus rex, or a female?

While he was stunned, the physical education teacher accompanying the team also came out of the jungle and saw the injured Tyrannosaurus rex.

Then came the head teacher.

Then, one after another, little heads emerged from the dense forest.

After seeing the injured Tyrannosaurus rex, the eyes of a group of primary school students suddenly lit up.

The head teacher keenly noticed the restlessness of the students and quickly raised his hand to stop them from approaching any further. Then he looked at the only expert at the scene.

Expert Gu Xingcai was a little confused, but he quickly regained his composure and said, "Look at the children, I'll give him an emergency bandage."

Gu Xingcai has been to many protected areas and participated in wild animal rescue. Of course, he has also bandaged animals with broken bones.

——Of course, this is the first time for Tyrannosaurus rex.

Considering that under the protection of the research system, animals would not actively attack people, he walked over boldly.


The Tyrannosaurus rex swallowed his entire upper body in one mouthful!

"Ah!! Help! Uh-huh! Help!!"

Gu Xingcai kicked his exposed legs in a panic while making a dull cry for help from the Tyrannosaurus Rex's mouth with his upper body.

The scene suddenly became chaotic...

——This Tyrannosaurus rex is not an aborigine in the ecological reserve at all. It is not controlled by any research system at all!

"I...!" The physical education teacher was shocked and almost cursed in front of a group of primary school students.

The children were also startled and stepped back, and the head teacher even sat down on the ground.

Finally, the physical education teacher was brave and noticed a detail: Although Gu Xingcai looked miserable and screamed miserably, he didn't even shed a drop of blood!

The T-Rex bit hard, but didn't do any damage at all.

——Although the research system cannot control Tyrannosaurus rex, it is still a good protector.

So he became bold, stepped forward with the adoring eyes of all the children in the audience, grabbed Gu Xingcai's calf, and pulled him out of the Tyrannosaurus Rex's mouth like a carrot.

Gu Xingcai's body was covered in dinosaur saliva. As soon as he left the dragon's mouth, he used all four limbs to move away from the Tyrannosaurus rex quickly. His face was full of lingering fear.

The physical education teacher was tense and ready to fight the Tyrannosaurus rex - he didn't want to be swallowed too, let alone scare the students.

But some children are born to be bold - a little fat man suddenly ran out of the crowd, took out a chicken leg from his backpack and threw it.

The Tyrannosaurus rex swallowed it in one gulp, and made a very humane gesture of smacking its lips.

When the little fat man saw it, he immediately got excited. He took out the pig's trotters and chicken wings from his backpack and threw them one by one to the Tyrannosaurus rex lying on the ground.

And Tyrannosaurus rex doesn't refuse anyone who comes.

With the little fat guy taking the lead, the other students couldn't help it anymore, and they all came closer and started rummaging through their backpacks.

Although most people are not as exaggerated as the little fat guy, stuffing a bag full of food, there is still no shortage of snacks, and they are all generously taking them out to feed them.

As a result, under Gu Xingcai's confused gaze, this ferocious prehistoric beast was "cooked" by 34 primary school students in a short time.

He didn't even mind having his head touched by the fat man's greasy hands, he just focused on eating.

"It's... because it was injured and couldn't hunt, so it was starved?" The head teacher said to himself while looking at Gu Xingcai in confusion.

Gu Xingcai didn't want to speak.

But ten minutes later, the elementary school students who had made friends with the dinosaur came over and asked him to help treat the Tyrannosaurus Rex's injuries.

Gu Xingcai could only step forward - the saliva on his body hadn't even dried yet!

Fortunately, there was no accident this time. He successfully got close to the Tyrannosaurus rex and gave it an emergency bandage.

And then……

The study plan was changed, and a group of people surrounded the dinosaur until the rescue team called by Gu Xingcai arrived and transported the injured dinosaur to the veterinary station in the reserve.

Then, all the students in Class 2, Grade 5, Yongjing Elementary School nominally "adopted" the Tyrannosaurus rex, and they, as well as their teachers and parents, also participated.

After that, many players joined in because of love, curiosity, or other mentality.

This Tyrannosaurus rex also got a nickname because of its unique rescue experience——

【Big Mouth】

Gu Xingcai expressed some objections, but unfortunately he failed.

At this point, Big Mouth has officially transitioned from wild status to domestication.


[January 2, 2031]

Accompanied by several players, Dazui walked through the amusement park and headed to the pier to catch a ferry and go to [Jurassic Park].

By the way, I also went back to my hometown to have a look.

Although it is somewhat outrageous to let a Tyrannosaurus rex be a "tourist" to see another group of dinosaurs - including even its own kind - the players' intentions are indeed good.

Everyone hopes that Big Mouth can communicate with its own kind, relieve loneliness, and preferably find a partner to give birth to offspring.

But there were some minor surprises on this trip——

After the ferry docked, Big Mouth did not appear at the dock of Jurassic Park with the players, but entered another mirror image - the devastated Dinosaur Island after the battle between Laoshanosaurus and Xiangliu.

When the panicked players found him again, Big Mouth had mutated.

Its body became smaller, its head became larger, and its forelimbs became longer and thicker.

But these are not the most important changes. The real key change is——

Something happened to Dazui’s brain!

The players were surprised to find that Big Mouth's intelligence had undergone earth-shaking changes!

In just ten minutes, it changed from a beast with only basic intelligence to a border collie of the Tyrannosaurus rex class!

Moreover, this intellectual change is still accelerating!

This shocked everyone, and they all began to interact with Big Mouth, testing the upper limit of his intelligence.

The more communication and interaction the Big Mouth gets, the smarter it becomes. This performance surprised everyone.

——Except the staff of Yunmeng Technology Department.

They knew exactly what was going on:

Because Dazui interacted with too many players, his importance in the spiritual realm continued to increase. When he crossed the critical point, there happened to be a suitable opportunity, so he gained more computing power resources.

Big Mouth now has the upper limit of secondary artificial intelligence!


[February 6, 2031]

Big Mouth no longer looks like a Tyrannosaurus rex, but more like an upright walking orc - that is, a dinosaur man.

His main place of life is no longer even an ecological reserve or wilderness, but a bustling metropolis.

At first, his appearance caused quite a stir. Many people suspected that this was Yunmeng's plan. They speculated that Big Mouth would start a new series of tasks and even lead to the plot of a new game.

But after the experience of Big Mouth was popularized by science, these people who joined in the fun dispersed one after another.

Although it is still unavoidable to be surrounded by onlookers when going out on the street, it no longer hinders Dazui's life.

——Mainly working life.

Big Mouth is now a clerk in a [Dinosaur Ice Cream Shop] - this shop was actually opened specifically for him by the player.

This big guy stands in the store selling ice cream every day to get his own reward.

Because of his own special characteristics, the ice cream shop has a very good business.

Especially popular with young people and children.

Xia Yi was often dragged to buy things by Kang Na. At first, when Dazui saw Kang Na's appearance, she was so frightened that her whole body trembled. Later, after getting along with her more, she finally got used to it.

Of course, when Kangna brought her mother and several relatives to buy ice cream, Big Mouth was frightened and fainted.


[March 14]

This day is very important for Dazui.

Because on this day, Dazui bought a house!

He owns his own house in the metropolis - in the same building as Azhen and Ah Qiang!

From this day on, he officially became a permanent resident of the metropolis!

This big story even appeared in that week's "Metropolitan News."


[March 28]

Dazui saved another sum of money.

So I took a month off and officially set off on a journey around the spiritual realm.

His footprints are no longer limited to the wilderness and metropolises. Whether it is the surrounding night cities, the virtual cities that replicate reality, or the wild and magnificent natural landscapes that appeared due to [Earth OL], he has left behind left his footprints.

[Encounter with Big Mouth] has also become a popular Internet tag, and it has been popular on the global Internet for a while.


[April 15]

"Pacific Rim" is officially incorporated into the public map.

Big Mouth was urgently called back by the player and escorted to the [Forgotten Cemetery].

At the prosthetic clinic here, Da Zui completed a coveted surgery - throat reconstruction.

After completing the surgery, Big Mouth can finally use his own mouth to make sounds instead of a ventriloquist prop given to him by a player.


[April 22]

One week after completing the prosthetic surgery, Da Zui passed the [Chinese Proficiency Test] and went back to finish his unfinished journey around the world.


[April 27]

Dazui came to the finals of the World Mobile Ball Competition to watch this fierce peak showdown.

At the same time, I also met a blonde female gamer from Florida - Ann Dello.

The next day, [Dinosaur Ice Cream Shop] was filled with a cart full of roses.

Taking this as a signal, the woman launched a fierce pursuit offensive against Big Mouth!


[April 30]

The story of Dazui being pursued by a female gamer has become popular among gamers.

This isn't the first time players have pursued avatars.

But this is the first time that we have pursued pure “non-human” virtual characters.

At the same time, more players have joined the ranks of "chasing big mouths" - half of them men and women.

Big Mouth began to hide and hide.

It wasn't until two months later that the heat completely dissipated.

But the blonde female player from Florida remained persistent.

The players were shocked to realize: This woman... is actually serious? ? ?


[July 5]

Ann Dello and Big Mouth start living together.


[July 20]

Big Mouth boarded the space elevator and landed in the space city that day.

The next day, the space city opened a [Dinosaur Ice Cream] branch.


[July 30]

After all, Big Mouth couldn't hold back the passion surging in his heart. He mortgaged the ice cream shop, obtained a low-interest loan, owned his own mining ship, and rushed to the stars and sea with Ann Dello.


[September 17]

The sixth black obelisk was discovered and a new wormhole was activated.

Construction of the sixth star gate also began.

——Each black obelisk can activate a wormhole and then be expanded into a stable star gate.

Look for those black obelisks scattered in the universe, build star gates, and continue to open up routes to more distant deep space.

This road is called by players - [The Grand Route]!

On the same day, Dazui bought a second-hand cruise ship from a player and became a real captain.


[September 20]

Dazui passed the review and joined the [99 Rescue Team] - this is the safest organization for him.

Even crazy interstellar pirates would rarely attack such an organization that purely helps others.


[September 28]

Dazui completed the test of [Psychic Enlightenment], awakened his psychic powers, and satisfied the last condition for the voyage.


[October 4th]

On the moon, outside Star Gate No. 1, densely packed warships lined up on both sides, leaving a straight and wide channel.

Dazui drove his cruiser slowly into this channel.

All battleships fired their guns!

Witnessed by countless players, this dinosaur captain, with a crew composed of players and virtual characters, crossed the star gate without hesitation.

Started his own great voyage!

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