Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 410 Mom, she cheated!

As he was about to turn a corner, Wu Di looked up at the rearview mirror for the last time, and was immediately shocked.

In the picture reflected by the mirror, the huge sharp blade instantly cut through the entangled car, layers of armor, integrated chassis and frame, everything was cut in an instant.

Like a hot knife cutting butter, silky and terrifying!

The most frightening thing is: after cutting so much steel, the blade does not even curl or crack at all, and it is always brand new, shining with cold light!

And now, this brand new giant blade with a cold light is constantly approaching him!

Wu Di pulled the steering wheel abruptly, drifting handsomely around the corner.

The iron chain was tightened violently, but under the action of inertia, the iron ball was still violently thrown out of the track.

Amidst the terrified dodging and screaming of the roadside audience, a huge iron ball slammed into a convenience store on the side of the street, smashing a big hole in the wall that reached the roof.

Then, under the drag of the iron chain, one shelf after another was crushed, and the broken goods were scattered all over the ground, and even the load-bearing pillars could not hinder its progress.

Finally, the iron ball made a big hole on the other wall and rolled back to the track. It looked extremely powerful and destructive!

But at this time, Wu Di's upper and lower lips were already tightly pressed together, which is the expression that he only has when he is very nervous.

And the reason for his nervousness is very simple——

Xiaomeng has already turned the corner and is heading straight for him!

This heavy duty truck is even faster!

While manipulating the steering wheel, Xiaomeng patted the buttons on the steering wheel vigorously.

This was supposed to be the location of a car horn, but now it blared like a train horn.


Wu Di in front was already nervous enough, but he was taken aback by the sound of the whistle.

Looking at the giant blade that was close at hand, he gritted his teeth, became cruel, and tapped another black button again.


Only a small sound was made.

But the iron chain, which was as thick as an adult's wrist, immediately disconnected from the car, and was dragged by the big iron ball to stop on the road.

And Wu Di, who had unloaded the load, was finally able to drive at full power and display the fastest speed.

It can be seen with the naked eye that his speed has increased a lot, and he escaped with a dangerous knife edge, opened the driving distance with the heavy truck, and escaped!

The official live broadcast room also specially gave a shot, so that everyone can see that the license plate has been cut off at the rear of Wu Di's car, and realize how thrilling this moment is.

Xiaomeng, do you want me to do it? Lin You volunteered.

No! Xiaomeng has a solution! Xiaomeng stepped on the orange button again.

Okay, Xiaomeng, come on. Lin You yawned boredly, then leaned back in the chair and became dazed again.

Even in the fast racing, Wu Di couldn't help freeing up a hand and patted his chest: My mother, this is too scary! Lin You is so inappropriate!

——Except for the Super Tomato team, many people don’t realize that it’s not Lin You who drives, but Xiao Meng.

After Wu Di got rid of the load, the speed of the car has reached 80km/h, and he is quickly passing one car after another.

He had to concentrate fully, otherwise, if he was a little distracted, the car might crash and people would be killed. Naturally, he would have no time to pay attention to the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Otherwise, he will find that countless viewers are swiping the same barrage——

Run away!!!

Run away!

Fucking run away!!

Not only in the live broadcast room of [My name is really Wu Di], but now in any live broadcast room where Lin You and Xiao Meng's heavy truck can be seen, the audience is all yelling outrageously.

Because after Xiaomeng stepped on the orange button, a 2-meter by 2-meter square iron plate was directly bounced off the rear of the heavy-duty truck, revealing a huge circular nozzle!

The next moment, flames spurted out!

Violent flames spurt out violently, pulling out a straight column of fire at the nozzle, and the sound was louder and more terrifying than that of a helicopter engine!

The color of the flame changes rapidly, orange, gold, white... and finally freezes in pure blue.

And in the thick and straight blue tail flame, due to the continuous circulation of violently compressed shock waves and expansion waves, rings visible to the naked eye were formed soon!

I have said a lot, but in fact, this series of changes only took a few seconds.

As soon as the audience in the live broadcast room realized what was going to happen, it had already happened.

Everyone's typing speed can't keep up with expressing guesses, and they only come to express their opinions after the fact, and their opinions at this time are also full of various local dialects:

Damn it! Mach ring!

I wanted to say that nitrogen accelerates at first! But is this Nima's fighter jet engine?!

I suspect it's a fucking rocket engine! It's the most powerful one!

——By the way, the development path of aerospace in this world is a bit strange.

In the long war, everyone is not in the mood to look at the stars and the sea.

There was no special space race background similar to the Cold War.

As a result, the development of aerospace started very late, and it didn't officially start until the end of the war. Before that, there was no ability to make too much investment.

Even if it is already peaceful, when it started, the level of attention was average. It was not until recent years that the level of importance was continuously raised.

Of course, for the sake of precious peace, no country dares to call Star Wars Project.

Even if there is competition, try to control the intensity as much as possible, don't create friction, and even cooperate consciously.

But the more interesting thing is: because of the strong demand during the war, related technologies such as fighter jets and missiles have flourished.

When aerospace was taken seriously and truly became a field of science and technology, everyone immediately discovered that some key front-end technologies have actually been highlighted...

Therefore, the development speed of spaceflight is almost a thousand miles a day, and more than ten rockets are launched into the sky every year.

You know, this is the aerospace field that has just started, and it is not even a mature field, let alone an industry.

Even so, the particularity of space has made this field immediately attract countless attention, expectation and knowledge-seeking eyes.

Of course, this does not affect everyone's smugness in the game about Lin You and Xiaomeng:

By the way, is there such a thing in Night City? Why don't I believe it!

They can go directly to the sky, but they still choose to run on the ground. They are so gentle! I cried to death!

I saw the close-up shot just now. On the center console in front of Xiaomeng, there are 7 colored buttons like a rainbow! I just want to know, the second one is a rocket engine, the seventh one will be What is it? A salvo of a thousand ICBMs?

Naked playfulness! No wonder you say you are an NPC! Feelings are justified!

Mom, she cheated!


No matter how loud the barrage was, it couldn't stop the heavy truck accelerating violently again on the track!

Many cars were desperately spraying fire, throwing grenades, incendiary bombs, and strafing the driver's seat on the fast-approaching truck...

But it doesn't make any sense!

The gunman found out in despair: Even if the bullets from the rifle hit the front glass, they would only leave some white spots.

Obviously, the car glass is also equipped with technology...

If Lin You was driving by himself, at most he would put a few more pieces of glass, and then add a device that discards damaged glass to avoid blocking the line of sight.

If the player shoots through the glass and blows his head, he is considered unlucky.

But Xiaomeng's driving is different. Lin You is reluctant to let Xiaomeng be shot, and puts technology on the glass without saying a word.

The tickle-like attack posed no threat.

After the speed was increased to the limit, it was almost a heavy truck flying close to the ground, rushing past many cars at an outrageous speed!

All those who stand in the front, those who are too late to give way, those who do not believe in evil, and those who fight back desperately, will be cut in two by the sharp knife!

The cars that escaped the blade on both sides were also smashed into pieces.

The chained collisions and overturns resulted in the sudden death of a large number of drivers, and also left a large number of obstacles on the track, some of which were even burning.

On the edge of the road, the driver who escaped with his life had to slow down and find a way to avoid obstacles one by one.

Wu Di's luck has come to an end.

On this straight track, Xiaomeng drives a heavy truck like a sharp knife, cutting from the beginning of the road to the end of the road at full speed, no one or car can stop it.

Wu Di had hoped to escape with his life. Because he wanted to overtake another vehicle, he had already bypassed the middle of the road and was not in the straight line of the heavy truck.

But it's a pity, when Xiaomeng stepped on the button, it was aimed at him!

The steering wheel turned and quickly pulled back, and the giant blade on the front of the car drew a thrilling arc.

Wu Di's car was immediately cut in half and divided into two pieces.

The second half of the car was still on the track, and the first half had already rushed out of the track with Wu Di.

Okay! Xiaomeng raised her arms and shouted.

At the end of this straight road, at the huge engine nozzle, the Mach ring faded, the flame column shortened, the flame weakened, and finally disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the audience breathed a sigh of relief——

Fortunately, Lin You still has to face, he didn't really make this thing into a regular power, otherwise everyone would stop playing.

The giant blade looks scary, but it's just a bully for those modified cars that focus on defense and have relatively poor weapons.

At the front, many weapons can threaten them as long as they don't have that outrageous speed.


At the same time, Super Tomato's rock team also saw a huge pie falling from the sky.

They were all watching heavy trucks wreak havoc along the way.

After turning the corner before, because of impatience, a car almost hit the big iron ball in the middle of the road.

After that, at a super close distance, I saw the invincible engine that Xiaomeng started.

The gorgeous blue tail flame and Mach ring were less than twenty meters away from them!

The destructive sprint after that made them all look stupid.

It wasn't until the speed of the heavy truck slowed down again that they suddenly realized——

An almost straight fast track appeared in front of my eyes!

All the cars and obstacles were swept away by the truck to both sides of the road, and there was nothing in the middle where the truck passed by!

Come on! Super Tomato started stepping on the accelerator without even thinking about it! Rush over before the people on both sides react!

Up, up, up! The teammates immediately followed, Hahaha, it's cool!

The convoy quickly shrank its formation and rushed forward in a long snake formation, passing one car after another on both sides of the road.

It felt so easy that teammates began to look forward to a brighter future:

Follow Lin You closely, do we still hope to win a runner-up, third runner-up or something?

Fuck the runner-up! Listen to me, champion!

That's right, Lin You is an NPC! There is no ranking for him!

Come on! We all have a bright future hahaha!


On the small stage behind the Overdue Tomatoes, a rock singer with half wild long hair, half smoky bald, and a more rock-and-roll look, also became excited again.

He plucked the electric guitar, and the huge speakers responded immediately, so the music started again!

He flicked his half-stretched hair, approached the microphone and shouted——

“We are the Champions!!!”

“Let’s Gooooooo~~~~~”

Chapter 2 will be late, sorry.

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