Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 425 The Situation Is Great!

After Lin You and Xiao Meng left, the entrance behind them suddenly became lively.

Players continue to travel through long caves and rush to this cliff.

Except for the section of the cave that was too narrow at the beginning, it was really hard to get up fast, and almost everyone ran all the way to the back of the road.

Even Yelang, who didn't participate in the group of friends' Siege Ayi Operation, after knowing that the dinosaur appeared, he couldn't wait to leave Night City and head straight for this cliff.

A step slower than Yelang, there are more anchors, and the actions of these anchors soon brought their fans...

The appearance of [Dinosaur Island] set off an upsurge of players at an astonishing speed!

Countless people flocked here.

Can't wait to see these prehistoric creations.

After a while, this originally spacious natural viewing platform was crowded with densely packed players.

Therefore, on the wilderness map, the dynamic diversion mechanism was extremely rarely triggered, and the players who came out of the cave later were automatically diverted and entered a new viewing platform.

When Yelang came over, there were even a few pink and blue children's binoculars hanging on his chest. They were toys sold in the playground, and Yelang bought them specially when he passed by.

However, in addition to the cute shape and color matching, the effect is not compromised at all when used.

Yelang walked up to A Yi who was in deep thought, handed him a pink binoculars, then raised his own blue binoculars and looked towards the island.

The few huge plant-eating dinosaurs Ah Yi saw before probably had a relatively large appetite, and they were still eating leaves at a leisurely pace.

Through the binoculars, Yelang saw more details: a majestic chest, a long neck, and a rather silly head compared to his huge body...

On the edge of the deep forest, there are still a few unknown dinosaurs running freely.

It's a pity that I didn't see a flying pterosaur.


When Ayi and Yelang were concentrating on searching for more dinosaurs, they were interrupted by a sudden scream from around them.

Looking back, I found that a group of friends was thrown off the cliff by everyone.

That buddy was screaming and falling.



The screams stopped.

Then everyone saw with disappointment that the buddy began to disappear.

Although it was expected, it was still a bit disappointing.

Can you get around this mountain?

Unlikely, someone on the forum has drawn a map of the wilderness before, and there is no coast at all.

Then this is... a copy? Or an easter egg?

It's hard to say, maybe it's a later update?

Impossible, Paradise was originally free, a small update is Yunmeng's conscience, but updating such a big island, and dinosaurs, this is not a conscience, is it a mental illness? It costs too much money?

Although what you said makes sense, Lin You is free... Who knows how Lin You's brain grows?

That's true...

Everyone was discussing in a hurry, but after a few words of discussion, they went astray.

A Yi tried to bring the topic back: I haven't played Paradise very much, and I don't know many things, but when I came here, I saw a hot air balloon, can I use that to fly there?

No! A player immediately replied, I've been on a hot air balloon. It's a fixed route. If you don't pass here, you can't even see the sea at all, only continuous mountains.

Not necessarily impossible! Another player retorted immediately: The fixed route is because the employees in the playground are controlling the hot air balloon. We just need to throw the employees out of the hanging basket, it may not be impossible!

After speaking, he immediately recruited his teammates: Is anyone able to control a hot air balloon? Let's try together!

It's a pity that no one at the scene has mastered this rare skill.

He can only open the panel and post online to find someone.

Ah Hu remembered the rumor of meeting the dragon, and began to search for the earliest post, to see if he could find another way to go.

Ayi's idea is: Can you use the clothes of many people, plus the branches in the forest, to make a simple paraglider and fly directly from here?

Not just these guys from the bathroom group and the hunting group.

Countless players arrived here first and last.

After the excitement of seeing Dinosaur Island, and the maddened feeling that there was no way to enter and could only watch from a distance, they all began to rack their brains to find a way, hoping to use the limited conditions to board Dinosaur Island.

But even if you can't climb up, you can only watch from a distance like now, a large number of players are still pouring in, and the tourist wave has already taken shape.


Early the next morning.

In Paradise, the number of players who watched Dinosaur Island from a distance has exceeded 5 million.

But there are still no players who have successfully landed on the island.

This made Lin You slightly relieved.

He could obviously use the air wall to prevent players from going to the island, but he just didn't want to use more complicated methods to fight wits and courage with players.

This process made him feel very happy.

After finishing a set of punches, Lin You didn't go to the company, and directly logged into the virtual world at home to start working.

After calling Zhou Jingzheng yesterday, all kinds of materials needed, auxiliary equipment and components for making old-fashioned engines and transmission structures will be delivered this afternoon.

In order to facilitate the delivery of goods, he simply worked from home.

At the same time, NetDragon is being ridiculed wildly by netizens.

The reason is simple—Yunmeng, Feihu, and Deserted Island directly announced their cooperation.

Originally, netizens were still paying attention to Zhong Chang’s news, wanting to see if he would go to NetDragon this morning to run all three major VR game companies.

Even panicked people who had time to spare ran outside NetDragon, waiting to see if Zhong Chang would come.

But netizens didn't wait for Zhong Chang's news, but instead saw Yunmeng's announcement——

I am honored to announce good news to all of you:

Yunmeng has officially reached a cooperative relationship with familiar old friends: Flying Fox and Desert Island.

Players who have VR equipment and Mirage hosts will be able to play familiar VR games in the virtual world from now on.

Physical strength will no longer be a limitation for players.

Of course, a strong body is the wealth of a lifetime, and we still recommend qualified players to continue to use VR devices to play games.

At the same time, Flying Fox's new game The Last Moment will start the game simultaneously in the virtual world on the day of its release on November 15.

Happy gaming everyone!

Seeing this announcement, the hearts of the players are actually a bit complicated, and there are many discussions in the comment area:

Yesterday, I saw Yunmeng ran two companies in a row, so I knew that we wanted to cooperate. These two companies only have the game in hand, so it is worth Yunmeng's cooperation.

It's not powerful! I thought I could play VR games directly with [Mirage], but I still need to buy VR equipment?

It's the era of virtual reality, who still plays VR games? Is it unnecessary?

Anyway, it's a good thing. It's always convenient for some people, and it allows VR game companies to breathe a little more. Otherwise, the entire industry chain will collapse completely, and the damage will be really terrible.

Scary ass! Yunmeng's mirage scale, how many upstream companies have been supported? Those companies have made at least three years of profits in just a few months.

Am I the only one who is disappointed? I thought Flying Fox and Desert Island would also make virtual reality games in the future!


Satisfied and dissatisfied players have their own arguments, and there are many discussions.

But one thing is the same: laughing at NetDragon.

Removal of VR membership, Thirty Years in Hedong and Thirty Years in Hexi, Mom, he did it first!

These kinds of ridicules keep popping up even in NetDragon's comment section.

In the NetDragon meeting room.

Looking at the enthusiasm caused by Yunmeng's cooperation with Feihu and Huangdao, Zhang Heying felt a pain in the head.

But Yu Gu insisted that even if this is the case, he must start word-of-mouth publicity, and even if the situation is unfavorable, he must dare to fight.

He is really unwilling to give up.

The executives attending the meeting seemed to have become dumb, and no one was willing to speak.

In the end, the boss Zhao Yucheng put down the materials in his hand, and made a final decision: The game body of Raging Flames 3 and the DLC Red Flame completely abandon the big summer market, and invest all publicity funds in the European and American markets.

According to the information in hand, in Europe and the United States, the data of Blaze 3 has shown a significant recovery.

And there have been no masterpieces in Europe and the United States recently, which is a good opportunity to turn around!

He even had the mood to appease and praise Yu Gu: Good job! This time the company can get out of the trough, you are the biggest contributor!

But Yu Gu was preoccupied.

In his heart, he was unwilling to just give up the big summer market, but he also knew that there was no way around it.

With this unwillingness, the meeting ended.

Sitting alone in the office, Zhao Yucheng was not at all discouraged by this retreat, and he was even in a pretty good mood.

This is not only because more cash flows back from overseas, which means that NetDragon can last longer and gain more room for maneuver.

It's also because Wu Yong has already reported to him: The researchers found that as the progress in cracking Yunmeng's technology increases and the content they master increases, the speed of cracking also accelerates!

Although there is not much speedup now, it is foreseeable that as more and more content is cracked, this speedup will become faster and faster.

The time for the final complete cracking will definitely be greatly advanced!

More cash flow, more time, all together, even if the situation cannot be said to be good, it is still hopeful for a comeback!

How could this not make him feel happy?

With this confidence, the immediate predicament is just a temporary test.

Some mockery on the Internet is nothing more than a cacophony.

The current retreat is only a short-term gain.

It's like a clenched fist, only by actively pulling back can we fight back more powerfully in the future!

Yu Gu's contribution is not only to save Flame 3, but also to allow NetDragon to obtain more cash flow.

Once NetDragon has mastered its own virtual reality technology, it will of course need to produce its own virtual reality game to compete head-on with Yunmeng.

And Yu Gu has already proved his ability in opening the game, and in the future, it is likely to be the most critical card against Yunmeng!

From Zhao Yucheng's point of view, Yu Gu can become NetDragon's chief producer in the field of game development with a little training.

Be your right-hand man!

Thinking of these things, Zhao Yucheng kept his face calm, but his heart was full of fire.

I just feel like the future is bright!

Thanks to Mao and Dragon Ball for rewarding 1500 points!

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