Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 827 Out of control!

Xia Yi is not completely sure whether this black-haired zombie is the boss or not.

But since people started to help, it must be!

If you don't, you have to!

Otherwise, would she lose face if she was chased and beaten by a little elite monster?

"Here we come!" The first person to enter the arena was Splash.

Under normal circumstances, as long as conditions permit, Xia Yi will pull Shuihua into her team.

She even set [Top] + [Special Attention] for Shuihua in her friend list, which is the only treatment, even Xiaomei was squeezed to the second place by Shuihua.

"Help me contain it, let me pull some people!" Xia Yi rolled and crawled.

——She was too focused on this task, so naturally she didn't have the wine gourd to restore blood. She was slapped twice before, and even if she successfully blocked it, her blood was deducted by 20%. Now she is quite embarrassed.

"Hold on! Give me permission to pull people, and I'll pull you a powerful thug!"

"I can't hold on anymore!" Xia Yi wailed, and at the same time activated the authority to pull people.

Shuihua could see her blood volume, so of course she knew she was holding on, so she stood still and pulled Lin Shun over, and then took out her longbow, looking for a commanding height.

And Lin Shun took over the task of Splash and rushed to help Xia Yi take away the hatred of the boss.

Because of the arrangement of the [VR Boxing Champion]—even though the fight is over now, Lin Shun did not participate in the battle for the first kill in "Chang'an".

——This job fell on Zhang Muyu.

And Zhang Muyu, who kept skipping side quests before, finally encountered something that could not be skipped: learn how to ride and participate in a serious horse race.

Otherwise, my sister's equestrian master would not believe that he is Xin Xin's real brother.

The original words were: "Sister is so powerful, she can become an outstanding jockey in a year, if you are really her brother, it shouldn't be too bad."

"If you are, I'll give you a fine horse as an apology."

"But if you're not, then it's impossible for me to tell you where Xinxin is."

——This is the task of sending horses. Even for casual players who do not intend to fight at all, horses can greatly enhance the game experience, so it is set to be unskippable.

For this reason, Zhang Muyu is currently cultivating a relationship with Ma.

Seeing the opportunity, Lin Shun charged forward with two swords, and skillfully chopped at the stiff elbows and hind legs and knees successively.

His purpose is very clear: limit as much as possible, or even abolish Hei Zombie's mobility.

But his slash deviated after hitting the layer of black hair, and the blade collided with the kneecap, and there was the sound of gold and iron clashing!

Even attracting hate is pretty poor.

Lin Shun had no choice but to take the risk of attacking from the front, slashed six swords in a row, and was slapped severely, only then did he take away the hatred.

And Xia Yi finally had some free time, and immediately started the wild pulling mode:



Housing management?


Water friend?


Yelang? What are you doing here?

Never mind... come on!

Come all come!


Xia Yi pulled people hard, and the people who got pulled surrounded her and said hello:

"Sister!" "Ayi!" "Xiayi Xiayi!" "Idol!" "Big Sister!"...

Xia Yi's head got dizzy because of the noise: "Stop saying hello, fight the boss!"

Everyone swarmed up again and rushed to fight the BOSS.

At this time, you can find that everyone's main weapon has changed one after another——

Swords are still the most used, but the proportion of knives is not low, most of them are standard ring first knives.

And Shuihua shot with a bow very accurately, and even performed a volley of three arrows in one hand.

It's just a pity that if this move shoots someone, it may hurt quite a lot.

But against the black-haired zombies with amazing defenses, it has almost no effect.

In addition, there are several sticks and spears. There are even two people who don't know whether they used the pitchfork to express their feelings during the closed test, or they were invited by the anchor to go on TV to make a living, but they still used the pitchfork.

And Xia Yi saw more than a dozen people surrounded the black-haired zombie, so crowded that there was almost no place to stay, so she stopped temporarily and continued to pull people.

At this time, the number of players in the team has reached 68.

"It should be enough! You asked for it yourself!" Xia Yi looked at the boss who was under siege, somewhat complacent.

But before her smile fell, she saw that a player in the crowd was slapped firmly on the face by the BOSS, and then knocked over a row of people behind her like a bowling ball, and said "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh " shouted and flew over.

Xia Yi looked back and found that this buddy was as weak as a noodle, hanging upside down on the tree.

Seeing Xia Yi turning her head, she asked for help, "Can you help me out?"

Xia Yi covered her face and walked over, dragging him down.

The elder brother felt that it was a bit embarrassing to fail to block the success, took out the wine gourd and took a few big gulps, his condition immediately improved a lot, and he rushed up again screaming.

Xia Yi didn't rush up, but stared at it for a few seconds.

Soon she discovered the problem——

In order to besiege the boss, everyone stands too densely, and has lost the space to hide. The counterattack against the boss can often only be blocked.

And once the error block fails and the BOSS slaps the slap, it will be slapped directly, and the effect of "bowling" will appear.

As soon as I thought of this, I saw that the old man who had just rushed back to the crowd and was eager to perform was slapped again, and flew out with an "ahhhhh", knocked down six people and hung on another tree, still with a lot of blood Disabled, weak, and - head down.

He looked at Xia Yi in embarrassment, and was a little embarrassed to ask for help.

Although Xia Yi felt a little outrageous, she went over and dragged him down.

When I looked back, I found that the crowd couldn't stop the boss anymore—the boss sprinted without thinking, and everyone in front of him was knocked away by it!

The unlucky egg on the opposite side was scratched twice before being knocked into the air, and took a bite. When it flew up, it began to turn into a streamer and was reincarnated.

This surprised Xia Yi: What kind of strength is this boss!

What if this is a single player game?

"No!" She quickly thought of an important question: "Just now when I was fighting alone, the boss slapped me five or six meters away. How can I fly more than ten meters now?"

Could it be that the more players, the stronger the boss?

If this is really the case, then she won't be able to laugh!

As soon as she thought of this, the BOSS happened to rush towards her, and Xia Yi, who had scruples in her heart, quickly got out of the way.

But the BOSS rushed too hard, couldn't stop the car for a while, and slammed into the house, leaving a huge hole in the wall, and the next moment there were terrified screams from the house.

Just as the players were about to rush in to save people, they saw the BOSS rushing out on all fours, crashing into another wall, biting Xia Yi's housekeeper's shoulder, and dragging him into another room.

It wasn't just the NPC who screamed this time—there was also the panicked "fuck" sound of the player being dragged away.

When the BOSS rushed out again, the housing manager had already been reincarnated and resurrected.

"Ho Ho Ho ~" The boss seemed to have found a trick, and rushed into the crowd again, picked up a random person, dragged and ran away.

"Fuck, fuck, help!!" The player who was dragged away by the boss, with half of his body dragged on the ground, turned pale with fright, and stretched out his arms to stab the boss indiscriminately.

The players around were also desperately chasing the boss to slash, the effect cannot be said to be non-existent, but the speed at which the blood bar of the boss dropped was ridiculously slow.


The BOSS crashed into a room again, and the screams of the NPC and the curses of the bitten player were repeated in the room.

The players outside were still squeezing into the hole, but the BOSS was knocked out from the other side of the house, and the bitten player had already lost his voice.

So everyone stopped queuing up to drill holes, and went around to the other side of the house to chase the BOSS.

The BOSS is on a rampage, and the players are chasing after them, making the scene chaotic.

After a house was repeatedly hit by the BOSS, the load-bearing wall finally reached its limit and collapsed with the sound of breaking beams and columns, sending dust flying.

Four of the unlucky ones who chased them into the house disappeared on the spot, and the two left alive were also completely buried by the roof, struggling to call for someone to dig them out quickly.

"Where are all the NPCs dead?" Yelang asked angrily with only one-third of his health remaining.

In the past, if a player made a small mistake, even if he touched a passerby's wallet, he might be found by an NPC.

Now there are monsters running wild and wreaking havoc, why doesn't a single NPC show up?

The voice just fell——

"call out!"

A sharp arrow pierced through the air, broke through the defense, and pierced the boss's neck.

"Aw~~~" The boss finally exhaled in pain.

Yelang turned his head to look, and found that the arrow was shot by the NPC standing guard on the watchtower. He bent his bow and drew the arrow, and it shot out again.

But the BOSS took precautions, crashed into the house and out of the NPC's field of vision.

In the next second, he broke through another wall and jumped out, and then crashed into the next room...

One wall after another was smashed, the boss didn't even care about the players, and started a straight sprint, and in front of the boss's sprint route was the watchtower!

"Stop it!" Standing on a high place, Xia Yi immediately noticed this detail and quickly ordered everyone to intercept it.

In fact, she didn't need to say, everyone was also instinctively chasing and intercepting.

But the gap in absolute power makes it difficult for this kind of interception to work.

The BOSS was still on a rampage all the way, and came to the downstairs of the watch, and didn't hit it mindlessly, but rushed up the stairs all the way!

In just a few seconds, the soldiers stationed above the watchtower were gnawed on the neck by the black-haired zombie.

And the last thing he did, was to let off warning fireworks.


Not pretty, but still conspicuous fireworks exploded in the sky.

And under the fireworks, a black-haired zombie squatted on the top of the watchtower, roaring loudly at Chang'an City below!

Further down is the bottom of the watchtower. The players look up at the arrogant boss and rush upstairs aggressively.

Fear does not exist!

Halfway through the climb, the BOSS had already yelled enough, and rushed down the stairs wildly!

As a result, the BOSS hit the earth with sparks from the players who were queuing up!

As a result, there was no doubt that the players were knocked back and forth again, and many of them fell out on the spot.

Fortunately, the BOSS was fast enough, and the place where the collision happened was only three stories high, and the fall was only a little embarrassing, not fatal.

A few people took out the wine gourd, took a few sips of tons of tons, and rushed to the boss who had already descended to the ground without hesitation.

"Throwing gun! This one is very penetrating!" The old man who was holding a pitchfork before had changed his hand to a slender throwing gun at some point, and stabbed it out with all his strength!

It's a pity that there was a little problem with everyone's cooperation-Yelang just rushed up bravely to give the black-haired zombie a "knife pull ass".

Unexpectedly, he was pierced by this javelin aimed at the zombie's chrysanthemum!

"Pfft!" Yelang spat out a mouthful of blood, turned to look at the elder brother who threw the javelin, "What the hell..."

Before he finished speaking, it turned into a streamer and disappeared.

Although the BOSS missed the move, he still noticed the danger and turned around to rush towards Brother Pitchfork.

Others tried their best to intercept, and at the same time called the old man who took out the second javelin: "Come again!"

Chaos again!

Xia Yi looked at the team members who were constantly dying violently, and the boss who was always alive and well, and hesitated whether to continue to pull people - she was not sure whether the situation would be better or worse if she continued to pull people.

But she hesitates, others don't!

The "all staff pulling people" mode that she opened before to save trouble has not been turned off.

Some old brothers rushed up and slashed a few times, and took a few hard hits, and soon felt that there was a huge disparity in strength, and they were a bit unable to do it.

What if I can't do it?

Shaking people of course!

Anyway, the boss is rushing around and can't be surrounded at all. They simply use the crowd tactics and pull a bunch of long-range to strengthen the output.

So... Shake! Shake hard! Can shake!

It's just that once this crazy tempo of attracting people starts, it's hard to say what kind of people come in.

A person came in and ignored the boss at all, and went straight to the east gate of Chang'an City.

In the wine cellar of [Orchid Wine Shop], there is a jug of famous wine, poured into the wine gourd, drinking it can not only restore blood, but also increase the player's strength attribute by 25% in the next 5 minutes.

At present, it is still a scarce resource, and many people do not know it yet.

Leave [Orchid Winery] and continue eastward. In the winery where the side mission is performed, there is a piece of tortoise shell engraved with words buried under a tree beside the field. This thing can be exchanged for money or elixir at [Dongming Temple].

Obviously, this is coveting the resources in Xia Yi's map.

Fortunately, there was a surfing expert Splash at the scene, and Splash was always condescending. While shooting arrows and observing the battle situation, he immediately noticed the situation, asked Xia Yi for permission, and kicked people decisively.

However, although these people are not very moral, at least the splash in their behavior is understandable.

But for the other four people, Shui Hua couldn't understand at all——

After they were pulled in, they neither participated in the battle nor left, but also jumped onto the roof, adjusted their positions, and took them out of the armament box——

Pipa, Guzheng, Dizi, and... Suona?

Is this going to be a folk music performance?

Fighting BOSS here! Can you be serious!

"How did they stuff the musical instruments into the armament box? Forget about pipa, flute and suona, can guzheng kill the enemy?" Shuihua felt a little confused.

"And... folk music is not suitable for this environment, right?"

Just as he was getting confused, the sound of the pipa sounded first.

"Clang! Clank, clang~~"

It's not the melodious folk music that Splash expected, but a tune with a super fast rhythm, which can even be called "impassionate". Judging from the expression of the musicians, it's like drinking too much, and the fingers are almost rubbing sparks on the strings !

Next is the sound of the flute, and then the guzheng.

All these instruments did not operate according to the cognition of the water flower, and the music they produced became more cheerful and enthusiastic than the other.

The last thing is—the attacking suona!

The loud suona sound pierced the sky and instantly attracted the attention of the audience.

And at this moment, a fifth person appeared among them.

Lead singer Qiu Lixin, arrived at the scene!

He pointed the very rough iron trumpet in his hand at the crowd, and at the moment when the suona stopped, he sang with all his might——



"I can't blow away my long-lasting hatred!"


"I can't get nostalgia!"


"Can't reflect mountains and rivers!"


"I can't fulfill the ancient~~~dream~~~!"


[Digital Mobile Team] Tang Dynasty Concert, surprise start!

Qiu Lixin never misses any opportunity to sing on the big stage, and now that Yunmeng is on vacation again, he certainly won't miss this opportunity!

So, sing TM!

Get me up all the time!

The players were just stupefied for a moment, but when Qiu Lixin started to sing the second line, they applauded and cheered——



"Rock and roll man, my Superman!"

——Before joining Yunmeng, Qiu Lixin was a very well-known rock superman, and there are quite a few people who like him.

There are more and more players entering the arena, the strength of the BOSS is constantly rising, and now there are more awesome live atmosphere groups, the scene is out of control!

A super chaotic fight reached its climax in an instant!

This chapter is 4400, which is two in one.

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