Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 889 The world's first finisher! (two in one)

Super Tomato stood on the spot, watching the two big guys complete the track step by step with his completely incomprehensible bicycle skills, he just felt amazed.

Then forcefully quit the map.

——He is not a person who is too strong, and he will not think that "since others can do it, I must do it too."

On the contrary, after watching the big guy's performance, he realized more deeply: this thing is really not done by ordinary people.

Give up early and good morning.

Because of the increase in the difficulty rating of the map, not only did the forced retreat not detain his life, but even the previous losses were returned by the system.

After experiencing a map difficulty upgrade, he has realized that: on the first day of the new mode, the easy difficulty must be filled with many maps that exceed the standard.

What you will encounter, whether it is a really simple map or a "simple" sheep's clothing, which is actually an outrageous map, depends entirely on luck.

So after adjusting his psychological expectations and inoculating the water friends, he started the next map.


Unlike him, after being tortured for 10 minutes on a [Crater Lake Motorcycle Track] map, A Yi decisively chose to stop the game and switch careers to become a map designer.

—Better to torture others than suffer yourself!

Join if you can't beat it!

"I want to make a track with a clearance rate of only one in ten thousand. It's super invincible and hard to explode. Whoever plays wants to die!"

Ah Yi vowed to the water friends.

Friends of the water have expressed disbelief.

But Ah Yi has already started the operation with full confidence——

"Name: Alpine Downhill."

"First of all, have a sense of urgency! Add an avalanche at the beginning, and you will be submerged if you are slow? Or a volcanic eruption, and you will be soaked in magma if you are slow?"

"Forget it, let's all come, avalanche on the left and fire on the right."

"Transportation... yes, children's scooters."

"Big trees blocking the way, pits, cliffs, lions, tigers, and brown bears."

"The checkpoint should be higher, put it on a tree."

"By the way, next to the checkpoint, add some hornets' nests."

"It seems too monotonous to have only natural elements. I need to add some modern elements. I think about adding something..."

"Yes! Add some mines and smoke bombs, this is modern enough!"

A Yi is busy enriching his own track, and while he is busy, he introduces his design ideas to the water friends, "An excellent track cannot be purely racing and traps, but also has dramatic conflicts, just like The Autobots designed by Lin You are like fighting dinosaurs, you have to learn from advanced experience.”

"What kind of plot is suitable for downhill snow mountain?"

"Ninjas, of course! Let's add another batch of ninjas to hunt down the contestants and perfectly integrate into the snow mountain environment!"

"But in this way, the volcanic eruption seems a bit uncoordinated? Let's delete it."

Ah Yi originally wanted to simply make a "torture map", but suddenly felt it all the time, and began to go back and correct the unreasonable places.

Even the traps have been refined—the locations have been set to be more insidious, giant snowballs have been added, and all the ninjas chasing down have been replaced with sexy female ninjas in bodysuits who are so good.

"Being hunted down by a female ninja of this size, a good monk should pay more attention. If this distraction, someone will step on the trap!"

The water friends watched A Yi's coquettish operation and made this "scooter downhill map" more and more sinister, and couldn't help complaining:

"It has to be you, can psychological warfare be used?"

"Don't tell me, the completion of this track seems to be quite high, but the difficulty is a bit explosive..."

"How many years do you plan to run this track and upload it?"

"For a while, I couldn't tell whether you wanted to torture others or yourself..."


A Yi saw the barrage of the water friends, and didn't say much. After briefly feeling the difficulty, he quickly gave up clearing the level and entered the editing and modification process again.

Then, under the snow layer behind the big tree only 20 meters away from the starting point, a sloping pit was dug, and a straight underground passage was dug along the pit all the way down.

This passage extends until the foot of the mountain is 5 meters away from the finish line, and only a thin layer of snow shell is separated from the ground.

Seeing his operation, the water friends instantly understood his plan, and the barrage burst instantly:



"Bastard! I thought it was shameless enough to hide the destination, but you actually hide the way!"

"What is the hidden path? This is called the author's special channel!"


In this noisy atmosphere, A Yi rushed out of the track, made a turn, smashed through the snow layer and rushed into the hidden passage, then ignored all the traps and detours on the surface, and descended straight down the mountain. After breaking through a layer of snow, Finished the race easily and uploaded the track to Yunmeng's database.

After watching A Yi's operation from the sidelines, the water friends were shocked, and soon had a reasonable association:

"You said, is there a possibility that Lin You also hid the author channel in the All-Star track?"

"???" A Yi was also taken aback when he saw this barrage, "Lin there such a—— lower limit?"

He almost blurted out the word "shameless".

The reason why he swallowed it was not because he was afraid of offending Lin You, but because he suddenly thought that he had just finished hiding the "Author's Passage", and if he really wanted to scold him, wouldn't that be scolding himself?

When Ah Yi asked this sentence, the water friends gave the answer——

"Of course he does!"

"He's so rich!"

"What can't this guy do?!"


In fact, there is no need for the water friends to say that when Ah Yi himself asked the question, the same answer emerged in his heart...

This speculation quickly spread to the entire player circle in just a few minutes after its birth.

Players have a new fun: looking for the hidden road of the [All-Star Track].

This track is undoubtedly the most popular track at the moment. There are a large number of anchors and high-level players, both at home and abroad, who are constantly challenging and trying to finish the race first.

But no one ever succeeds.

Players with mediocre driving skills gave up at first, and have entered the stage of watching big guys perform.

But after the news of [Hidden Road] came out, the players ignited their enthusiasm again, and rushed into the [All-Star Track] in a crowd.

It was only after a full hour that the first hidden path was found by the player——

Don't panic at the beginning, and don't run too far, just reverse the car quickly after the meteor hits the ground!

The hidden passage is buried underground, and you can only enter from the ramp on the edge of the pit after the meteor smashes a huge pit!

This road is not too long, but it can avoid the bumps, vibrations and twists and turns of the original track, as long as you drive steadily.

What's even more fun: after driving out of this hidden road, you will find yourself on another road, and you are closely following the heavy truck that Optimus Prime used before transforming, and this guy is not in a hurry to transform body, and then slashed over with a knife.

Players on this track can drive with peace of mind and admire the big guy in front of him transforming himself and jumping over to attack others. He will not be hunted down equally until the two roads converge.

This road is of little value to the veteran drivers who seek to finish the race first, but it is an epic breakthrough for players who are looking for hidden passages.

Because it proved beyond doubt: Lin You really shamelessly hid the author's channel!

Now, the enthusiasm of the players to find the hidden path is even higher!

——Lin You even added "hidden passages" to this section of the road at the beginning, and there is no reason not to add those more difficult stages later.

So there must be other "hidden passages" that can lead directly to the end!

The player circle easily reached this consensus.

But it is easy to reach a consensus, but it is difficult to find the way. The second hidden passage has not been found for a long time. Everyone has to admit: Lin You's level of hiding things is indeed strong enough.

It was not until night that the second hidden passage was accidentally discovered——

Ivan Ivanov is not an old driver in reality. He often scratches and bumps into things while driving. His car is also scratched everywhere, and he is too lazy to repaint and repair it.

So he is so enthusiastic about this new mode, if not for the repeated urging of fans, he would not be interested in playing this mode at all.

The purpose of the fans is also very simple, just want to see him being abused by the track - this phenomenon is very common, and there are also a large number of domestic fans who tirelessly fool female anchors with poor car skills to run on the All-Star track, which is completely for fun , No one expected them to really pass the level.

Although Ivan was not interested in the new model, the audience repeatedly mentioned that it was impossible for him to admit his cowardice, so he rushed decisively.

In the game, his driving style is also tough, all kinds of rampage.

If it weren't for the hidden passage, the first section of the road would be very dangerous...

He stumbled and stumbled, as if he might die suddenly at any time. After finally persevering until the "rockfall stage", his good luck finally reached the limit——

He was kicked to the front of the car by Optimus Prime's big foot, and the car lost control and rushed off the track in an instant.

When Ivan's car rushed off the track, smashed through the glass curtain wall of the Twin Towers, and rushed into the interior of the building, everyone thought he was finished.

——But Ivan Ivanov did not change his tough nature at all, and still stepped on the accelerator without hesitation, rampaging, accelerating and accelerating in the empty building!

Even though he had already seen the glass curtain wall on the other side of Daxia, he didn't intend to slow down at all. Instead, he smashed the glass curtain wall and rushed out of the ten-story building!

At this moment, the sports car was bathed in brilliant sunlight, and it looked as if it was flying!

Ivan chose the wildest way to die for himself.

But he did not die!

After the car jumped more than 20 meters in the air, it was firmly caught by another track with a drop of less than five meters.

Ivan pulled the steering wheel subconsciously, and continued to gallop on the new road without losing much speed!

The barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly exploded after a brief pause——

"A NEW ROAD!!!" (A new road!)

The second hidden road has appeared!

The players are excited.

But soon everyone discovered silently: this road still did not go straight to the finish line, but passed the "hurricane stage" more easily.

This was also Ivan's last contribution. He spun in the following "Blizzard stage", and one of them slipped out of the track uncontrollably.

This time there was no hidden path to follow him.

After that, the exploration of the hidden road once again stalled.


And Lin You's date was a little awkward.

When Zhu Cixia saw him, his first question was: "The way you hid on the All-Star track is to take care of ordinary players, so that ordinary players can see the spectacular scene you designed, right?"

She found a good excuse for Lin You:

This is all to take care of ordinary players, so it is not malicious.

Lin You hesitated for a moment, but said sincerely, "No, I just want them to feel the pain."

The little princess opened her mouth, but said nothing.

Finally, she said unwillingly: "So, you can't run the whole distance in one go?"

"Not now." Lin You shook his head honestly.


"Yes, when I designed this track, I ran towards the ceiling of difficulty. Part of the purpose was to test the limits of the players, so the difficulty was seriously exceeded. If I want to run the whole course in one go, I'm afraid I'll have to practice more than half of it. months." Lin You explained.

"Okay, forget it."

The little princess dismissed the idea of ​​letting Lin You practice and then take her racing.

She always thought that Lin You's time was very precious, and she didn't want him to spend so much effort.

But Lin You understood her thoughts, and really planned to practice hard and take her for a ride.

But let's take this kind of thing as a surprise, there is no need to say it in advance.

"Go, let's take you to space to see!"

"Well, good!" Hearing this, the little princess immediately became happy again, took the initiative to hold Lin You's arm, and was ready to go to space.



The next morning, when Lin You woke up, the little princess was still wearing a long white dress in her mind, with her long hair fluttering and her skirt fluttering in a microgravity environment, like a nine-day fairy descending into the mortal world.

Beautiful and full of fairy spirit.

And holding such a girl in space is really light as nothing, and it feels very wonderful.

He couldn't help thinking: Such a microgravity environment should be very popular with couples...


When Lin You was half asleep and half awake, wandering in the sky, the third hidden passage of the All-Star Circuit was finally found out.

This is a sky track built on top of a sea of ​​jungle trees!

On this track, players can not only avoid the terrible destruction caused by Optimus Prime and the dinosaur war, but also get an excellent viewing experience because of a wider field of view.

In addition, racing on the lush leaves of a dense sea of ​​trees is also an unprecedented and wonderful experience.

The discoverer praised this section of the road so much that there is no such thing as heaven and earth, which attracted a large number of players to experience it.

Xia Yi also rushed to start the broadcast with interest, and went to experience it.

——She only ran to this track to experience it every time she found a new hidden passage. On the normal track, she was tortured only three times before decisively giving up.

In Xia Yi's psychological expectation, it would probably take at least half a month for the players to work together to find out all the hidden passages before anyone could complete the track.


After experiencing the treetop racing, Xia Yi was satisfied and crashed to death on the complicated jungle curve, and the settlement window popped up: ——

【Yunmeng All-Star Track】

The author's finishing time: 15 minutes and 23 seconds

Fastest race record: 19 minutes and 42 seconds





Xia Yi immediately planned to close this window, and then go back to catch up on sleep.

But just before turning it off, she suddenly felt that something was wrong, so she turned around and looked at it carefully.

When she saw the third line, her eyes suddenly widened——

The fastest finish record has appeared! This means that someone has successfully completed the race!

The first person in the world to complete the [All-Star Track] was born!

Just now!

She hastily clicked on the record of the fastest finisher, and inquired about the name of the finisher: [King of the Track].

The name Xia Yi was no stranger to her. She quickly opened Yunmeng's live broadcast and found Han Qing's live broadcast room.

At this time, Han Qing's live broadcast room was not as lively as it was in the morning. The bullet screens were surging wildly, and the gifts kept swiping the screen, and there was a thunderous cheer.

This made Xia Yi unable to see the screen at all, and could only see a few words floating all over the screen——

[World number one! ]

[Invincible! ]

[Awesome! ]


Xia Yi had to block the gifts and barrage to see clearly.

In the picture, Han Qing was bathed in a bright light, and a diamond trophy slowly fell in the light, and he held it in his hand.

Han Qing only glanced at it, then turned the trophy to the camera and showed it to everyone.

It was a sports car made of diamonds that was flying in the air, and the name of this achievement was engraved on the base of the trophy.

It was a name that was exactly the same as his ID——

[King of the track]!

This is the official certification from Yunmeng, and he finally deserves his name!

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