This shows that the weapon design hospital is not wrong. This no blood vessel, only nerves, there are two hearts, there is no brain's foreign world master, which is indeed through crystals to enhance physical strength.

So can you provide the same improvement if you transform the crystals to humans?

It is also said that only the crystal is used as a strange energy to use?

Because the number of crystals is too small, only one, so that the weapons design is quarreling for this.

Some people think that the body structure and human body of the world are different. They don't have blood vessels, don't worry about the problem of internal circulation. And these people are likely to be very strong in the physical quality, so they can withstand the improvement of this crystal.

In the case of a clever body strength, it will be transplanted before the crystal energy output, that is, in harming life!

Therefore, it is also necessary to serve as the government's space warship to act as the main gun energy.

And this idea is naturally opposed by many people.

You said that human physical fitness is not as good as the world, this is no one to refute to you, but human beings are now cultivating the Tong Tianfu's cultivation, but also enhances physical fitness.

Just like the masters of Huo, you can bear the speed attack without dead, put it in the old world, this is comparable to superner's strength.

Therefore, he is very likely to withstand the improvement of this crystal.

Besides, human beings will face similar enemies in the future. Is it necessary to put Jinshan Yinshan does not move?

What is the use of the main cannon energy acting as awareness-level space battleship.

There is only one crystal, and if you have all such crystals, you will not provide energy?

Also, what should I do if I have a big Taishou space warship?

In theoretical design, the conventional weapon of Taishou Space Battles is the main gun of the Knual Space Battles. Isn't it a crystal, too late space warship, or not to give an arms?

Don't you pull the scorpion?

So it is still a precious crystal to leave the most needed human beings is the correct choice.

The two are arguing that it is not possible to determine the ultimate use of the crystal for a few months.

Finally, they had to find Ning Xueqing, Ning Xueqing did not dare to be the Lord, after all, this is the only energy crystal in the world, and the decision is pushed to Huo.

In the face of the presence of the public, the public is a situation, Huo is thinking about it, replied: "My suggestion is to completely analyze the essence of the crystal, as for how to use, I personally biased to improve Personal ability. This race is very aggressive. If we are right, we must not sit down and talk, after all, we killed their important people. So, us, us, it is likely to Eliminate this race. If you are not eliminated, you will take them to provide us with crystals. Of course, this is based on the crystal is the next premise. In short, if the crystal can really improve our Personal ability, of course, it is available, just before use, you must first understand the impact on human beings, especially the influence of future generations. "

"You are afraid of changing our genes, let humans are no longer human?" Someone asked.

"That is not." Huo shakes his head, said: "For me, the path of human beings must be the best way to integrate the universe, go out of your own path. In the process of evolution, we will These methods have a certain change. Perhaps the human beings have been completely different from now, this is understandable. It is only to understand the ordinary people, maybe not so good, they may be more attracted to the eyes Identity, I don't think too much about the advantages of evolution. Therefore, we need to master the information in advance, do a good job in explaining them. Can not wait for the people to find problems, and then ask us, but I don't know. "

Huo's feelings, very cautious, very detailed, the people of the Weapon Design Institute did not argue.

They took the crystals back and entered essential analysis to see if they can imitate.

Because this crystal has a certain self-recovery characteristic, if it is possible to imitate, the energy-life problem of space warship will have great improvements.

In addition to crystals, there are many profounds in the weapons and design institutes.

For example, the skin of this guy can be made into the world's most thin, the strongest armor, the strongest, flexible.

Different elements contained in his blood can be fused into the Namir alloy, greatly lifting strength and flexibility.

The eighth-generation Namir alloy that has been close to the mass production is also postponed, and it is planned to come out after fusion of flesh and blood.

Since there is a better thing, why not do it.

Time passed once, in the fifth year after the other world's master invading incident, the Knowledge-level space fleet finally completed the group and began to expand cruise in the solar system.

Previously, multiple cruise tests have been conducted, and the expiration of the space crisis, benefited from the test of the level of space warship, has been completed very good. The ordinary crisis is unable to threaten the most powerful space fleet in this mankind.

The only thing is that it is not equipped with a wide range of equipment that can make a wide range of space transitions.

The energy required for this equipment is too much, and the danger is also very high, and the weapons design court has been experimenting with many trials, and I don't think it is.

The main problem is not enough to provide energy enough, they want to find a more stable energy supply, and then install the equipment on a higher level of Taishi space battleship.

As for the House-level space warship, only the space of the Space Battles can only be used as the space warship, only the space transitions of the monomer.

Only, the space of the space warship is enlarged. Since the ship space is not enough, it can only be plugged in armor, the space transition equipment of the Knowledge Space Battles, can be completely placed inside the ship, which is strictly protected.

Several space transitions make the expansion cruise in the solar system becomes simpler than the imagination.

The quantum telescope of the Before the Weapon Design Institute has found several suitable goals. Now that the space fleet can only find out before the established goals.

Also said that the effect of the quantum telescope is very significant. Although the first space transition has a small error, the coordinate position and the actual location of the actual arrival are tens of millions of kilometers. However, the fleet equipped with high-power anti-material engine is still capable of cope with this distance.

When they arrived at the target position, they found that the surface environment here is really similar to the motherstar.

The fleet was sent a search space warship, carrying a batch of fighters and machine A, and going to the inland of the planet for close investigation.

It is a pity that the current ultra-long distance communication means has not yet been developed, and this good news cannot be reported directly to the female star.

They can only record all the processes, and I plan to wait for it to take a look at the families.

After all, this is in human history, the first time in other planets, it is definitely worth remembering.

It's just the result of this coming, is not friendly for humans.

It is an escaping that the level space warship has escaped after entering the planet.

On the ship's ship, I don't know what monsters tear open a big mouth, and even the anti-substance track cannon.

Before and to entertarate the storkmacc and machine armor in the planet together with the space battleship!

When the captain of the stage space warship, everyone has a dignity when reporting this news to the general commander of the Knowledge Space Fleet.

They looked at the holographic projection, so that the captain of the space warship, the fear of the face.

"It is my commanding, there is no so terrible creature on this planet in advance, leading to all the losses of the fighters and the machine armor, and the converging ship has been severely damaged. I have a full responsibility for this matter!" The captain low.

"When it is not pursuing responsibility, you will first clarify the things inside the planet." The general commander of the Knowledge Space Fleet is lighter.

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