He directly driving Nirvana to the space fleet, and sent his unpretched to the fleet commander. He said: "Take this child, let him go as the second echelon to the monster planet."

"Ah? This ... this is too small." The commander is surprised: "And his look ..."

The double corner of the head is obviously not human, can be brought by Huo, and the commander immediately guessed the unprofitable origin. Just he dares to confirm, even some fear.

After all, the unpolated mother has caused great panickings and disasters to humans, and now, there is a relatively large number of people to form an anti-magistan alliance.

Even if the Galaxy Alliance has determined that the penalty area of ​​the Black Devil's Haira has legitimacy, they still have the highest lifting goals in their lives.

Because of the pressure of the folk, the Galaxy Alliance does not dare to cancel this organization easily, and only the existence of them. Anyway, these people cannot get victory anyway.

The light is the bug and devil in the ban, they can't break through, let alone break into the black palace, kill the black devil sea.

"Don't ask, you can do it according to what I said. Of course, you can protect him when you need it." Huo.

"I don't need someone to protect, my mother said, where there is, everything can only rely on myself." There is no reluctant.

Huo's feelings touch his head, said: "Don't be so persistent, you are not alone, these are your companions."

I watched the commander and others in the unpredizable, and in his mind, there was no companion in this concept.

In the black palace, there is only the black magic sacred sea, the palace is, the bug and the devil are all his sparring, or it can be said to be a hand.

Peace This word, unpretched, very strange, and some can't understand.

Huo knows that there is a great impact on the Black Devil's Haira, and it is impossible to change him. But he also has human emotions, as long as it is more contact with humans, it will naturally be fine.

Nothing to say, Huo is unfolded to the commander, with a very stylized etiquette: "Take care, expect you to return!"

"Yes, we must not live up to your expectations!" The commander is a fanatical rushing.

When you leave the space warship, the fleet begins to rise, flying towards the depths of the universe.

Few people know that there is a small figure in the battleship. And that figure is in the moment of being surprised to observe everything around, including the space of the warship.

He can obviously touch the fluctuation of space, which is a very different feeling.

When the monster is near the monsters, the commander ordered the first echelon, a total of a group of space warships, five to make the space warship, plus thousands of fighters, and 20,000 units of machines, immediately departure to the monster planet Form.

Their goal is only one, that is, it is a location where the subsequent ground team can stay.

This work is not difficult to say in theory. The landing place of the first echelon is selected in the territory of two ten-party monsters.

Here is strict, it is a blank area of ​​the monster territory, and many low-level monsters will gather here, especially those carbon-based monsters.

Therefore, the first phase of the work should be easily completed.

Originally, the commander was in accordance with Huo's ordinary orders, but he had disappeared when he wanted to find this little guy.

On the entire battleship, he could not find his figure. For several days of missing, the commander can only send a message to the mother's star without helplessness: "Report Speaker, your child is missing, after the war I will give you a sin. "

The unpolated disappearance did not let Huo were surprised or flustered, and even he guessed that this little guy couldn't really be said to himself, and the old man is really waiting for others.

If he is so honest, it will not be sent to the monster planet by the Black Devil Hall.

That planet, people who like to live and hop may not live to the end, but it will never be the first dead.

The more honest, the faster it is dead.

The team members of the first echelon were not affected by other factors. After they landed in the landscape, quickly cleaned up the surrounding carbon-based monsters.

It is a pity that the carbon-based monster does not have crystals, which makes people disappointment.

Fortunately, there are many low-order silicon base monsters, which make up for some of the loss.

The first batch of low-order crystals were quickly shipped back to the fleet. At this time, the first echelon did not lose, only a very small number of machine artificed was tearned by a monster, waiting for repair.

They quickly cleared a hundred acres of area, and then, the second echelon began to land.

In this echelon, combatants only account for a few parts, most of them are engineers and architects.

What they have to do is to create a new security zone here.

Considering the situation of the monster planet, it may be attacked anytime, anywhere, and the establishment of the security zone is the first condition.

Therefore, engineers and architects must first analyze the surrounding land, then choose which construction solution.

Let them be happy that the land here contains considerable energy particles, almost equivalent to ordinary artificial cave. The soil containing energy can be easily converted into the eighth generation Namir alloy.

That's right, in the eighth generation Namir alloy, the energy particles are doped to form a thin layer of energy protection cover.

Soon, the construction plan will be fixed.

In the case of the eighth generation of Namir alloy, combined with local conditions, it is increased to eight generations of namil alloys.

All places in the safety zone, from the ground to the building, all of which are built with the eight generations of Namir alloy.

Doing so, naturally consume massive resources.

However, the resources on the monsters are quite a lot. If you find a place, you can dig out countless rare minerals.

The minerals on the female stars have been completed, and there is nothing left. This is a treasure that is unmanned, waiting for human excavation.

It's just that the plan is good, but it is very difficult to implement it.

After the second echelon came to a week, the construction materials of the safety area were beginning to start the production line, they have encountered the first monster attack.

Although it is a blank territory of the top monster, there are many low-level monsters around.

One of the six-order thunderius, power is very powerful. It can spit out of the ball with a million volts voltage, this stuff is huge, regardless of the mechanical or fighter, no dare to collide with it, who is dying.

Including the grades of space warships, 100,000 volts, the damage caused by the battleship is absolutely no less than traditional missiles.

And this sixth-order thunder and tiger, there are many five-order, four-order monster, and their respective commanders have a different monster group, and launched an attack to humans.

Although this offense has been a certain degree of warning in advance, human beings have suffered heavy blows.

Without the protection of security zones, engineers and architects have been protected in time, but the monster is too much.

The number of monsters of more than 50,000 are not afraid of death. Although five of the five space warships have set fire aid, but they quickly, the attack of the space warship has also attracted a ten-order monster.

That is a flamingo similar to the legendary phoenix, and the fluid has a minimum of tens of thousands of high temperatures.

Its arrival makes human losses a bit more heavy, and a space of the space warship is directly sinking, and the fighter is almost lost.

Fortunately, this is only named Suzaki's top monster seems to be just to warn human beings, don't take Yaowu near it. Come over and put the human beings, turned around.

However, it just came here, there was a tenth order monster.

This is only named King Kong's monster more terrible, and its height is more than 150 meters, standing up like a mountain peak.

The fluid seems to be created by diamonds, indestructible, and powerful.

It can easily jump thousands of meters high, this kind of bounce, has completely violated physical rules.

When it fell, the earth was trembling, a shot because of the greatness of the enemy, the height is too low to make the space warship, directly by it, a mess, soon it is sinking.

Like Suzaku, this top ten monsters are just coming over to reveal their own force, and they will go.

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