Even if the energy contained in the monster crystal is more powerful than the means of the female star, it is also difficult to support such a multi-annihilation ray attack.

Therefore, from the perspective of saving energy, plus the stars of the stars to destroy the power of guns, so that the Weapons Design Institute has a new inspiration.

After several years of research, they finally broke the planets on the star ring and then installed on the Taishou space battleship.

Of course, the scale is reduced, and the power is also reduced accordingly.

At the same time, the speed of cohesive energy is also improved.

In the usual cruise, this planetary energy destroyed can be charged by itself, while in emergency war, it is also possible to use a monster crystal to quickly charge.

According to the final attack power, the limit of the planetary energy to destroy the gun, and the power is not under the full power annihilation ray. And due to most of the energy supplements, additional spare energy can be used to charge, and better in energy utilization.

However, when the higher level of space warship is, this weapon is not enough.

Of course, it is a long time.

According to the current speed, the light is to create this Taishou space warship, and it takes at least ten years.

This speed is already quite fast, but it still relies on manual intelligence.

Fully automated robots build workers, there is more perfect accuracy and efficiency than humans, they can do not sleep in twenty-four hours.

Otherwise, if you rely on human yourself, don't say ten years, it is difficult to get it for a hundred years.

This is the progress brought by technology, the stronger the scientific and technical means, the faster the progress.

The first step in the human conquest the universe has been moved. As long as this step is going on, one day, it can grow into a dazzling pearl in the universe.

However, the luck of time seems to never stand in human beings.

The fifteenth year established at the safety zone of the monster planet, and it is also the time when the Taishou Space Battles have completed half, and the space sent by human beings to the depths of space and discover the trail of the enemy.

I can't fully say that the enemy is just a place where the monster is about 10 million light years, and discovers the trail of the universe fleet.

The strength of the universe fleet is very powerful. Their flagship is a space warship with a length of more than 3,000 meters, and the surrounding frigates are around 2,000 meters to two kilometers.

The level of the level is powerful than the human Taishou space warship.

Although I don't know what these aliens are the purpose, there is no malvice to humans, but there is an old saying.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

In the history of human evolution, it is fully illustrated that the meeting between different races is often the war as a war.

This is the case regardless of the motherstock or a monster.

Maybe you don't want to play, but for your own survival, a little wind blows, it may make you misunderstand, which triggers a grand war.

Humanity is just a small role in the universe, definitely can't face other people first, but have a vigilance.

Regardless of the opponent is a friend, when you face them, you can only use the most cautious attitude, ready to prepare for the counterattack.

Humans can not take the lead in engaged, but they can definitely can't sit.

Of course, the distance of 10 million light years is not that it is not near, it is placed, this is a distance that human life cannot arrive.

But now, they know that the universe is big, but it is not as far away.

The limit distance of the space transition is currently broken through the 50,000th year.

The time of human research space transition is not particularly long, and the space warship in the universe is sailing, one hundred percent is longer than human evolution.

So they have a maximum probability to master the space transition technology, and the distance is much longer than humans.

Most importantly, that investigator was captured by the other fleet.

Through the directional gravity wave on the investigator, perhaps the other fleet will track here.

Therefore, the general commander of the monster planet, the order is in the range of 10 million light years, and a large number of investigators are put on every 500,000 light years.

Fortunately, it rely on the massive resources of the monster planet, and human beings have such capital.

Otherwise, the light is these investigators, you can do the hills of the female star, let alone follow-up combat.

It's just a concern that through the case of the investigator feedback, the universe fleet is indeed coming to this.

They should have already cracked the gravitational waves on the investigator, knowing the general position of the monster planet.

Every space transition, there is a million light years.

Only ten space transitions can be reached around the monsters.

To be honest, this speed is still very horrified, and the members of the Milky River Union feels frightened.

Because the Weapons Design Institute said very well, such space transition technology, at least in the past 100 years more than humans. This is because the human beings have a unknown masters, and the inventions of the anti-day have the artificial intelligence of this era.

If there is a help of this super quantum computer, the so-called hundred years, at least ten times more time.

That is to say, the scientific and technological power of the universe fleet is likely to be more than thousands of years ago!

Such a gap, no doubt is amazing, even so desperate.

Why is the enemy of each human beings so powerful?

Black Devil's Haira, which is stronger to make people don't dare to take half a safety zone for many years.

The world's master, is stronger to make people referrally, no one dares to stop him with him.

I am afraid that now, every time I mention the world's master, there are still countless people.

Now, this leader does not know how many years of universe fleets have emerged, and human beings have once again encountered a survival crisis.

At this critical moment, everyone turned their attention to Huo.

Only this man is qualified to make a decision at this time.

And the decision of Huo is also very decisive: "All the strengths are concentrated, and the universe fleet is completed by the Taiwanese space warship! At the same time, they will send an advance team. They have been in advance with the universe fleet, and the other's intentions are good. It is evil, it is a friend. In addition, organize an elite death team to make a beggaround action at the time. "

The strength of the other party fleet is definitely more powerful than the human fleet. Even if you don't know what weapons used, such a big scientific and technological gap, is it better than you?

This is obviously impossible, the other party will only be stronger, and it will never be worse.

But it is because the human beings are in a disadvantage, so the other person is likely to underestimate humanity, which gives the dagger actions have a successful opportunity.

As long as the human elite death team can successfully sneak into the other's flagship inside, kill or hold the key role, maybe you can force it.

These three decisions are immediately transmitted to all levels.

All human beings are busy at this moment, all people who can help, they have a hard effort.

Huo's ordinary order is clear, concentrate all the strength of all human beings, and build the Taishou Space Battles to build the fastest speed.

This is the human brand, but also the most important means to fight the other fleet.

The flagship length of the people is more than three kilometers. If the human beings only drive a length of one thousand meters of the Space Battles, then don't want to know, even if the other party is not malicious, see you so weak, there will be a bad time. Idea.

Of course, this is based on human thinking. After all, when you see a weak creature, human nature is like the beast instinct, like to bully.

It is like a cat to catch the mouse, many times not to eat, but to play.

Genetic instinct of weak meat, never really disappeared in human DNA, but only so-called moral concepts and legal systems, this instinct can be bound by a certain degree of constraint.

But human beings can't be because the other is a cosmic creature, think that their ideas must be opposite to humans, maybe these universe aliens are more bad than human imagination.

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