There were people who want to stay in Karaire's dormitory, there are many innocent geniuses, but they have failed. Not because it can't be played, but because it is not enough.

So many people turned around, really tired.

Huo's unfair looks at these people, picks up the eyebrows, and asking: "What happens, afraid? If you are afraid, you can't come up, otherwise you will challenge me, it will be unlucky. I will not be a light weight, if you let you lie It is very not worth it in a year and a year. It's really not, let's go. "

"It's too arrogant, I can't see it! If he is not just nine-order, I am not killing him!" A 11th person.

"If he is a double-line eleven order, do you dare to say this?"

"What happened, in order to protect the pureness of Carlis, I am willing to do!"


Looking at Huo's arrogant attitude, Carlisle did not feel the dislike, but nodded slightly, very satisfied.

This is like this, no matter whether you are strong or weak, you must first have an attitude. If you have no attitude and determination to overcome all difficulties, even if it is even more, it is just a good luck.

The future of the empire is impossible to hand in this person's hand, and naturally explain that you have no bigger future and future.

At the same time, if your attitude is tough, there is a combat power that matches it, that is, the perfect Meilton Empire citizen.

There is only such a person who is eligible to impact the emperor, and even the immortal level of the highest power of the empire!

Yes, the Meilton Empire does not have a so-called parliament or what leadership, their decision-making layer is immortal.

If there are eight immortal levels, then discuss between eight people. Of course, in most time, in most time, immortal levels are decided alone, and will not discuss with others.

They are already the most powerful people in this country, why listen to the command of others.

Only the tremendous interests involved in the entire empire will be discussed each other. It is necessary, and one is strong, and it can't be around the entire empire.

In the face of Huo's arrogance, those people are also angry.

They immediately convened students with a lot of nine-order and nine-order, and the number of people had thousands.

Looking at more and more people, Huo wrinkled, said: "So many?"

The student who just knocked on the door was proud and said: "How is it afraid? Now I know how many people? Do you think how people are challenged?"

Huo is always looking at him, shaking his head slightly: "I mean, how so many silence students, it is no wonder that the rankings of the University of Phillix is ​​so rely on. And you can fight alone, you can only rely on the wheel war Do you still feel very glorious? If it is me, there may be no way to do this, because I will only choose to personally defeat the other party, not by others to help. A group of people play one, what is the matter. "

Students who are knocking on the door are popular with the full face of Huo, including the same reactions around others.

Are we weak?

Yes, we are indeed weak ...

But we are a weak, does not mean that you can say directly in front of such a few people, then say, the rules of challenge are not what we have developed, since it allows the weak to challenge the strong, why can't many people play one?

Carlis smiled and said: "He said there is no mistake, you will win, not what is going on."

I have never said this problem since I have never said this problem.

Everyone will only look at the challenge of people who are challenging, and slowly form this quirky, if someone can live in Carlisle's dormitory, that is their shame.

But now, a newcomer who has never seen before, dare to criticize their rules, too bad!

"Tell him! Must be less learned!"

"How can I do it, I can at least have two! No, three!"

"See it once, isn't it the nine-order, what is gone!"

Huo's feelings have successfully aroused anger, a group of people screamed, Kalaisle changed, and shouted: "According to the rules, you have to challenge him!"

So many people really have a strong, the so-called double boxing is difficult, she doesn't think that Huo's unfair's two-step can resist it.

However, Huo is very smile and said: "It doesn't matter, a group will only rely on others to put their weak people, let them go together, the province's delay me. I don't want to be on these weak people. Too much time And energy. "

Carlisle didn't say anything again. She felt powerful confidence in Huo, and his tone.

This kind of confidence is like he never fear that his failure is like an attack that has experienced this intensity.

Do you say that in his planet, do you have such a thing?

Carlisale guess, it is not wrong, when Huo is unfamiliar to assault the black magic god sea, long-distance rushing two thousand miles, and the enemy around us will happen.

Even the squatting, he has worked, and there are thousands of people in this district.

"Everyone has heard, he is herself, don't give him an opportunity, die him!"


A group of people really rushed up, Huo's unfair reached out to promote Carlis in the dormitory, said: "Don't worry, it will be over."

His care, let Carlinger are slightly touched, although this is a common move, but she is feeling that Huo is unable to make him feel comfortable.

In the face of the siege of everyone, Huo's unauthorized choice is a root with a mental spike.

This is his spiritual combat skill he just learned, just right to use it.

At this time, many people nearby have issued disdainful sounds: "This person is really sincere, the double-line nineth order will fight so many people, it is to find death! Even if it really reached the 11th order, face The siege of thousands of people can only be defeated. This is not a lamb to be slaughtered. Although their strength is very powerful, it is not the weak in his mouth. A group of people smashed the face, it is Iron people have to be abolished. "

This evaluation has been recognized by many people.

Including the distant Cristorf, nodded slightly, asked the people next to: "How do you think, can he win?"

The person standing next to it is the spiritual tutor to give Huo's forever. Howard.

Christopher has the power of 18th order, and Howard is the 18th order of the spirit.

Both are the real strong people in the University of Philips, and the most powerful two in the mentor.

Howard looks at the distant picture, then shakes his head.

"Yes." Christopher laughed: "This kid is still very arrogant, very pair of temper, but he is so arrogant, it seems to be a little unstable. Let him experience some setbacks, but also A good thing, at least know, this stage is still not suitable for too arrogant. "

Howard nodded and said: "You are not wrong, the double-line nine-order, it is indeed unqualified here."

At the same time, the battle has started.

In the face of this group of challengers, Huo's mental spikes are emitted in an instant.

Although it is a nine-order, each spike has a level of nine-order peaks.

To challenge his, the highest is only a nineth order, and the peak attack of the same class is not duel.

They can only use their own various ways to resist this attack.

In this group of people, there is a pair of eight-order, seven-order, or even sixth parties.

The eight-order seven-order has been hit by it. As for the sixth order, a mental spike can directly let them kneel down, and will not come.

Even the evolution of the first level is not completed, and dare to challenge Huo's extraordinary, it is simply interesting.

As for eight-order, seven orders, it is actually not held.

Because Huo's mental spikes, unexpected powerful, this kind of attack is even more than the force of the two-step nine-order.

They are painful, and the seventh-order person has taken the lead in falling, and there is no more support than the sixth order.

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