"defeat him!"

"I will teach this guy to teach me!"

"Go to death, Huo."

The scene is almost a side, which is really unforgettable.

Sharlen carefully stared at the enemy in front of him.

She will not see the other party because the opponent is lower than her own low, from the results of the coming, the opponent who despise this guy has been considered. The combination of two-line ten-stage, spiritual and strength can reach what kind of point, and she is very concerned.

Sharlen plays a battle posture.

Huo's unfair one trick, let the mood of countless people's headache appear around him, especially after learning gathering, it is difficult to destroy his protective cover.

This is also the existence of many opponents straight to the skin.

The appearance of Sharon's eyes appeared in the eyes. Once they entered the battle, her enthusiasm would be unprecedentedly high, which is what she can stand out in the Philips College and become the thirteenth topic.

I saw her legs, and the whole body quickly left the rabbit. The people only saw a residual, and the Sharlen turned around and came to Huo.

Huo's eyes are also lifted, just at this moment, he understood that the opponent is not a simple thirteen order, but it does really have strength, and touch the existence of the 14th order threshold, just an opportunity.

Huo is always interested. If you have become an opportunity to break through the 14th order, what will it?

In fact, the attack has arrived, and the other fist with a horrible breath.

She even touched the rationing of the breath, and this is to become a 16th order, transform the breath in the body into the key to fighting, Huo is also reading a lot of books, and more than Krisf I learned about a little bit after talking.

However, what is this?

Huo is always in the protective cover, and you will also take a punch.

However, what he didn't think of, the momentum of the punch suddenly disappeared, as if it did not exist, then the punch was still waved, but there was no power, soft slammed on the shield.

Huo's unweut, a punch that covers ten-stage power, and the fists who were quickly collected by Sharlen were gentle, and then followed, it was a huge whip leg in the side.

Thirteenth topic whip leg.

Huo has never been successful, then re-shielding the shield, so this remember is in his body, directly let his whole body fly out of ten meters away.

The crowd broke out a cheer.

Happy people, big life!

They were bullied every day, and now it is difficult to have a chance to see Huo's extraordinary suffering, where can I be unhappy?

Even if they think that Huo is unfair to bear this hit, there is no anti-preparation of the thirteenth order, where is his ten-stage body?

But what makes everyone fall in glasses, Huo climbed up and swayed.

Of course, the swaying is that he is put it out, although the strength is only tenth, but the body is the 14th order, so it is not too likely to be in this hitter. However, I will eat this hit, or let Huo's extraordinary blood.

However, Huo is very happy, he is too happy.

This woman named Sharlen is really powerful. Why didn't he think that she actually reached such a point in the use of the breath, and successfully utilized the method of fraud, broke his nearest spiritual cover.

This battle is a bit mean!

Huo's standing is not too much. Although she has used a very strong kill, she doesn't expect to defeat Huo, she has been there. The opponent has heard that this Huo is extraordinary.

This is more interesting so that the battle continues.

Sharon knows Huo's unfair is the double-line fellow initiates. In order not to let him have a chance to give her a spiritual attack, she put it up at the moment of Huo.

Huo is unfortunately, I will put the spiritual protective cover, and then greeted it without fear.

Huo has had to admit that even if he has a fourteenth order, it is not as good as the thirteen-order woman in front of him. When the moment, the moment is now, and his gathering protective cover is nothing. So he can only rely on his strength hard anti-other attack.

But it is better to know how to combine the spirit and strength, relying on the benefits of spiritual cultivation, he can know more clearly to the opponent's attack direction and rhythm so that he may make better Judging to defense, go to counterattack.

It is just that the force of the thirteenth order is still letting his body will continue to retreat.

The battle between the two sides has long been offset from the place where the original position is.

However, Huo is still working hard to adapt, fighting is not essential, how to learn only what it needs in combat, is what he is in urgent need, for example, for the operation of the breath, if only all the strength is placed A punch, that's too much, at least in the same battle, you can't rely on strong strength to lock the other party, this hit once the empty, the consequences are unimaginable.

Huo has made a very bold decision. He released all his spirit. Like a network, Shalan will be shrouded. And the reason why he is doing is to rely on his own strong spiritual efforts to feel the breath of Shandu, so able to learn her skills.

In Sharon, she clearly felt a strong spirit of Huo, but she didn't panic, but continued her own offensive rhythm, so that Huo's spiritual attack is flawless .

However, Huo is not at all, not to launch a spiritual attack.

Only this spiritual network still makes Shalan have a scruple, and there is a lot of attacks. This makes Huo get a chance of wheezing. Instead, he took the initiative to passively defend him, he was passively defeated, and he finally got very good. Attacking opportunities, and Huo's surprise discovery, under this web cover, he has a clearer awareness of the weakest defensive location.

Is this the blessing of the spiritual system?

So Sharon quickly found that the opponent's counterattack is getting more and more drilled. It is often the place where she doesn't return, so she has to hit a hit. I have to take this hit by her thirteenth order. Pain, this makes her heart very surprised, and I have seen a little higher than Huo.

And in the surrounding people, Huo, who has been retreat, stopped.

"It's evil, this guy will not fight back?"

They saw too much of such scripts, and even some numbness.

"Come on, Sharon!"

Everyone's high drinks.

Shalan also knows that the battle can't continue, Huo has found the opportunity. If you reserve such a rhythm, she even has the possibility of defeating, and lost to a low-end three-order? Although the opponent is a two-stage Huo, this is not acceptable to Shalan.

She decided to take the initiative to break this deadlock.

I saw that her momentum suddenly changed, and suddenly, like a tiger, the mountain is generally raging, and the fist is whistling, and the air is rubbed.

Huo is unfair, this is going to work hard?

If it rely on his top ten strength, hard spell is obviously not dominant, this even Shalan also thinks that in her judgment, Huo is only two options at the moment, one is trying to dodge, but she already has an angry The machine locks him, wanting to dodge it is a very difficult thing, and another, it is to recover the spiritual network covered by her side, re-condense the gathering protective cover, block her attack, and do this, He can also have an opportunity to counterattack. Sharon also hopes that Huo will choose the second, so that she can re-acquire the battle rhythm, so that the balance of victory is still on her.

But the choice of Huo is because she is expected.

He has chosen hard fight!

how can that be? Don't he know that you are still fraud?

Although I was confused, the fists between the two sides were still in contact.

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