Building B

Chapter 1182: Wind Rhythm

The pitch-black wind is very aggressive, covering a range of thousands of feet in the surrounding area in a flash. A series of huge pitch-black tornadoes rise from the ground and roll toward the building B. They move together from all directions, as if to directly break the building B. .

Lou Yi's body is also full of wind, but the wind seems to be light and not threatening, but it happens to be it. When the terrible tornado hits, he can always take Lou Yi to escape. .

   However, Qi Hua doesn't seem to care about this. Unimaginable and terrifying power surges around him. A huge wave above the sky is slowly taking shape, even covering thousands of miles away.

It seems that his real purpose is to use it to make an end with Lou Yi. The wind is invisible, but it is formed when water vapor encounters heat and cold. Therefore, the power of wind is invisible and invisible, without touching them. At that time, I don’t even know their terrible things.

Today, Qi Hua has long been accustomed to the domineering and horror of the Wind of Souls. Most of those who were enemies with him at the beginning are buried in its hands, and the remaining Yedou chooses to surrender to him, so he can The sudden emergence of Xizhou has taken over the territory left by the Bai family after they left.

Relying on this hand of wind protection, the sword in his hand is as pitch black as the wind. I don’t know what material it is made of. It always gives people a very dangerous feeling when swinging. Qi Hua’s movements are very fast, almost coming It's dizzying.

Ninety percent of the wind here is controlled by it. Lou Yi looks like a remnant leaf struggling in the wind, but no matter how strong the wind is, no matter how dangerous they are, Lou Yi can always get away just right. Danger.

   The two are like charmers dancing in the storm, mysterious and difficult to touch, Lou Yi's light footsteps, as if following the wind, Qi Hua moves violently, as if any movement is like a hurricane.

   Qi Hua's sword kept intercepting Lou Yi's path, but when the sword was about to stab him, he watched the opponent float away. Its movements were obviously unpleasant. Why didn't he catch up? Qi Hua was very annoyed.

At this time, the soul of the tiger appeared quietly. Regarding the rules of the wind, Qi Hua is just a young child, while the soul of the tiger is definitely an expert. As soon as he hits the building B, he feels a great threat, that fluffy feeling. , Suddenly seemed a lot awkward.

The reason why Lou Yi is so persevering and fearless is that he relies on the wind map. In his eyes, although the wind is invisible, it has its laws of operation. As long as the rhythm of the wind is thoroughly mastered, he can walk freely in the wind. .

However, the addition of the Soul of the Tiger instantly disrupted the rhythm. It used its own wind to disrupt the rhythm, and combined with the wind of the Soul released by Qi Hua, it was like suddenly being outside the wind division map. A huge cover was added, and the direction of the wind immediately changed.

The pitch-black wind blade slashed the air and released terrible power. A pair of eyes looked at Building B above the sky. Seeing that his movements were crooked and very ugly, he couldn't help but sneered, "What's the matter? beggar!"

Lou Yi raised his head and glanced at it. The sword in his hand turned slightly in the air. The surrounding wind suddenly changed. They violently lifted up and went straight to the soul of the tiger. The wind clashed in the air, making a harsh sound. .

"Hey hey, the kid depends on your abilities right now. If you have a tens of thousands of years, you will not be the opponent of the deity. Come to death!" The soul of the tiger sees Lou Yi using the wind to deal with it irresponsibly. Enlarged suddenly, opened his mouth and sucked fiercely.

Those howling winds were suddenly swallowed into its stomach, and then aimed at the direction of Building B, and then released fiercely, but when it breathed in, it was a mouthful, and when it breathed out, it changed. It became a terrifying wind arc of tens of thousands.

The wind arcs overwhelming the sky, carrying the power of the hurricane, forming terrible wind curtains, layer by layer, trying to cut off the way of building B. Qi Hua originally wanted to chase and kill Building B because he wanted to protect himself from the wind. He focused on chasing and killing him, riding the wind at a speed that was so fast that he was staggering.

   A black light flashed, almost cutting off Lou Yi's nose. With a weird body twist, he escaped the disfigurement blow, but was picked off by Jian Feng a few strands of hair on his forehead.

   Looking at the dark hair, whizzing down his eyes, Lou Yi let out a sigh in his heart, it seems a bit too hard to use the force of the wind alone, but he did it with purpose.

As far as Lou B is concerned, he only knows a little about the rules of team medical wind. Even with the help of the wind map, it only allows him to walk in the wind safely, but for fighting against the wind, this is in front of him. One person, one tiger soul, but a real master.

So he was studying, Lou Yi did not want to win, because he felt that all this might be a game, a game full of temptation and extremely dangerous. No one knows why the original Huangquan Sect disappeared. Such a powerful sect, but Why did not leave any inheritors, this is a little unreasonable.

He himself definitely wouldn't believe that the huge organization that once ruled the entire Kunwu world would disappear because of a cleansing. The only explanation is that they hid, hibernated like a poisonous snake, waiting for the people who inherited the will of Huangquan to appear. ,then......

Lou Yi didn’t want to think about the next thing. He just wanted things to end soon. He couldn’t directly kill Qi Hua, so that he would become the winner of Jiuquan’s seizure, otherwise he would use his current realm of cultivation. Qi Hua is far from its opponent.

   The previous conversation was only the final test of Qi Hua, but he completely disappointed himself...

In Lou Yi's eyes, Feng'er meets in three completely different ways, one is the power of the wind that he masters, the other is the domineering style that Qi Hua masters, and the other is the soul of the tiger. Of it.

It’s just that the Spirit of the Tiger uses a power higher than the rules of the wind. Fortunately, it is not an entity itself. Although it has an extremely powerful control over the wind, it can’t exert one-thousandth of it due to insufficient power. Let Building B take the opportunity to escape.

It’s just that even if it’s only one in a thousand, Lou Yi has benefited a lot, but the wind power of the soul of the tiger is too tricky and complicated, and Qi Hua was taught by it alone, so he often encounters If you don't know the place, you can prove it in Qi Hua's body, so as to enrich his own style of wind.

Gradually, the wind distribution diagram is more complicated than before, and it needs to involve most of Lou B's mental power. Fortunately, his mental power has made a substantial breakthrough in the previous battle with Owl, so even if the consumption is huge, I will not worry about passing out.

Three completely different are intertwined, the weak one belongs to his wind power, the overbearing one is Qi Hua, and this third kind of treacherous and changeable one is manipulated by the Tiger’s Soul The force of the wind.

   It is worthy of being born in the soul of the sacred beast Tianfeng. Its control of the wind is too strong, so powerful that it interferes with all the wind around it, and controls all the wind under its jurisdiction.

What Lou Yi feels most clearly is that the wind force he generates will be interfered by the other party at the moment he leaves the body, and taken by the other party for his own use. This is why he looks crooked and limping now. .

He can no longer control the wind to float freely, because the power of the wind is no longer under his control under the control of the spirit of the tiger, and besides controlling all the power of the wind, the spirit of the tiger also uses This came to cheat for Qi Hua.

   I saw the pitch-black wind entwined on the weird black sword, turning it into a sharp blade. When it slashed, Lou Yi even felt that his soul would be cut into two.

He is sure that he must not touch this sword. Qi Hua is now surrounded by the power of the dark wind. They have turned into armor, weapons, and his power. At this moment, Qi Hua is just like the wind. The Demon King, it seems that the place where the Bai family originally settled, called Wind Demon Valley is indeed very appropriate.

   A terrifying arc of pitch black wind in the sky, whizzing down, fell on every corner beside Lou Yi, the ground was cut open and turned into a huge gap, which exudes the spirit of soul.

   The soul of the tiger cleverly controls the surrounding wind, and constantly pushes Lou Yi into desperation. Qi Hua waved the sword in his hand and attacked him again and again.

   fast, it's too fast...

Qi Hua's speed is fast, and the sword in his hand is He is like a magical shadow, coming and going without a trace, but with the sword in his hand, when he pierces the air, he makes a harsh trembling sound, the sword There is terrible wind force everywhere across the sky, it is like a net thrown away, constantly chasing Lou Yi.

   is full of dark wind everywhere, a pair of invisible big hands are sparing no effort to touch them, turning the original invisible weather into tangible wind, and using their particularity to chase the escaped building B.

   However, it didn't last long before Qi Hua found that Lou Yi's movements had become elegant again, and the feeling of walking in a leisurely courtyard had returned. This made him be stunned and frowned.

It’s not only Qi Hua who feels this change. It is the soul of the tiger who sees the change first. It is the most spared and killer hunter, but when it comes to the taste, everything is too late. ...

   It was only then that it realized what the other party's real purpose was, and it couldn't help but roar, "It's really a sinister and cunning ant, who actually understands the way of the wind by the power of the wind!"

   Qi Hua has a complex complexion, but his eyes are extremely determined. He has no turning back. Today, both of them are either you dead or I live.

Lou B’s movements became more natural, the feeling of twisting and pinching was gone, and there were a lot of lines on the split wind map. Lou B added the experience gained to it, enriching his own feelings, the wind is dancing in his ears, and others Then move with the wind rhythm. ...


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