Building B

Chapter 1273: Strangle the dragon snake

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With a punch that seemed to be an understatement, Lou Yi applied this Zulong collapse to the extreme. It was originally just a trembling demon mask. After hitting this punch, it was like a ball full of gas, and was suddenly People burst out.

There was a loud bang, the demon-qi hood burst, and the terrifying demon-qi crazily infiltrated the bursting demon-qi hood like a tide, and the whole world was shrouded in black and purple demon-qi.

Lou Yi raised his head and swept forward, and saw that in the place where the evil spirit was raging, there were eight huge dragon heads, and suddenly they all aimed at him. Lou Yi's mouth was smiling, and his feet slammed into his body. A flash of orange and yellow swish ate the area where the evil spirit raged.

At the same time, in the place where the evil spirit was raging, eight dragons' breaths of different colors began to frantically sweep the front, Tu Xiao stood side by side with Lou Yi, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, "Fortunately, I escaped fast!"

"I don't know who got this guy out, it's too tough..." Lou Yi exclaimed sincerely.

"What are you talking about? Someone made this thing?" Tu Xiao asked with wide eyes.

Lou Yi nodded and said, "I just have this hunch. Do you still remember the flood dragon under the waterfall that you tossed about? Don't you think it resembles these guys?"

Lou Yi’s reminder made Tu Xiao quickly realized that the situation seemed to be similar to what Lou Yi described. Although the dragon is not as powerful as these eight dragons, the aura it exudes does not seem simple, and the dragon is good at water attack. However, he was completely suppressed by Li Dou at that time, and failed to make waves.

Tu Xiao smashed his mouth, "This Nima really opened his eyes, what does he want to do?"

Lou Yi shook his head and said, "I don't know, no matter what, this monster must be killed, otherwise it will wait for it to grow again, I am afraid the entire Kunwu world will usher in a disaster!"

"What are you waiting for, kill it!" Tu Xiao said with both fists.

Lou Yi nodded, and the two rushed forward again. At this moment, they saw a golden green light, which shuttled through the evil spirit at an astonishing speed. At the same time, the eight dragons and snakes in the evil spirit made terrible roars. Everything is shaking.

For an instant, as the demon energy was rolling, countless golden sickle moons whizzed out, chasing the three of them at the same time. Li Dou wanted to take off. The sky here was already covered with blue electric clouds. They released the whip of thunder and lightning. Whipping the path of Li Dou.

As soon as Lou Yi approached, he took a sharp breath and let out a loud roar toward the front. The sound wave turned into orange-yellow substantive energy and swept around like a rotten one. The demonic energy was disintegrated, even the golden sickle moon. Can't be spared.

At this moment, violent energy fluctuations appeared above, and a series of thick white-grown huge stone cones, whizzing down from the sky, the target is the building B who used the dragon's fright.

But at this moment, a black shadow soared into the sky, and two pairs of black cicada wings flapped behind him. He tightened his three pairs of iron fists and blasted forward at the same time. The storm formed by the violent force slammed into the sky. On top of the stone cones, disperse them and entangle them on their true essence.

Soon six huge stone fists were urged by this violent force to attack all the way forward. However, at this time, one of the dragon’s heads suddenly sent out extremely vague energy fluctuations, Tu Xiao quickly reminded, " Be careful, that thing is coming again!"

However, Lou Yi did not retreat this time. Instead, he rushed forward. He approached the Eight Dragon Snakes in an instant, because he knew very well that he would never escape this round of spines when he retreated. If so, why not take a chance. .

When he attacked the Demon Qi Mantle, he found that within the range originally covered by the Demon Qi Mantle, there was no honeycomb ground pattern formed by a wooden spine on the ground, so he placed his hope here and raised his arm. With a punch, he smashed the newly formed demon hood.

There was another violent roar, and the demon-qi mask shattered again. At this time, two shadows came forward and rushed into the broken demon-qi mask. The head of the eight-headed dragon snake was raised high at the moment. It exudes an amazing woodiness.

At this time, a figure from above swooped down and shouted at Lou Yi, "Find a way to give it a bath!!!"

Lou Yi looked up and saw that Li Dou was pulling countless cyan thunderclouds, which were falling rapidly from the sky. He immediately understood this guy's intention, and the huge palm of his hand flashed lightly, and the condensing water fan appeared in his hand. He manipulated it with his mind, and a waterspout sturdyly poured water from eight dragons and snakes.

At this time, Li Dou descended from the sky and flashed past the head of the high dragon, and then the sky full of thunderclouds exploded brilliantly at this time. They were originally locked to Li Dou's body, but when they were pulled below At that time, the powerful wood energy made this dragon head, who was about to make a big move, a huge hidden thunder needle. When all the thunderclouds burst together, the head of this dragon was in the sky bursting thunderous air. The ashes went out.

The other heads of the eight dragons and snakes began to shake frantically, and the dragon head in the center made a deafening wailing sound. The flames swept around, wrapped in frost, and Li Dou Tong Building B flashed back and saw Tu Xiao waving Liu. Only a huge stone fist violently shattered all obstacles in front of him.

At this time, the golden one-horned flood dragon began to shake its head again, but at this time a golden green light swept across, and then heard two piercing muffled noises.

boom! boom! ! !

Li Dou was holding two exaggerated giant hammers and patted the head of the dragon with golden horns into meatloaf, losing his head one after another, making the eight-headed dragon snake panicked. He raised his central head. A pungent smell spread to the surroundings at this time.

It seems that he still wants to apply the same trick again, use poison to force everyone back, and then build a demon gas mask. However, Lou Yi did not give him a chance this time. He bent his knees to concentrate his strength on his legs, and then violently Trampled on the ground, the person rose into the air, violently turned in the air, and kicked the head of the eight dragons and snakes.

Hearing a pop, the huge head was kicked and exploded, and a fountain of venom, mixed with the venom of the eight dragons and snakes, sprayed towards the ground.

And Tu Xiao also took this opportunity to step forward, with full firepower, and six huge stone fists to open the bow from left to right, blasting the heads of the flame and frost dragons. So far, of the eight dragons and snakes, five of the eight are left. The three heads of thunder, wind and earth.

This is no longer a substantial threat to Lou B and the others. In the end, Tu Xiao blasted the head of the Earth Dragon, Lou Yi squeezed the head of the Wind Dragon, and Li Dou blasted the head of Lei Jiaolong.

The eight-headed dragon snake collapsed to the ground with twitching all over, looking like an octopus out of water. The three stood side by side with a happy smile on their faces. Although the eight-headed dragon snake possesses the demon saint Power, but it seems to be as Lou Yi said, it is artificially created.

Its main power was concentrated in the head in the center, but it was kicked and exploded by Lou Yi's dragon's tail. So far, its talent hidden **** could not be activated, and it was too flustered and missed to regroup. The timing.

The fighter plane is fleeting and it is fair to everyone. If you can't grasp it, you will be defeated. Tu Xiao watched the colorful liquid here, constantly flowing around, and there was a faint pungent toxin contained in it, so he asked. "Can this thing still serve alcohol?"

Lou Yi smiled, "Of course! And it's not only useful for this!"

Tu Xiao raised his eyebrows and looked at Lou Yi. Seeing this guy's eyes gleaming, 80% of him thought of something crooked. Just as he was about to speak, Lou Yi said first, "This method is not necessary for the seniors, but it is very suitable for the juniors of the Qi family. People!"

Tu Xiao babbled and said to himself, "Forget it, if you stutter!"

Lou Yi asked them to help, collecting all the seemingly strange liquids here, Lou Yi mysteriously sealed them in a container, and then left the formation with everyone.

Not long after Li Chuang took everyone back to Zhengshan Longtan, but what he saw made them all tremble. I saw that Lou Yi was pouring a cylinder of terrible liquid into the Zhengshan Longtan. Yuan urged a lot of elixir, let them shed the medicine gas.

Most of these elixir are top ninth-tier elixir. The qi they shed move around Zhengshan Longtan one circle after another. Lou Yi has an inexplicable smile on his face. This smile makes Qi family’s These juniors shudder.

They stared blankly at Lou Yi for two full hours. At this time, the water in Zhengshan Longtan had turned into a color like oil paint, and it exuded a kind of medicinal fragrance, just that one by one. The huge colorful blisters that agitated still made them tremble.

And just when they were at a loss, Lou Yi raised his head, beckoned at them, and said, "Who is going to try?"

Everyone looked at each other but no one dared to go down, and then a voice from the side said, "Lord, let me try first!"

It was Qi Zhi who was talking. He was taken away by the Eight-Headed Dragon Snake, but he was not killed. This was mainly due to the Eight-Headed Dragon Snake’s greed. It wanted to catch everyone together, and later a feasted feast. , So he used poison to stun him and threw it in a cave behind Longtan of Zhengshan Mountain.

After Lou Yi and the others killed the eight dragons and snakes, they returned directly to Zhengshan Longtan, and finally found Qi Zhi and detoxified him. Hearing Qi Zhi volunteering, he nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, good of!"

However, the moment Qi Zhi went into the water, he uttered an inhuman scream. Seeing him trembling and the color of his skin changing, Lou Yi said nonchalantly, "It seems that the effect of the medicine is a bit fierce..."

Everyone opened their mouths to look at Lou Yi, but soon Qi Zhi’s painful voice slowly became much smaller. Although he was still trembling all over, and his skin color changed frequently, he could still see that his breath was inch by inch. Become stronger.

With the first person to eat crabs, naturally there will be a second one, so everyone jumped into the Longtan of Zhengshan one by one, and then uttered miserable howls. Lou Yi nodded in satisfaction and said, " They will have a future!"

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