Building B

Chapter 1348: Lou Yi Baishan

The army's pressure was not as dreadful as imagined. Above the wasteland outside the Palace of Controlling Beasts, it was in a very strange state of tranquility. Everyone held their breath and looked forward. A mountain that was larger than the Tianshan Mountain, just like the same. The huge monster beast that only dormant on the wasteland exudes a frightening aura.

This is the barren mountain range where the Beast Controlling Palace is located. It has more than 100 peaks and peaks, among which there are 11 main peaks. Each palace occupies a different number of spiritual peaks, but the situation in the Beast Controlling Palace is now very different.

Because of the Nanwu family's admission, the status of the Nine Palaces began to tilt sharply. At the beginning of the creation of the Palace of Controlling Beasts, except for the Supreme Elder and Sovereign Peak, the rest of the palaces adopted an even distribution system.

But nowadays, with the exception of the Sovereign Peak and the Supreme Elder’s Lingfeng unchanged, the other palaces have changed their duties. For example, the Nan Uruh, the leader of the first palace, has as many as three spiritual peaks under its jurisdiction. There are more than ten, just one-third of the existing barren mountains, and as the last existence of the Nine Palaces, Man Qianjun only allocated two peaks, one for the palace main peak, one for the steward and the spirit beast peak.

Of course, this is also the result of the Nanwu family's deliberate operation, but through this one can see how the current atmosphere of the Palace of Controlling Beasts has formed.

The reason why the Kawu family will help Nanwu Yankang against the Qi family and even the Cha family is to gain a strong position as the second child of the beast palace, but they are still too stupid to see reality. If the Nanwu family really If you trust them, how can you bestow the position of Supreme Elder to the Nong family instead of the Ta Kaw family.

Chahadi looked up at the majestic and mysterious barren mountain range, with fog enveloping its body, and the surroundings were unusually quiet, as if it was falling asleep, and Lou Yi was sitting on the high ground, looking at it as well.

However, the things in the eyes of the two were very different. What he felt was the terrible energy produced by the barren mountain range. This meant that if you wanted to step into the barren mountain range, you must first release the terrible pressure.

You must know that the ruler of the Barren Mountains is the Palace of Beast Control, but the same Palace of Beast Control is to protect itself and to have sufficient resources for the control of beasts, so starting from the first generation of palace owners, the monks here facilitated the beasts to reach a tacit understanding.

Monster beasts can thrive here, and similarly, they need to provide shelter for the beast control palace, and even allow the monks of the beast control palace to find suitable beasts or beasts as their soul contract partners in the barren mountains.

This is like a solemn ritual, and it is also a long-standing tradition. Even if the palace of controlling the beasts has fallen, this tacit understanding has never changed. The most important point is that if you let the people living here The monsters believe that they will not threaten their lives.

The army stood outside, Lou Yi, Li Dou and others landed and walked into the barren mountain range. The moment their feet stepped into the barren mountain range, the entire barren mountain range seemed to be alive, with low roars one after another. They use this way to warn these people that they are not welcome here, and let them retreat when it is difficult.

Lou Yi stopped and took a deep breath. The air here has a wild feeling, which makes his hair stand up. This kind of stimulation and tension makes him feel excited. He then asked, "Brother, you Was it like this when I first entered here?"

There was a bitter smile on Li Dou's face, and he shook his head, "When the Master took me into the Palace of Controlling Beasts, I entered directly through my identity badge. After a ritual baptism, the monsters here no longer Made such a threatening sound."

There was a momentary embarrassment on Lou Yi's face, because as a nominal disciple of the Palace of Controlling the Beast, he did not pass the ceremony of Controlling the Palace of the Beast. To put it bluntly, he was not recognized, so he was equivalent to a black household without a nameplate.

Thinking of this, he could only helplessly ask, "Is there any other way?"

Li Dou shook his head, saying that he could not do anything. Chahadi came forward and murmured, “When the Palace of Beast Control was founded, there used to be a rule for choosing disciples, but I’m afraid that many people now use it. Forget about it..."

Chehoha stepped forward and asked, "Lao Cha is talking about the ceremony of worship?"

A glint flashed in Chahadi's eyes, and then nodded and said, "Yes, that's the ceremony of worship!"

"Can the two old seniors tell the younger ones, what is the ceremony of worship?" Lou Yi asked.

Chehoha looked towards Chahadi, which meant that he said that he had only heard of this name. This rule was no longer used in his time. After all, after the establishment of the Palace of the Beasts, the forces are complicated. , The rules of choosing disciples have also been changed again and again. Nowadays, major families have settled in the Palace of Controlling Beasts, and very few people will go out to find disciples and bring them back to the palace for training.

The reason why Man Qianjun went to Beizhou at the beginning was actually because he was run on the animal control palace. He didn't want to be held back by the family, so he wanted to cultivate his own forces, plus he had plans to implement it. It is the disciple whom he chooses to be the most confident to complete the task.

The ceremony of worshipping the mountain is actually an original tradition. The palace of controlling the beasts is famous for controlling the beasts. In order to select suitable talents, the palace of controlling the beasts will hold a ceremony of worshiping the mountains every 100 years.

This so-called Grand Ceremony of Mountain Worship is actually to walk through the barren mountains, visit the most powerful monster or monster tribe on each mountain, fight with it under the same conditions, and after getting the other party’s approval, continue to go Next hill.

This is also a way to test the strength of the monks in the Palace of Controlling the Beasts. The original purpose was to select the successor of the Palace Master of the Nine Palaces or the Palace Masters and the stewards and even the elite troops of the Palaces.

It’s just that, with the succession of palace owners in the past, this rule is slowly no longer implemented under the influence of the family powers of all dynasties. Because of this requirement, only through the ceremony of worship can be qualified as an elite, and can be selected. Various palace officials and other duties.

In the later Palace of Controlling the Beast, most of the palaces were controlled by the power of the family. A large number of children from the family came into the Palace of Controlling the Beast. Naturally, the good and the bad were uneven. Many of the disciples of the Palace of Controlling the Beast with not outstanding talents stood behind. In the end, the power of the beast control palace was unable to adapt to the times, and the ceremony of worshipping the mountain has also existed in name only.

But there are still legends in the market. The legend is that if a foreign monk wants to worship the Beast Yu Palace, he can try to climb the mountain without a referrer, as long as he can successfully walk to the gate of the Beast Yu Palace. Before, you can become a disciple of the Beast Control Palace, and the palace owner will personally rush to the front of the mountain gate to guide him into the Beast Control Palace.

However, rushing to the mountain is an adventure of a life of nine deaths, because the foreign monks are not protected by the beast control palace, so when they worship the mountain, if they are defeated, they will be used as food and contributed to the monster tribe of the mountain.

Those talents who claimed to be geniuses were still happy about it. After all, the original Beast Control Palace was too powerful, but when the Beast Control Palace suffered a catastrophe, the status of the Beast Control Palace plummeted.

The vassal families of the major forces ran away from the other hills and disintegrated Nuo Da’s beast control palace. It relied on the only power to firmly control the land of Kyushu outside the barren state, although these years The strength has rebounded slightly, but still can't get out of this predicament.

It is also because of this that no one is willing to take risks with their bodies to win the place of the disciple of the beast control palace, which does not look very good. It is also because of this that the light in Cha Hadi's eyes dimmed immediately after shining. Up...

Lou Yi looked up at the barren mountain range surrounded by clouds and mist, feeling its desolation and loneliness, and then he walked forward and disappeared from everyone's eyes. To reach the Palace of Controlling the Beast, he must pass the ceremony of worship. One can temporarily enter the ring of Yuzhen Universe.

Li Dou and the others were waiting outside the mountain, because they were originally the people in the Beast Controlling Palace, so they didn't need to enter the Beast Controlling Palace through this. They only needed to wait here, waiting for Lou Yi to pass the test of the mountain worship ceremony.

Lou Yi walked along the mountain road, and the feeling of being surrounded by a group of demons was extremely strong. This feeling was very much like when he was in Beizhou, facing those demon saints, he even had an illusion that he was here in Kunwu. In the Whether the monster is the real master.

He once saw a terrifying demon **** who destroyed the Huangquan Palace, the overlord of Kunwu Realm, and it is said that the Yanlin clan who rules Zhongzhou now, together with the Helian Mountains in Beizhou, made Lou Yi feel A huge depression.

He even wondered why for so long, no monk who ascended to the upper realm has appeared again, and those ascended predecessors have never come back to Kunwu realm, whether all this is the same as the current status of Kunwu realm. related.

While he was thinking about it, a voice suddenly exploded in his mind, "Outsider, tell me what you are here!"

Lou Yi stood still and said loudly, "The junior was named Lou Yi, originally a disciple of the animal control palace, but the junior was away all year round and did not participate in the baptism of the animal control palace, so today I want to follow the ancient law and worship the mountain ceremony. I also hope that the predecessors of the demon race from the mountains have given me advice!"

"You said you are a disciple of the Palace of Controlling the Beast, why do you rely on it?" Another voice appeared and questioned.

Lou Yi raised the feeding ring in his hand, and at the same time removed the yellow snake from the jade ring of the snake, he said, "The ancient demon, faked as a demon, man is forbidden by man, and demon is by virtue. Monsters do not make their own way, humanity is not obscure, and the nature of monsters is not obvious..."

"Heaven and earth are obedient, the spirit platform does not fall, the gods are not evil, the human body is a tool. The demon spirit is the soul, the human soul does not fall, the demon spirit does not invade, the demon soul is immortal..." Lou Yi said in a breath The mantra of the method of fusion of demon spirits stated that the reason why he did not use the method of psychic is because the method of psychic is the secret method of controlling the beast palace, and ordinary disciples cannot practice at all.

Lou Yi blended and refined the feeding pill in front of everyone. He answered the other party’s question. After that, everything was calm. After a while, Lou Yi found that the mist in front of him gradually disappeared, and he saw it clearly for the first time. The true face of the barren mountains.

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