Building B

Chapter 1361: Redback Mountain God

The arrival of Lou Yi immediately attracted the attention of these guys. One of the adult Redback Mountain Gods suddenly climbed up from the dirty pool, and the dirty water from that pool fell from its body, falling like a waterfall. , And that foul smell enveloped the surroundings like substance.

   It was a smell that was almost black, constantly emanating from the redback mountain god, and the other party's body was so huge that Lou Yi had no sense of existence in front of it.


The redback mountain **** screamed in all directions, Lou Yi felt that the entire ground and the air were shaking violently, and as the opponent whizzed out, Lou Yi felt that a mountain was slamming towards him, although the speed was not fast, But he couldn't avoid it.

   This feeling of hunger was as if he was being held hostage by the surrounding air, and then a stinky wind swept over him, he had to increase his strength, and the moment the opponent hit him, he escaped.

But before he could catch his breath, he heard a loud rumbling noise from the earth, countless huge figures in all directions, all rushed up in one breath, he was caught in the middle, like a fallen leaf that could not control himself in a strong wind. The frantic air current stirred and dizzy.

  Even though he has a profound understanding of the Way of Wind, these are of no use here. It is really that he is too insignificant for these Scarletback Mountain Gods.

Downstairs B had no choice but to start six rounds of blue and white, the blue light enveloped him, giving him more or less autonomous action, but at this moment a red light came oncoming, it was a loud bang, he The whole person was hit and flew out.

   Building B's feeling at this time was that he was knocked down by a mountain. Although it was very exaggerated, his feeling was like this. Then one after another crimson figures rushed towards him one after another.

Lou Yi used his perception of the wind to constantly float around in the cracks. He instinctively wanted to rush to the sky, but he didn't know why every time his body rose to a thousand feet above the ground, there would be something terrifying. Power, pressed it down from the sky.

Under pressure, he could only fall to the ground. Facing these terrifying mountain-like monsters, he could not only try a head-to-head strategy. At this moment, the snake jade ring burst into orange light. Accompanied by a loud dragon chant, Huang Hao appeared beside Lou Yi.

   If put together, the yellow roe deer, which is nearly two hundred feet tall, is enough to frighten many monsters, but when it appears in front of the group of redback mountain gods, it seems to become a baby waiting to be fed.

   Huang Hao looked extremely angry, because it didn’t like being looked down upon by people, and it made an angry roar...



The opponent immediately returned the color and launched a charge against it. The yellow deer did not retreat but moved forward, holding his head high and striding hugely, and rammed into the Redback Mountain God who rushed first, causing a loud bang. They ran into each other fiercely, causing a huge storm.

Lou Yi was overwhelmed by the air wave in a bitter smile, and almost fell into the pool behind. With absolute strength advantage, Huang Qiang smashed the opponent into a stagger, just as it was about to jump up and bite his throat. One impact after another crashed.

Just listen to the terrible crashing sound reverberating between the heavens and the earth. The earth wall created by the yellow deer was smashed one after another, and then it was thrown to the ground by the redback mountain **** who hit it one after another, and the whole body was covered with stinky mud. Sewage seemed to be embarrassed.

Just as these guys were about to kill the killer, Lou Yi rushed up and knocked one of the Redback Mountain Gods back with one blow. At the same time, he turned back and kicked the other one away. With the help of the rebound, he opened the bow left and right to shoot the other two. The Scarletback Mountain God kicked to the ground.

At this time, the Huang Gang struggling to stand up, it was extremely angry at the humiliation it suffered. When it looked up to the sky and roared, the field of gravity appeared next to it, and saw it burst out with an incomparable light of the earth. The ground and the mountain trembled violently at this moment.

However, what Lou Yi did not expect was that when Huang Qiang performed all this, the Redback Mountain Gods did not choose to retreat, but rushed up. Lou Yi noticed the slow pupils in the eyes of these Redback Mountain Gods. Slow has changed. Their originally dirty fur is as hard as a rock at this moment.

  At this moment, these guys gave him the feeling that they were mountains. They were mountains that had come alive. They had the weight and oppression of the mountains. As an ancestor dragon, Huang Yun also had the blessing of the power of the earth, but it was still a child after all.

Huge dragon claws turned out around Huang's body, and he grabbed one of the redback mountain gods. The dazzling sparks burst out like fireworks, and the harsh sound accompanied by the endless sound of the earth’s rumbling echoed in this group of reds. In the territory of the Back Mountain God.

At this moment, Lou Yi was also surrounded by dozens of Redback Mountain Gods. Perhaps it was because he was too small. The mature bodies of those Redback Mountain Gods didn't seem to treat him as the same thing. They lifted huge pig feet. Keep stepping down.

Lou Yi slammed his fists on these huge boars, but it did not seem to have any effect. After their bodies were blessed by the power of the earth, they became hard as iron, and their fists made a sound of metal intercourse. Piercing.

   Suddenly one of them turned over to his side. The fat and huge body squeezed like a toppling mountain. The pressure made Lou Yi's breathing hurried.

He wanted to blast away the opponent's body with a collapsed fist, but when he was about to throw a fist, he suddenly felt a heart palpitation, which made him immediately realize that the situation was not quite right. He hurriedly used his body technique, and his body was like a gust of wind. Suddenly disappeared in place.

With a loud bang, the Scarletback Mountain God fell on the ground, and the whole earth trembled for it, but at the moment it fell to the ground, its body suddenly looked like a rolling log toward the building B. Rolled in the direction of.

   What is even more exaggerated is that Lou Yi noticed that the mane on his body was all erected at this moment. This feeling was like huge and hard thorns, covering his entire body.

   For an instant, Lou Yi realized that the body of the Redback Mountain God seemed to swell up, becoming fatter and rounder. This reminded Lou Yi of a creature, the poisonous pufferfish he encountered in the Abyss of the Sea God.

They inflate their bodies and unfold their stings, just like a sea urchin covered with deadly spikes. Although the situation is a little different, this Redback Mountain God also gives Lou Yi the feeling, and because of the other side. The physique is too huge, and those sharp manes are like huge fir trees.

   Building B had no choice but to quickly flash aside, but at this moment, a few Redback Mountain Gods took the same method and rolled towards his location.

In this case, if he could fly into the sky, he would naturally be unafraid of these guys’ attacks, but for some unknown reason, he could never fly to the sky. Although these Scarletback Mountain Gods were inferior to him, but because of their physical superiority, Coupled with the special reasons here, it actually made him very embarrassed.

   On the other side, the yellow roe faced the attack of nearly a hundred redback mountain gods alone. The number of dragon claws it morphed out was obviously unable to cope with so many redback mountain gods. It could only rely on sweeping tails and scaring dragons to retreat.

During the intermittent period, it will try to create a batch of clay creations. However, the creation dragons and beasts it condenses are like fragile glazed porcelain in front of these huge creatures. They bravely launched a charge to crush these creations. Shattered.

The roar continued to rise, and the alum dream stone cover formed by the yellow roe slowly cracked under repeated impacts. The yellow roe slowly retreated under the continuous impact, leaving its dragon claws deep on the ground. Of the impression.

It is the ancestor dragon, the darling of the earth, and it has experienced such an unbearable situation at this moment. This has greatly stimulated its self-esteem. The eyes of the yellow scorpion gradually become red, and layers of light sand begin. Spread on the outside of its body.

   In a blink of an eye, the outer side of the yellow rooster's body seemed to be covered by a special armor, which was made up of the three ultimate powers of the earth, the soil of the soil, the sand of time, and the stone of alum dream.

They exude divine light, perfectly protecting the yellow roe deer. The only thing exposed out of the armor is the pointed dragon horn above the yellow roe deer’s claws and head. At this time, the dragon horn bursts with terrible light. .


The yellow deer uttered a deafening dragon roar, and the dragon's feet slammed on the ground. A huge foot that was many times stronger than before, shining bright orange light fell from the sky, and slammed a red head that was selfless. Back Mountain God stepped on the ground.


This time, the voice was not a but the screams of the Redback Mountain God. This foot was so strong that he stepped directly on the ground. Among them, the thick armor covering its body was shattered, its body was torn, and a scarlet blood fountain burst out.

There was a ruthless light in the eyes of the yellow scorpion. He suddenly jumped up and stepped on the injured Redback Mountain God's back again. Suddenly, there was a sound of bone cracking. The Redback Mountain God was in pain. In the wailing sound, Huang Hao bit his throat.


Huang Hao raised his head stained with the blood of the Redback Mountain God, opened his huge dragon mouth, revealing blood-filled fangs, and uttered a deafening roar at the Redback Mountain God around. This is how it vented its anger. Obviously its sound played a certain deterrent effect.

However, at this moment, far behind, an indescribable huge shadow suddenly moved forward, Lou Yi's body shook suddenly, because he thought it was a mountain from beginning to end, but now this one The mountain is moving...

What this meant, Lou B couldn’t be clearer. It was also a Redback Mountain God, and a Redback Mountain God with a physique of nearly ten thousand feet. Lou Yi immediately understood why he could not be lifted into the sky. In the eyes, it just restricted its own body, and then allowed its children to kill itself. There is no doubt that this is the king of the Scarletback Mountain God, a real demon saint.


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