Building B

Chapter 1449: Moonless Slaughter

Pingcheng Port on the east coast of Zhongzhou is the most important port connecting Zhongzhou to Dongzhou. The sky was clouded and the harbor was brightly lit on this day. However, it didn't take long for the pouring rain to fall from the sky, and then the squally showers swept across the harbor.

Those who were busy in the harbor had to return to their residences to avoid wind and rain. Some people simply got together and went to the wine shop in the harbor to have a drink. The monks who guarded the harbor all hid in the warmth. Among the towers, someone opened his mouth and complained, "This thief, the weather was fine just now, and if the sky changes, the sky changes!"

Another person answered, "How long have you been here, so the habit will be good. Besides this kind of weather, let's take a leisurely trip and sit down and get some warmth!"

"Okay!" The man hurriedly squeezed over, a few people pushed their cups and changed their cups, gagging and chatting very lively, but none of them noticed that there were countless shadows floating on the stormy sea, and there were also in the dark water. Countless shadows are swimming.

They sneaked into the harbour quietly and slowly opened the iron gate connecting the harbour and Hongyuan. The function of this iron gate was to allow ships outside to enter the harbour, but the gate was opened for a long time, but there were no ships. Into it.

At this time, under the seabed, dark shadows filed in. They were shining with blue light in the sea, and the seawater in the entire harbor was stained with a strange blue light band.

The monk on duty at the harbor who had complained before, raised his drunken eyes after he was full of food and drink, and swept away from the tower. A dark shadow appeared in front of him suddenly, and then he smelled something difficult. Smell the stench.

"What's the matter?...hiccup!" He hiccuped, then rubbed his eyes vigorously, and at this moment a thunderbolt light suddenly fell from the sky, and by this light, the black shadow suddenly turned his head.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

A harsh scream resounded across the night sky, and the guardian monk looked at the monster with blue eyes and disgusting mucus in front of him in horror. Accompanied by this scream, his upper body was caught in front of him. The monster swallowed his stomach.

The splattered blood stained the windows of this tower, followed by the sound of riots and successive screams. There were blue electric lights raging in the tower, and then everything returned to calm.

The storm cleverly concealed all of this, concealed the fight in the wind and rain, a ghostly fire ignited above the tower, as if sending some kind of signal, and then, on the shaking sea, a huge ship turned towards The harbour arrived and entered the Pingcheng Port in such a grand manner.

Pingcheng Port suddenly became fish on the cutting board. A few hours later, large ships full of cargo sailed away from Pingcheng Port. The sea water had long been stained red with blood, and the entire Pingcheng Port looked like hell.

A few hours later, the sun slowly rose, but the merchants and travellers who traveled to and from Pingcheng Port discovered a strange phenomenon. The gate of Pingcheng Port was closed and no guards were standing at the top of the city.

Someone flew inward and peeked inward, and his face immediately showed a terrified look. He shouted at the bottom, "Quick! Go away, the Kraken is coming to Hong Kong!!!"

The crowd suddenly fell into a panic, and everyone went in different directions. About an hour later, flying magical instruments began to appear on the horizon, and they came towards Pingcheng Port at an alarming speed.

These people are the controllers of Pingcheng Port. Just like Midway City, the various forces are cooperating to manage this port, and the distribution of benefits depends on the strength and efforts of the major forces.

The first thing they did when they came here was to seal off the surrounding area of ​​the harbor. At the same time, among the flying magic weapons, someone flew out over the city wall and entered Pingcheng Port. Even after a few hours, the pungent smell of blood remained. Lingering.

These people think that the cultivation base should be the master of each family. One of the old men is obviously the most powerful among them, so he walks in the forefront, and the others have to let him follow him a little later.

The entire Pingcheng Port is a ruin after the slaughter. There are horrible traces of the slaughter, and blood stains on the ground and even on the walls can be seen everywhere, and there are even debris such as internal organs.

"Master Guo, what do you think?" A middle-aged man on his left who looked like a fateful age asked the old man walking in the front.

He is the force of Pingcheng Port second only to the Guo family, and the Ping family who created the Pingcheng Port in his ancestors. He is known as Ping San Ye. Regardless of his age, he is not old among these people, but he is also a man who has lived for a thousand years. Old guy.

And the old man he called Lord Guo had gray hair and gray hair. At first glance, he looked like an ordinary old man, but his waist was straight, his eyes radiant like stars, and his gestures gave people a powerful feeling.

This person is the biggest force in the Pingcheng Port, and if you trace the origin, this Guo Ye can actually be regarded as a person on the Fusang Thousand Islands. Their ancestors were the core figures on the Fusang Thousand Islands. Only after that catastrophe, the Guo family He was forced to leave the Fusang Thousand Islands, occupying a piece of water and soil along the east coast of Zhongzhou, and now it is also the hegemon of the party.

On the other side, most of the people on the other side are also around the powers of the states near Pingcheng Port. In order to unite against the threat of the Fuso Thousand Islands, they naturally united together.

Father Guo, whose real name is Guo Chun, has now come to the time to take care of his life, so most of the things in the family are left to his son to take care of it. Unfortunately, his son and Yue just rushed with the caravan. Dongzhou, to discuss cooperation matters with the current overlord Duanmu family of Dongzhou.

So after the accident in Pingcheng Port, the third master Ping invited him. Guo Chun looked around and looked at everything around him. He walked to the wall and reached out to touch the wall torn by claws. Thoughtful.

A few people followed him silently, exchanging eyes with each other. After walking for a long time, Old Man Guo said, "I know how much you have guesses in your heart, but this is not an ordinary sea monster, but... .Abyss Conger...!"

The expressions of the people were obviously stunned. They originally thought about what the sea monster was doing, and the one who could manipulate the sea monster was the Fuso Thousand Islands, but now the old man opened his mouth, and the thing that caused this tragedy was pushed to the abyss moray. How could they not be shocked by such terrifying Hong Yuan monsters.

"Master Guo, can't read it wrong, right?" Ping Sanye asked carefully.

Guo Chun stroked his beard and slowly shook his head, "It can't be wrong, look here!"

Following the direction of his finger, they saw many fork-like burnt black marks, not only on the building, but even imprinted on the ground, and they also found a thin scale shining with blue-black light, an ordinary The siren definitely won't have such scales.

"How can this be good...?" Everyone looked bitter.

But at this moment, Lord Guo spoke again, "But your guess is not wrong, this matter is indeed inseparable from the Fusang Qiandao!"

"What?!!!" everyone exclaimed in unison.

If they were shocked after learning the truth before, then they are now afraid of it. If the Fuso Chi Islands really form an alliance with the Abyssal Conger, then Pingcheng Port basically don’t think about it. It's rebuilt.

The abyssal sea eels are the most frightening race in this torrent. Their threat even surpasses that of the Xuanlong clan, because they are so cruel and have no reason at all. For them, killing is Is everything.

Sanye Ping’s eyes are full of worries. If the Abyssal Conger and the Fuso Thousand Islands do all this, then things might be really troublesome...

However, Guo Chun said at this time, "Don't worry, the old man is thinking about them doing all this, in fact, he wants to give us a good start. If the old man expected it well, I am afraid they will invite us to a showdown in the near future... …"

Everyone looked at each other, and for a while, the surroundings fell into silence. Old man Guo stroked his beard and said, "First, clean up here. The port is temporarily closed, and don’t rush to rebuild. Wait for a while and see if the old man expected. Come it!"

"Yes, everything depends on your old ones!" Several people said in unison.

"Oh, what a crime..." Guo Chun sighed, shaking his head.

However, this matter originally ended here, but not long after who thought it was bloodbathed in Pingcheng Port, there were frequent bloodsheds in various parts of the east coast of Zhongzhou. Some villages were bloodbathed, and some inexplicably appeared in the town after being eaten. The For a time, the entire eastern part of the central state was in panic. After these things happened, a group of soldiers in dark armor came outside the city of Zhizhou. The headed man was holding a huge halberd, and beside him was a tall figure with a single horn, covered with golden scales and mane.

They walked to the city gate, making the monks guarding the city quite nervous. The monks guarding the city gate were standing in front of them. One of them pointed at them and shouted, "Who are you guys, stand where you are!"

Yuwen Wudi and the others really stayed where they were, and the monks who guarded the city couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It's not to blame them, these people really look terrible...

But at this moment, there was a sudden rumbling in the distance, and then I heard the thunderous drums resounding through the sky from far to near, and huge beasts with golden light shining all over their bodies, taking heavy steps. Slowly came behind Yuwen Wudi.

They slapped the ground with their huge claws, and sprayed white mist from their noses. The blood-red sharp corners were shining with dangerous rays. Their huge eyes made these monks who guard the city feel their souls. It's about to fly out of the mouth.

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