Building B

Chapter 1454: Gen Kuang

The battle outside the building was very fierce. Liu Qi tried to prevent Lou B from going deep into the building several times, but was blocked by Man Qianjun. What's more, this vulgar guy was as cruel and difficult as a savage.

"What are you doing for food? People are bullying our Liu family. That's how you serve the family?!!!" Liu Qi shouted.

However, his voice is useless at all, because Shen Wansan can now be said to be a big Buddha that can't be touched by thunder. This guy doesn't know what he has gone through all these years. The wave of his hand is an extremely powerful defensive technique.

As for the attacks, there are several treasures floating around him, one is his old father's money sword, plus the money armor he wears, the cornucopia in front of him, and the five-square gold seal that rotates around him.

Regardless of Shen Wansan's fatness, his current real energy can be said to be no worse than Lou Yi, but the difference is that Lou Yi is more inclined to assist, and he is more inclined to defense.

Mou Mingzhen didn't directly participate in the battle. She just released the fragrance of the night flower to confuse the attacking monks, and then the various magic weapons and five gold seals flying out of the cornucopia came to drive these guys out of their area.

On the other side, the rock armadillo guarded the gate of the building. Some monks from the Liu family who wanted to bypass it to enter the building were arbitrarily pushed out by it, and at this moment, the building was also a wolf.

After Lou Yi entered, he immediately used the night killing technique to hide his figure, the purpose is to find Jiang Feng and the others as soon as possible, and at the same time, he did not start the grass and startled the snake. His approach worked very well, because these people are still in the building. , Put the mental power outside.

They were holding weapons in their hands, and looking nervously out of the passage, waiting for the enemy who might get in. However, Lou Yi had passed by them long ago. He carefully searched every room here. Looking for areas that might be detained.

Based on the distribution of guard monks here, he carefully searched the densely crowded area, and finally he found a room, which was densely packed with people. A room was packed with a hundred people, almost full. After leaving the entire room, he could only enter from the roof in desperation, and then walked towards a hidden compartment behind.

But the secret grid is closed at the moment, which means that if he wants to enter, it will inevitably attract the attention of others, so he thinks of a way to keep it beside the secret grid at the moment he opens the secret grid. Two of them tripped up.

After he successfully entered the secret compartment, he heard a noisy sound from above. Of course, the content was nothing more than nonsense like you, an idiot, and it wasn't me. Don't talk nonsense, I don't have any explanation.

After entering the concealed compartment, a continuous forward passage appeared. There were oil lamps on both sides of the passage, and these oil lamps attracted the attention of Building B, because the oil used in these oil lamps seemed to be brewed by the permanent light candles. The kind of ointment, but it looks more translucent.

Lou Yi retracted his gaze, touched his chin and said, "This Liu family seems to have a problem..."

Walking along the passage, he faintly smelled a **** smell, but as he walked all the way, Lou Yi found that something was a bit wrong, because the passage itself didn’t look that long, but why did he go so far? For a long time, but never found another way.

This made him realize that he seemed to be caught in a certain formation, so he stopped and began to observe the surrounding environment. He found that the relative distances of the oil lamps on the left and right sides seemed to be different. The longer the distance between.

After Lou Yi thought for a moment, he turned and walked back. After walking for a while, he found that the distance between the oil lamps seemed to be shorter. He didn't stop and continued to walk forward, but soon he found that he had already walked to the back. The distance of the oil lamp is only shortened by about one foot.

He stopped again and began to think, suddenly he seemed to have thought of something, so he turned around and started walking back, after about a hundred steps, he walked back again, and after a while he stood there. Muttered to himself, "So that's it!"

Lou B finally wanted to understand the principle of this formation. In fact, all this is just an illusion. There is a phantom array here, and the only way to get out is to combine all the oil lamps into one. Shorten the distance between the two, and going forward will make the oil lamp expand the distance.

The key to this magical array is not to allow the overlapped oil lamps to appear in this channel again, otherwise everything will be reset and all his efforts will be wasted, so after his calculations, go forward five times. Taking a step back is to pass the trick of this magic array.

When Building B finally turned all the oil lamps into the only two lamps, everything in front of him suddenly changed. What was presented in front of him was the real passage. Here he saw many guards, and they were standing guard here. .

Behind these people were dark prisons that were dug out one by one, filled with slaves, all young girls, huddled in the corner, their faces full of horror.

Lou Yi walked around and found more than 20 cells in total. The total number of girls in the prison was close to 3,000. I don't know what the Liu family gathered so many girls want to do, and there is one more that puzzles him. He didn't find any trace of Jiang Feng and his daughter Hualianlou here.

Although the existence of these imprisoned people is enough to prove the ugly face of the Liu family, his real purpose is to find his daughter. Now he still needs to find Jiang Feng. If they can't find it, doesn't it mean that his efforts have been abandoned. Up?

Lou Yi's emotions became a little agitated. Just when he was about to attack, someone not far away said, "What is the origin of the person who was arrested? Why did the city lord take him so seriously and let him shut him down? When you enter the secret cell, aren’t there some special women imprisoned there?"

A person standing opposite him said, "Stand up your post, eat less salty carrots and worry about it. What the city lord does, can you figure it out without authorization?"

"I'm not curious, just talk about it?" the man asked with winking eyebrows.

But at this moment an unfamiliar voice rang in their ears, "Yes, I want to know too? Can you tell me something?"

The two of them trembled suddenly, and a pair of weird eye pupils appeared in front of them, like two rotating abysses, instantly sucking in the mental power of the two of them. After a while, the two cultivators threw them and stood in place, looking confused. Looking at each other naturally, the person who spoke at the beginning asked, "Did you hear a strange noise just now?"

The person opposite said, "Stand up on your post, don't be suspicious, make a mistake, be careful that the city lord punishes you to kneel in the ancestral land!"

Just when Lou Yi got the secret cell from the two of them, and rushed to save people, a large group of people suddenly appeared outside Wucheng. The leader was a man dressed as a scholar, who looked very young, and Standing beside him was an old man.

It's just that if you look carefully, you will find that this young man seems to be the head of this group of people, and the old man seems to be willing to **** him even though his cultivation is stronger, which shows that this young man has a special identity.

And this old man is Liu Bao, the ancestor of the Liu family. He also created the foundation of the Liu family and brought the entire Zhizhou into the Liu family's sphere of influence. As for this young man, he is obviously from a college. He frowned at this moment. The color of anger.

Liu Bao persuaded him diligently, feeling that he is very nervous now, especially his respectful appearance, it is really unimaginable, what kind of identity this young man is, so that the head of the Liu family should take care of him. The other party has a temper.

The young man seemed to be a little annoyed, and shook his hand, "Liu Bao, don't say anything, let's hurry up!"

"Yes, Master Mad!" Liu Bao nodded and said yes, and ordered his men to speed up.

In fact, what Lou Yi guessed was indeed correct. Liu Bao was indeed involved in this matter and was also the main initiator. Lou Yi also guessed the second thing correctly, that is, the Academy indeed sheltered Liu's family.

The young man in front of him is a member of the academy, and his status is respected. He is the only grandson of Gen Yuehong, the dean of the academy, Gen Yuehong. Gen Yuehong loves him extremely, and he is indeed gifted. Among the elders of the academy, they are also outstanding, their influence is second only to the deans of the four major academies, and several seniors who are older than him.

But among his generation, Gen Kuang is the most talented. His father named him the word mad, which shows that he has high hopes for him. When he was young and frivolous, he laughed at others.

Gen Kuang is quite irritable at the moment. He has carefully prepared for these hundreds of years. Seeing that the plan will be successful, who would have expected this Liu family to provoke such a person to come Gen Kuang is not Heard of Lu Kang's name, but he has heard that the two most jealous of him have mentioned a name, Lou Yi!

And this person once created a force called Wenxianlou, and later heard that it has been destroyed many times, but Gen Kuang heard about one thing. The two disciples of the dean of the Tianyuan Academy spoke highly of him. Gao, the most important thing is that he once challenged and lost to the opponent's Jia Tianxia, ​​turned out to be the defeat of this person.

The Tianxia Academy is well-informed, and he is Gen Yuehong’s grandson. With this relationship, he was not accepted as a disciple by the heavens, but the other party gave this guy named Lu Kang the token of Tianyuan. It is enough to explain the seriousness of the matter.

In any case, this matter must be resolved, because once the matter is exposed, it is likely to affect the entire Gen family. If the matter is known by Grandpa, then the consequences can be imagined.

Just when Gen Kuang quickly killed Xiang Wucheng, Lou Yi successfully entered the secret cell. It didn’t look big, it was only about four to five feet in size, and there were only a dozen people in it. Except for Hualianlou and Jiang Feng, who fell unconscious on the ground, the remaining dozen people were all silver threads, and their foreheads had a jade-like mark, which looked a little mysterious.


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