Building B

Chapter 1472: Ruined stone steps


The story of Gen Yuehong is very long, covering the ten thousand years since the establishment of the academy. The ups and downs of the academy seemed to be surrounded by his ears. Lou Yi fell into deep thoughts, and at the same time became more awe-inspiring to the predecessors of heaven and human Respectfully.

The academy is located on the central plain of the place under its jurisdiction. Unfortunately, after the establishment of the academy, this plain has become an unimaginable huge town. This city is a courtyard city, built on the basis of the entire academy.

After Gen Yuehong brought them here, he left on his own. When he left, he told them that the academy had the rules of the academy, and he could only rely on his own ability if he wanted to step into the academy.

At the same time, he also asked Lou Yi to walk around in this courtyard city and take a look. It contains almost all of the academy, so that he can better understand the rules of the academy. Lou Yi does not know what Gen Yuehong's purpose is for doing this. , But still obeyed the other's suggestions.

They walked into the courtyard city on foot. The big city's buildings, Biwa, Zhuli, and pavilions, looked like layers of clouds on the side of the day, like the rows of fish on the side of the fish.

Towering buildings abound everywhere. The Changxian Tower in the Three Treasures City of Nuozhou, the huge restaurant that stands out among the crowd, is not surprising in this courtyard city. Lou Yi and everyone watched it all. , Could not help but feel a little embarrassed.

The crowds were all kinds of people. Men and women in Confucian shirts and skirts walked arm in arm in the streets and alleys. The men in black and white shirts walked steadily, with an expression of irritation and prestige on their faces. Walking slowly on the street.

There are also some monks in crane cloaks, walking in groups of three or five, chanting monks in the shops to give lectures, and some looking for an empty place to preach for alms.

Rough hunters, light-clothed passers-by, jeweled merchants, clever and charming women, arrogant little servants, and guards with a vigilant look, almost include all kinds of people in Zhongzhou and even Kunwu.

Only one thing is very peculiar. You can't see any traces of monsters here. After Lou Yi slid around, he found that there was not a single pack animal even pulling a cart, which was really weird.

Soon they came to a place where people gathered. It looked like a relic left over from a certain era. Seeing many people talking about it with relish, Lou Yi came up and inquired and realized that this place was originally It was a battlefield where the dean of heaven and man challenged the heroes.

In a place like this, there are no less than a thousand people in the courtyard. It is said that people who are predestined can learn about some of the rules of the master’s remnants. It’s just that in the past few years, I have never heard of anyone who has actually inherited it. , Now the people who come here are mostly with the attitude of watching the excitement.

Lou Yi looked at this ruin. It seemed that it was indeed a broken high platform. A crack that pierced the high platform stretched straight under the high platform and cut deep into the ground, dividing the original ring into two. .

And this high platform is surrounded by cracks everywhere, as if it has endured an unimaginable force of destruction, and the remaining runes and inscriptions are faintly visible around it, which shows that its defense power must be extremely strong.

Lou Yi stared at the Gaotai ruins, and finally shook his head, "I feel a little bit vaguely, but it seems that this place has nothing to do with me..."

A person next to him heard this and sarcastically said, "Another fame-fisher!"

When Lou Yi heard this, he just smiled, and then took everyone to leave, but at this moment Huo Yan and Man Qianjun suddenly said together, "I will stay and see!"

The three of them were taken aback for a moment. Huo Yan and Man Qianjun looked at each other, and Man Qianjun said to Huo Yan, "You feel it too?"

Huo Yan nodded, and Lou Yi said, "If this is the case, stay, and join me after the end!"

The two nodded at the same time. At this moment, the sarcasm before, wanted to open his mouth to say some cool words, but suddenly felt an astonishing pressure. He looked in horror at the very Qianjun who released this power, and saw The other party's glaring eyes and a heart almost flew out of his chest. At this time, quite Qianjun said, "The toad at the bottom of the well dare to look down on people, let me go!"

The man screamed and ran away without looking back. He left one of his shoes on the way, causing everyone to laugh. Lou Yi shook his head with a smile, and left with the others.

After walking for a while, Qian Linglong made an excuse to wander around, so she took Xue Xing away mysteriously, Lou Yi smiled helplessly, and led Jiang Feng and others to move forward. They came to a place near a hill. .

There are many mountains in the courtyard city. It can be seen that the courtyard city is huge and the crowds here are very large. Most of them are gathered on a small road up the mountain. Lou Yi brought Jiang Feng to the place where they gathered. When I arrived at a stone tablet, I wrote three ancient seal characters [Welcome].

Lou Yi saw many monks walking up the mountain in line. At the beginning, there seemed to be nothing unusual. The only thing that was a bit abrupt was probably the dilapidated stone steps.

This stone step looks very far away. Looking at the endless crowds of mountain climbing, these broken stone steps can still stand here. There are hidden secrets in this stone step.

After some inquiries, Lou Yi understood why this place was called Yingkelai. It turned out that there were too many challengers from all directions at the beginning. Even if the heavens and humans are peaceful, they will inevitably be overwhelmed by this endless challenge. Disturb.

So he set up a pavilion on the Yingke Mountain. There are a total of eight stone benches on the pavilion. When these challengers can walk up the stone steps to the top of the mountain, they are qualified to challenge Heaven and Man.

For this reason, countless monks flocked to compete for the place to challenge Heaven and Human. Because there were only eight places, the competition was fierce, and there was even a fight on the stone steps.

Later, as soon as Tianren revised the rules, as long as those who could walk up the stone steps were qualified to challenge him, the chaotic situation was alleviated, and later it became the test of whether to enter the academy. Ground.

As long as you can walk to the top of the mountain, you can leave handprints on the stone tablet placed in the pavilion, and get the recommended qualification to enter the academy. However, the difficulty of passing the stone steps here is very high, far more than what is required to enter the academy today. The Melaleuca.

As a result, this place has become a place to test one's own strength. There is no shortage of eyeliners from the major forces in the crowd. They send people to look at the challengers here all year round, and select the people they like to win.

Therefore, this place is also a platform for showing personal strength. It is deeply loved by young talents. It is said that everyone faces different tests after stepping on the stone steps. The more they go up, the more difficult the test. Only the top talents Qualified to climb to the top of the mountain, and once successfully climbed to the top, it will inevitably attract the attention of the academy. It is really a good opportunity to climb the sky in one step.

Lou Yi had no intention of this, but when he thought of Gen Yuehong throwing himself into this courtyard city, he must have the intention to test him. After all, he has a waist card from the dean of the Tianyuan in his hand. It is said that this thing only Distribute it to those who value it.

All the people who have received this badge over the past ten thousand years have been the direct disciples of the dean. By doing this, Gen Yuehong should be testing him whether he is qualified to be a disciple of Heaven and Human One...

Thinking of this, Lou Yi smiled helplessly, and said to Jiang Feng next to him, "Let's go and see how amazing this stone step is!"

Jiang Feng clasped his fist and said, "Yes!"

Together with all the Jiang family disciples, he stepped on the broken stone steps, but just stepped on it, the surrounding sounds and the crowd disappeared, and a pair of eyes appeared in the sky, watching him silently.

"Is that so?" Lou Yi muttered to himself.

Now he didn’t know what Jiang Feng would face, and what appeared in front of him were stone steps constructed by the power of the five elements. He could only see more than a hundred stone steps. The ones are hidden in the clouds and mist.

He felt a scorching aura flowing outside his body, which was caused by the flames eroding his body. He didn't take this as the same thing, because the power of the flames was too small.

When he stepped onto the second step, he felt a sense of oppression again, as if there was an invisible force, trying to push him on the ground, but the same force was too weak.

Every time one step is taken, the power of the five elements will be changed. Every time five steps are passed, this power will increase. Lou B estimated that the power will increase in multiples This means that after he walks these hundred steps, the power of the five elements will increase twenty times.

However, even so, he didn't spend too much time walking through the hundred steps, but when he came to the hundred steps, it seemed that the rules had changed. What Lou Yi faced was the power of the five elements in turn.

In the real world, if no one is walking on the stone steps beside Building Yi, they passed the hundred-step stone steps at a very fast speed. This attracted the attention of many people in the crowd, but it was just paying attention. In front of Building B, there are many people like this.

Lou Yi continued to walk up with his legs and bumped his head into the cloud and mist. The cloud and mist seemed to be a phantom array, implying the method of nine palaces and eight trigrams, but for him, there seemed to be nothing worthy of nostalgia.

So he quickly walked out of here. After arriving in the clouds, hundreds of stone steps appeared again here, but it seems that the situation has changed, because the stone steps have added the power of the five elements from the original five elements, both thunder and The power of wind, the power of magma and ice, and the power of gold.

And its power is the continuation of the previous steps. The moment Lou Yi steps on the first step, he is facing a surging lava flow. They are like the collapse of the river, flooding the sky and the earth. Submerge him under this lava flow...

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