Building B

Chapter 1512: Soul Beacon

The city lord’s mansion collapsed in a flash of lightning, with countless dead and wounded. Dala Kun and the mysterious man in black walked into the unprotected city lord’s mansion, while the scaled golden beast took the opportunity to transform into a human form, dying of serious injuries. Yuwen Wudi took him to Li Tianrun, guarding the city gate to the north, hoping that the other party could find a way to save his life.

The battle situation on Li Tianrun's side was also extremely fierce. The walls of Bloomingbi City had already collapsed at this moment, and the formation enchantment was completely useless due to the collision of too many sea monsters. The endless sea monsters, from the collapsed city wall Influx from everywhere, unscrupulously killing the streets and alleys of Blooming Pen City.

Although Li Tianrun tried his best to block their pace, but as a war beast, the Scarlet Golden Retriever Roar was too large to be able to use it on the streets of this Blooming Brush City. All he could do was to delay these desperate sea monsters as much as possible. The offense is nothing more than that...

   At this time, a golden light roared from a distance, and Li Tianrun quickly turned his head to look, and saw a tall man with golden horns and a golden lin, holding a person covered in blood and unconscious and came to him.

  He was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly exclaimed, "Brother Yuwen!!!"

Li Tianrun quickly checked the opponent’s injuries and found that Yuwen Wudi had completely lost consciousness and was in a state of dying. The blood on his body was almost drained. What’s more, there was an unknown toxin in his body, which was being extracted little by little. life.

Li Tianrun quickly took out the Jiuhua Bodhi Pill and the Lingxue Pill from the Naxu ring to feed him, but found that he still couldn't stop the bleeding. What's more, he had just recovered a little complexion, and immediately after the wound he was bleeding again. .

Li Tianrun didn’t know what to do, so he could only try to plug the wound for him while constantly feeding him the medicine. After that, he began to order everyone to retreat and retreat to the gate to the west. At the same time, the gates to the south also followed. After breaking, the only thing that is safe now is the east and west doors.

   The problem is that it doesn't make any sense to guard these city gates, so after discussing with a few elders of the Beast Control Palace, Li Tianrun unanimously decided to abandon the city and leave here, first think of a way to meet with Chirk and others.

In this way, they took the remaining combat power and rushed through the western gate, dispelling the siren group that was gradually surrounding them, and then went straight to the west. After a short while, there was a terrifying sound from under the city lord’s mansion in Blooming Pen City. Roar.

Then the entire city lord’s mansion was turned into ruins under this energy. Dala Kun appeared above the city lord’s mansion with three heads in his hand. At this moment, he is very scary, if Lou Yi is here. It was discovered that Dala Kun turned out to be the same as the original Jia Tianxia, ​​with a cold and terrifying abyssal atmosphere all over his body...

"Chase me! Don't let any of them go! Chase! Chase!!! Chase!!!" Dala Kun pointed to the western land and roared angrily. The sea monsters who were still raging in the city of Bloom suddenly joined together. He raised his head, and then galloped along the street toward the west gate in an orderly manner.

At this time, Li Tianrun had already taken everyone out of the encirclement of each other. Facing the current situation, his heart was extremely complicated, because they failed and failed to hold the city of blooming pens, and Lou Yi ordered to take care of them. The three brothers of the Mohist family are still alive or dead.

More importantly, Yuwen Wudi is about to die now, what will happen to him in the future, he is also uneasy in his heart. He took a big risk and left Jintu and decided to follow Lou Yi, but he did such an important thing. Smashed.

   Once Yuwen Invincible dies, then he is afraid that he will also lose his future, so he must save Yuwen Invincible's life anyway now. At this moment, the lives of the two are tied together.

   There were waves of thunder from behind, and it was obvious that the other party had chased him. He couldn't see the way forward, but he had to keep pushing forward, because once they stopped, there would be only a dead end to meet them.

Just like this, I was chased all the way, stopped and walked, surrounded and broke out, fighting all the way, and finally saw the dawn of dawn. At this moment, the horizon in front suddenly lit up with a golden light, shining under the sun. Glow.

   Then there was a rumbling noise from the ground, and Li Tianrun saw a familiar figure in the smoke and dust. In his **** eyes, the huge figure of regretful dragon and **** golden hair roar was reflected.

   For a moment, Li Tianrun seemed to see the light of despair suddenly, he shouted at the people around him, "Go forward at full speed!!!"

   But at this moment, there was a sudden lightning and thunder from the rear, and the sky seemed to be angry, and violent lightning fell crazily, baptizing the earth like rain. Many monks were caught off guard and died on the spot.

   However, the crisis is coming and going fast. The other party seems to have realized that these people on the opposite side have reinforcements coming, so Dalakun gave the order to retreat in a very angry mood.

After working hard for several years, the plan that was supposed to be foolproof, but ultimately fell short. More importantly, the thing he was looking for was taken away. Dala Kun gritted his teeth and squeezed through his teeth. In one sentence, "Lu Kang, even in the end of the world, I will smash you into pieces!"

   Dala Kun returned without success, Li Tianrun and Chirk merged together smoothly. The former did not have time to report the situation to the opponent, so he put Yuwen Invincible in front of the opponent and asked him to find a way to save people.

Chilk also said that he was powerless. Now the only way is to ask him to take Yuwen Invincible to the academy to ask for help from Building B, so Chilk took all the spiritual blood pills that could be collected into his hands in one breath, and then He personally drove the gravel and golden sculptures, turning back and forth along the way to the World Academy.

After   , Li Tianrun, together with Liu Qi, returned to the razed pen city. Looking at the ruins of the **** city, Liu Qi roared up to the sky, "Fusang Thousand Islands! Dara Family! I, Liu Qi and You, will not give up!"

After   , what happened to Zhizhou spread to all the states under the jurisdiction of the academy as if wings were inserted, and Chirk also met Man Qianjun and others on the way to the academy.

After that, Man Qianjun followed Chirk and escorted Yuwen Invincible to the academy, while Jiang Feng took the Shadow Guards to the Blooming Pen City according to the established plan, inquired about useful information along the way, and sent Lou Yi first-hand news... …

   And when they were about to approach the courtyard city, they met again differently from Gou. After the academy’s discussion, they decided to temporarily suppress the matter, and then secretly investigate all this.

However, when Li Tianrun broke through the city of Booming Pen, and the Sea-Monsters’ unscrupulous attacks informed Gou of the difference, the other party’s expression obviously changed, so he personally took Chirk and others back to the academy, and brought him Qierke and Li Tianrun went to the Master's Yard to explain the situation.

On the other hand, Man Qianjun took Yuwen Invincible to the book tower where the third courtyard was located. He entered the book tower arbitrarily, and found the first-level manager, and asked him to go upstairs and call Lou Yi down to meet. The other party has no choice but to do so.

Soon Lou Yi rushed down like a gust of wind, with Tieshan and Huo Yan next to him. As for Gan Linglong and Xue Xing, he did not notify him yet. Several people came to Yuwen Wudi's side. Lou Yi saw Yuwen Wudi's paleness. With a face like rice paper, he quickly treated him.

   But he soon discovered that in Yuwen Wudi's body, there was an extremely evil aura at work. It was this breath that prevented Yuwen Wudi from healing and caused him to continue to suffer from blood loss.

This looked like some kind of toxin, but Lou Yi knew that it was some kind of soul aura at work. When he tried to draw it out and destroy it, this soul power suddenly burst out without warning. , And then got into Lou Yi's body, and then disappeared without a trace.

   Lou Yi searched for many times, but he still couldn't find its trace. He couldn't help but feel very surprised. He even used the token of life and death to explore, but still to no avail, which made Lou Yi feel even more puzzled.

   And just as he was thinking hard, far away in a mist-shrouded land on the east coast of Zhongzhou, the man in black who almost killed Yuwen's invincible life suddenly let out a very hoarse laugh.

   Dala Kun, who was not far from him, yelled at him, "Old blood, you are still in the mood to laugh!!!"

The other party didn't mind, he stretched out an old hand like a dead branch from the dark robe, and stretched out a finger, a strange breath entangled on it, like a tadpole, and then this The tadpole-like breath suddenly pointed in a certain direction, making a sound like a child crying.

   "Keeping that kid alive, there really is an unexpected gain, it seems that this long line really caught a big fish!" The old man called the blood old man said hoarsely.

   "What do you mean?!" Dala Kun asked staringly.

"We are the best at assassination, and there are thousands of ways of assassination. I stabbed that kid, but prevented you from killing him to vent his anger. The purpose is to give him a breath to see if he can catch it. At the big fish, now, hehehe... the big fish is hooked..."

   "What the **** do you mean?!!! Could you explain it more clearly!" Dala Kun asked impatiently.

"It means that my soul beacon has already marked the person you want. As long as he does not die, the soul beacon will never disappear, and the old man I can lock his position forever, hehehe... What do you mean by this?" The old man said with a grinning grin.

   Dalakun suddenly became energetic when he heard it, and rushed over and asked, "Where is he? Tell me immediately, I will bring him back personally, so that I will dispel my hatred!"

The old man showed his big yellow teeth and smiled, "No hurry, he is hiding in the academy now. First plan carefully, and then take him out of the academy without knowing it. Then Lord Kun You will be able to taste what you want, Jie Jie Jie Jie..."


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