Building B

Chapter 1530: Looking for?

It stands to reason that the formations of the academy should be in the hands of the lower house. After all, the lower house is the core existence of the academy. But today’s lower house is full of dangers. The enemy is mixed in it, and the teachings of the academy who have thought about themselves in the forbidden Mirror Cliff. Even the masters rebelled, they cooperated with outsiders inside and outside, and together they sealed the lower house.

In this way, the Academy and the Gongyuan were directly exposed to the opponent's blow. To know whether a sect is strong or not, it really depends on the top combat power, but if it is about the prosperity of a sect, it is. The quantity and quality of the younger disciples.

   If the Academy and Gong Yuan suffer a devastating blow at the same time, then the World Academy is likely to be in a state of failure. After all, the effort and wealth spent in training a generation is astronomical.

   Building B sometimes wondered whether every place he went would cause a major crisis there, but after thinking about it carefully, he discovered that this assumption is actually not accurate.

Some problems have been hidden under the surface and lasted for a long period of time. Many people choose to turn a blind eye to the dirty activities under the surface, and many people choose to hang up high on the matter, but he always does it. Break the darkness hidden in the light, and expose the darkness hidden behind the light.

   And once these darkness are exposed to people naked, then these people who create darkness will after all do their best to return it to darkness, and the exposer will naturally be attacked by groups.

Gen Kuang’s trafficking in human beings is actually just the tip of the iceberg under the academy’s harmony. The academy’s attitude of not participating in the struggle for world affairs has long caused those families who are willing to expand, and they may have forgotten why they chose to join the academy. .

They forgot the shelter of the academy and the stable homeland that the academy gave them. When people are carefree, their desires will grow. When the family continues to grow, it will affect the surrounding states. Will produce an ambition called expansion.

The reason why human beings are strong is due to this desire itself. Although the more powerful a person is, the easier it is to restrain his desires, but it is just patience, not really eliminating desires, and desire itself is here. The more and more powerful body quietly breeds, until one day it breaks out of the shell and rules this body...

Gen Kuang is the leader, because his identity is Gen Yuehong’s grandchildren, and those clans who depend on him also need him as a clear leader. After all, things really need to be revealed. Gen Kuang came out first to bear the consequences.

But who would have thought that Gen Kuang, who was supposed to be responsible, was easily killed, and even Gen Yuehong, the most beloved Gen Yuehong, would kill his relatives righteously and imprison all family leaders in the forbidden area of ​​the lower house. Among.

This is equivalent to a loud slap in the face of all of them, and then things unfolded like a boat. A big net slowly covered the academy and the ground under its jurisdiction, and the reason why they dared to be so unscrupulous The rebellion is because the masters of each of their families have already seen the existence that can match the heavens and the humans, because only strength is the best reassurance...

Gan Zihao took Lou Yi and the others back to the Third Academy Academy. If this formation was not done by the Lower Academy, then the teacher is the most likely to do all this. The reason for thinking this is because as the Third Academy of the World Liao Wuya, the dean of the academy, has always been sealed by this book tower. This is why when Liao Wuya is under the control of the heart demon, the book tower will become pure white and be covered by a large number of seal scripts. Shrouded.

The eight metal obelisks on the square of the Academy are actually the corners that sealed Liao Wuya, and the book tower is the center of the formation. Zhuge Shisheng originally came to the Academy for revenge with a mortal heart, but when he saw Liao Wuya After Ya Hou knew the cause and effect, the hatred in his heart dissipated, and he even felt extremely self-blaming for his hatred and jealousy.

Liao Wuya is a man who loves the formation and becomes idiotic. He has dedicated his life to the formation. What he does is actually to open a path for the people who cultivate formations in the world. , And it was precisely because of this that he became infatuated, causing unimaginable consequences.

But because of this, Liao Wuya's punishment for himself was far beyond Zhuge Shisheng’s imagination. When he saw Liao Wuya with sorrow and saw all the marks on his body, he decided to stay and help him. Brother.

He actually knew about Lou Yi’s arrival, but he did not come out to meet, also because he wanted to let the younger brother of the two of them feel everything in the book tower, but people are not as good as the sky. In the end a huge change occurred in the academy...

For so many years, the place where Liao Wuya has been is actually a closed space. Here, Liao Wuya only has about one hour of free time per month, but he uses this hour to teach the masters of Shutazhenyuan. , To help them improve their ranks. For the rest of the time, he needs to seal all his senses, no doubt with the living dead.

Therefore, the control of the formation cannot be in the hands of Liao Wuya, it can only be in the hands of the Shuta Zhenyuan, but in the previous battle, Master Qiu, Gu Master and the masters of the Shuta Zhenyuan, all They chose to betray together, so Gan Zihao would think of being a master.

Only Master Qiu could take over the operation of the Academy after Master Qiu’s death. They had not thought of this problem before, because the Academy was closed all the time, which made everyone think it was the Lower Court. The abnormal changes that occurred led to the closure of the academy formation.

It wasn't until Lou Yi exerted a full blow to make the monks in the Mahayana period truly feel the threat of death, and then forced the opponent to open the big formation ahead of time. If that is not the case, then Chirk and others I am afraid that it will be destroyed.

The reason why Lou Yi stays away from everyone is that even under the will of this big formation, he needs to hide in the space of the knife mark, and at the same time eliminate the lock on him by the formation, so they have no way to attack the enemy now. Because these people at this moment are protected by the Academy.

   So everyone turned around and left, left the Gongyuan of the Fourth Court, and hid in the College of the Third Court. At the same time, they used Liao Wuya's token to temporarily seal the gate of the Fourth Court to the Third Court, temporarily blocking those people outside.

Now they are back on the square where the book tower is located. Building B has seen the magic of this square earlier. It is composed of countless superimposed spaces and is also an operation method of the formation. It also means that they need to find the clerk and force him to surrender control of the formation before the guys in the fourth courtyard destroy the forbidden barrier.

However, this is not a simple matter. Since the master teacher has not left here, it can be considered that the other party feels that staying here is safer than leaving the academy, and the master teacher’s talent for formation is not inferior to Master Qiu, even There is no worse than that, which is why he will be the important task of presiding over the seal of Liao Wuya.

The four of them got into the square formed by the superimposed formation, and suddenly there were mirror-like existences everywhere. They saw countless identical squares, but the situation on each square was slightly different. , Because every square is full of dead people. .

   Lou B's expression changed instantly when he saw these piled up dead people. He opened his mouth to Gan Zihao, "Something is wrong, we have to find the concubine as soon as possible, or something big will happen!"

   "What?" Gan Zihao asked suspiciously.

Lou Yi pointed to the corpses piled on the square and said, "This is a sacrificial formation, but it is not a sacrifice to the dead, but a sacrificial formation. It has only one function, summoning the sea monster in the abyss. Make them crazy and fearless!"

   Gan Zihao listened to the sudden shock of his body, his eyes suddenly became cold, he said coldly, "This fellow Huyue seems to be really crazy!!!"

   "Don't say so much, what do you plan to do next? Do you act together? Or separate?" Tieshan asked.

   Building B glanced around and said, "The enemy is in the dark, and we are in the light. What's more, this master dared to stay. He must have been fully prepared long ago. Let's act together..."

Gan Zihao also nodded and said, "The teacher is not alone. He dared to be so presumptuous. Most of the time he tied the whole family to the other side. He has always been a horrible person, so everyone still Be careful!"

   Shangguan Fei nodded first, and then asked, "But in this way, the speed and range of the search cannot be controlled. How can this be good?"

   Gan Zihao pondered for a’s okay, I have a way! "

He shook the token in his hand. Under the gaze of everyone, the token began to emit light. The space they were in was suddenly covered by the characters, and then the characters slowly gathered together and turned into a seal. The word, floating in the center of the space.

   "In this way, there will be no repeated entry. Even if the master is strong, there is no way to interfere with the power of my master, hurry up..." Gan Zihao waved to everyone.

Just when Gan Zihao and the others began to look for their masters, the Gongyuan where the Fourth Court was located was also at a stretch. Chirk and other family members surrounded the gate of the academy, but they did not choose to launch an attack. Because Lou Yi had deceived the other party's insidious cunning, otherwise I was afraid that blood was already flowing in the river at this moment, and the corpses were everywhere.

Chilk is coordinating the deployment of personnel. He is looking at the huge formation covering the entire academy, his eyes flashing thoughtfully, and at the junction between the two academies, many Mahayana monks are crazy. Attacking the barrier formed by Liao Wuya token is forbidden.

And it seems that their attack has already worked. You can see that there are many fine cracks on the barrier where the light is flowing. At this time, someone shouted, "Hurry up, it is impossible for the master to delay it for too long. After losing the big formation, everyone has to finish playing together!"


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