Building B

Chapter 1581: Grass Boat Borrowed Arrow

   Accompanied by the sound of a bee flapping its wings, thousands of thunder and firebolts shot into the cloud hanging array in an instant, the violent crossbow hit the cloud and mist like a leaking sacball, and quickly collapsed.

   But soon new clouds and mist slowly rose again, but none of this was a problem. The key question was why the Thunderbolt shot into the clouds and mist, but did not explode.

Once Lu’s Thunderfire Ballista is loaded, it will activate the runes on the Thunderfire Bolt. Whether it eventually falls into the water or hits a reef, or if it’s flowers, plants or trees, they will explode, but for some reason these Thunderfire Bolt After entering the cloud, it lost its function. This was something that had never happened before.

Dala Kun was unwilling to order to continue shooting, and used all the crossbow arrows originally used to attack the city to deal with the small island covered by clouds. The number of crossbow arrows is enough to destroy the island a hundred times, but they seem to Once again, there was no response.

   The sunken cloud because of the crossbow arrow shot into it, slowly swelled again, like a fat man who was contented and full, waiting in place with his stomach.

Dalakun was furious and announced that the entire ship would attack. Since the ballista had no effect, he would use people to attack this place. In any case, he must take back the island. Otherwise, if the opponent uses this as a springboard, then Fusang Qian The islands are really dangerous.

Thousands of official boats roared into the clouds and mist. There were about five people on each official boat. These were tens of thousands of pirates. These pirates from the Fusang Thousand Islands carried out robbery every time. When plundering, they always use this kind of official boat as the pioneer.

This kind of small boat is light and extremely fast, and it can launch wolf pack tactics to encircle the huge Duyuan boat and make it immobile. Large ships like the house boat are used to deal with difficult opponents. What is used, to put it plainly, the Anzhai ship is the combat center of the plan for each raid.

In addition, they also raised sea turtles and other fierce sea beasts, using them to ambush, thereby increasing the success rate of raids, but for these desperadoes, Guanzhou is their favorite raid. baby.

However, when these desperadoes were driving the official boat with excitement and rushing into the cloud and fog array, building B, who was waiting on the island for a long time, raised the corners of his mouth and waved his hand, and the buzzing sound was loud in an instant. The thunderfire ballistas on the island swallowed terrible fireworks and poured deadly crossbow arrows.

For a while, the Fusang Qiandao monks who had rushed in and had not figured out the south, east and northwest of the islands suffered a disaster. In an instant, crossbow arrows roared in like gusts of wind and rain, followed by the sound of earth-shaking roar and explosion of flame Soaring into the sky, it spread to the surrounding official boats.

Countless monks were thrown into the air by the shock wave formed by the explosion before they knew what was going on. However, this did not mean that they were safe. The subsequent explosions directly tore their bodies in mid-air and burned them. For ashes.

Suddenly there was a miserable sight ahead, and the excitement of plunged into the cloud was gone, replaced by a face full of fear. They didn't understand why the other party had thunder and artillery ballistas. Even if there were, the number should be small. What is going on with this pouring rain of crossbow arrows?

   This feels like the firepower when their island owner ordered all the ships to fire. It is really incredible, but it all depends on Gan Zihao and Gan Linglong.

Lou B set up a large cloud hanging formation to confuse the other party, causing them to lose their perception and vision in it, and Gan Zihao is responsible for constructing the formation pattern so that it covers the entire island. After that, Qian Linglong uses the thousand opportunities in his hand. The Rubik's Cube, mashed up something similar to a storage space.

To say that this is this girl ghost spirit, when she saw those piles of thunder and firebolt, she was already thinking about this. The Rubik's Cube in her hand can be used to collect the enemy and keep copying. A puppet is generated, a treasure that traps the enemy to death.

   And these crossbow arrows will be activated because of the formation pattern when they are shot. No matter what they eventually hit, they will trigger the lightning destruction pattern on the arrow, which will cause a terrible explosion and destroy the objects it shoots.

So Gan Linglong approached Lou B and asked him about the black armor’s ability to swallow them. After a few simple experiments, she asked Lou B for a large number of starlight stones and many for making small pieces. After moving the materials of the array, the **** secretly told Lou Yi that he wanted to surprise those people.

The result was really a big surprise. She used the starlight stone to construct a huge ring, which was densely covered with runes. These runes are all small shifting symbols. Because of the time constraint, she has no time, take it easy The branding inscription is on it.

After   , she piled all her thoughts on it. When Dala Kun ordered the shooting, Qian Linglong started all the formation patterns on the circle.

In an instant, an amazing swallowing force turned into an energy vortex, continuously spreading towards the outside of the island, and then countless thunder and firebolt shot through the clouds and mist to the island, but after being captured by the power of space, they pulled into the weird In the ring.

  Lou B saw all this in his eyes throughout the whole process, and the strange ring that Qian Linglong had made made his eyes shine continuously. It seemed that he was inspired by the other party, and thus figured out a lot of things.

And then Dala Kun ordered a full-scale attack and vowed to retake the island. This gave Qian Linglong the opportunity to show off her masterpiece again. She reversed the energy of the circle, so it was about the circle. The Thunder Firebolt, which was received in the middle, began to return to the original path and shot out in the opposite direction.

For a time, crossbow arrows poured out like a rain of arrows, instantly causing a large number of deaths of those monks from the Fusang Thousand Islands. The ensuing explosions left most of them dead, and those who survived the catastrophe were all cruising in the cloud. For the people on the edge of the big array, it can be said that Qian Linglong's hand is to exchange his body with the other way, and it is really perfect.

And those monks from the Fusang Thousand Islands who did not die are now like headless flies, scurrying around in the cloud-shrouded formation, and this time is the Guo family who has taken the simplified version of the soul of the sea. Time of skill.

   They are in the cloud hanging formation, their vision and perception are not affected in any way, which allows them to deal with these completely flustered and frightened birds of the Fusang Qiandao monks, as simple and casual as trying to fetch things.

   Lou Yi finally saw their fighting style clearly, Lou Yi found that the three-stranded prongs they were holding could shoot at flying spears, and the horn-like blades on both sides could be used as hooks to pull them to the hooked position.

And the shield like a tortoise shell held in their hands can be used as a simple small boat. When pulling, they place the shield on their right foot and step on it to paddle with one foot. Very fast.

In the event of an attack, you only need to raise your right foot and replace the shield on your right hand to protect them from fatal injuries from the front. Lou Yi was surprised when he saw them, and watched them approach the official boat skillfully. Wiping the neck of the cultivator on the official boat, he jumped back into the water, looking for a new target.

   Less than an hour has passed, the cloud-covered sea is full of floating bodies and the remains of the official boat. Qian Linglong said to the thoughtful Lou Yi, "Is this enough surprise for the other party?"

   Building B's thoughts were pulled back, and he nodded and said, "Gu Ji can be surprised to pass away!"

   "Well, this kind of effect is what I want, I'll leave it to you next, this girl wants to rest and rest!" Qian Linglong turned her head upright and left, leaving Lou Yi alone, laughing and crying.

He shook his head helplessly. At this moment, one figure after another appeared on the sea. The leader was Guo Youde. His face was full of excitement, and he said to Lou Yi, "Happy, it's so happy!!! "

   Lou Yi looked at him and smiled, "Brother Guo has worked so hard, let's take the brothers back to rest and rest!"

"Okay, brethren, let's go!" Guo Youde waved his hand and led his men towards the island. When these people passed by Lou Yi, they all thanked him, Lou Yi nodded, and when the last person walked over After that, he touched the astringent nape of his neck and gave a wry smile again.

Lou Yi looked at a wolflike sea, and first chanted a rebirth curse with his hands folded. Although these people were more than guilty, he still did it. After all this last his body was raised all around. After the wind, the gale blew the sea, and the waves rolled up the corpses and shipwrecks floating on the sea, sending them all out of the range of the cloud hanging array.

   At this time, Dala Kun outside had already lost his patience. He felt anxious about the lingering cloud and mist, and no one came back to inform him of what happened inside, which made his heart beating.

Everything came from what he expected, which made his self-esteem unacceptable, and Yuan'er's delay in returning, made him feel that something was wrong. At this moment, the sea suddenly raised waves, and then slowly moved towards him. The direction flooded.

Soon everyone saw the corpses and shipwrecks encased in the waves, dense and creepy, Dala Kun's palm clung to the hilt of the sky and clouds, and his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, pointing towards the clouds. Roared in the Great Formation, "Come out! Get out of me!!!"

However, what responded to him was a horrible light from a knife that slashed vertically like sky light. The white light flashed and disappeared, but Dala Kun's noodles became ashes. It is really this scene that happened so quickly, the whole Fusang Anzhuang. The ship was trembling, with golden light shining all around.

Countless powerful runes appeared above these golden lights, protecting this huge ship from being split in half by the terrifying light of the sword. Dala Kun looked in the direction where the light was splitting, and an old man stood holding his hand. People are erected like blades, exuding an extremely dangerous atmosphere...


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