Building B

Chapter 1598: Headless land

Asking the cultivators of Xianlou, one team after another walked over and disappeared. Every team that disappeared made the rest of the people entangled in their hearts. They were really scared. If they were given another chance to choose, they would rather look for it. This place is peaceful in old age.

As Lou Yi said, once they lose their desire to compete, they will no longer have a bright future. So in the end, these people who were specially arranged by Lou Yi in the fifth team, almost all stayed, and some It is that the partner wants to return far away.

However, only a moment later, there was a screaming scream from the depths of the ghost forest. There is no doubt that these people will be killed, because the screams are not only theirs, but also the ghost trees.

And these people who stayed take it for granted that they are safe as long as they stay still, but they are still too naive after all. As time goes by, a huge shadow, coming from the direction of the ghost forest, is very much in the crowd. With a horrified expression, he suddenly appeared in front of them.

This sudden scene caused the people who stayed to be panicked and released their spells in a somewhat random manner, but the direction and power seemed to be unsatisfactory, and some just ran away. However, the ghost tree is constantly coming over the episodes. Give them room to escape.

In the end, they desperately rushed to another world that was only separated from them. When they entered this world with the last glimmer of hope, what appeared before them was a more terrifying picture.

This place is full of intricate canyons. In the depths of the canyon are huge pillars of fire. These pillars of fire show blood-like colors. They are strange and extremely dangerous. Under their feet are countless squirming corpses, all of them are as thin as wood and stick out like skeletons. Normal hands, grab their legs and feet.

These people were originally driven by fear, like a bird of fright. When they were stimulated by the sight in front of them, they were immediately frightened. They cried and fleeed in all directions, but finally fell into the bottomless abyss. The blood-red flame licked and turned into a part of this place.

At this time, Lou Yi was using Wushou Eyes and walking along a narrow mountain road with the people following him. He suddenly heard a miserable cry from a distance, and it sounded like a large number of people.

He sighed silently and murmured to himself, "I gave you the opportunity to choose and gave you a chance to live, but you gave up because of fear. This is the path you chose. Don't blame me. ......"

There was no unbearable expression in Lou Yi's eyes, because he gave the other person a chance, but they refused, then the life and death of these people has nothing to do with him, but the loss of nearly 20% of the people suddenly made him a little bit oppressed. 'S breathless.

But he does not regret doing this, because these people have been frightened by fear, and their emotions and actions will inevitably affect more people. Then once they encounter an existence like Sanxiao Prajna again, they will not only become Being dragged down will make everyone suffer a greater crisis.

However, the wailing of these people before they died more or less affected the people behind him, causing the team to become a little noisy. Lou Yi stopped, looked around, and said loudly, "If you want to live, everyone has to Work together, as long as you trust me, I will lead everyone to live!!!"

His words caused the noisy team to slowly restore order. Yuwen Invincible and Li Tianrun are also trying their best to maintain the order of the large army. At this time, Jiang Feng and the others are walking in the back to avoid other unpredictable troubles...

In Lou Yi's eyes, the real world is far from being as exciting as others have seen. In his eyes, this is just a slaughterhouse. The reason for saying this is because there are corpses everywhere, but these corpses have no heads.

The only thing that is the same as the illusory world is the purple-brown land under your feet and the winding road around the mountains. The sky is filled with purple-black dark clouds, which are ghost clouds condensed by spiteful air. There is something hidden, but Lou Yi can't find it.

If Lou Yi flew to the sky alone, it seemed that he would not be afraid of the other party’s sneak attack, but the problem is that he is not just himself at the moment, there are tens of thousands of monks behind him, they trust themselves and give their lives to themselves. Then he is obligated to take them out of here.

The road on the ground is not easy to walk, because the mountain road is rugged and narrow, and the deep valley below is covered with a terrible mist of resentment. In fact, there is no red **** karma in the real world, because it is not real. Huangquan than Ryosaka, it's just someone deliberately made it out...

However, after they walked some distance, the accident still happened. A strange noise suddenly appeared in the crowd, and then someone shouted, "I don't want it, I won't change it!"

Everyone turned around and found that the shouting person was holding his face tightly with his hands, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and his body trembled as if he had suffered epilepsy, but only a moment later he suddenly pulled the flesh off his cheeks with force. With a **** face, he asked the people around him, "Do you want to exchange? Let's exchange..."

Everyone was stunned by this strange scene for a while, but in Lou Yi's eyes, they found the culprit, they were some floating ghosts, they only had their heads and no bodies, and each had a **** face. , A pair of severely congested eyes, is constantly hovering over the team, looking for a suitable target for him to start.

Lou Yi used Buddhist supernatural powers and shouted, "Meditation! Purification! Duh!!!"

His voice shook everyone's heart like thunder, and everyone shook in an instant. The confusion in their eyes dissipated, replaced by vigilant eyes, constantly looking around.

"As long as there is no fear in your heart, you will not be deceived by these evil spirits, hurry up and move forward, we are about to get out of here!" Lou Yi said loudly.

It is true in time. Those who are calm and composed, there are no traces of ghost heads around their heads, and only those monks with fear in their hearts are the targets of these ghost heads.

The more guilty and palpitating generation, the more ghost heads gather on top of their heads and around their bodies. They keep moaning and whispering in these people's ears, creating gaps in their hearts, so that they can take advantage of the emptiness to enter and replace their own. Soul, thereby manipulating their bodies.

Once a monk is occupied, they will immediately pounce on the people around them, holding them and jumping into the abyss below, letting them die in the air of spite, so that the souls of these ghost heads can leave here, Enter into reincarnation and seek reincarnation.

This is a bit similar to looking for a substitute, except that the approach taken is more direct and radical. What Lou Yi can do is just to remind everyone. As for whether they have the perseverance to hold their minds, they have to rely on their own willpower. .

Fortunately, after the previous battles, most of them have already transformed, so the probability of success for those ghost heads is very low, but even so, hundreds of people died unexpectedly and became substitutes for these ghost heads...

After walking for about an hour, Lou Yi finally took everyone out of the illusion, and his pupils were also shining with strange light, and slowly returned to normal, he will see everything here , Are recorded with Vientiane Senluo, in order to enhance the power of his dreams, thereby opening a path on the path of dreams.

However, even after passing through the illusion just now, the scene in front of them is even more weird, because what appeared before them was an even more weird scene. In front of them, countless standing corpses appeared. The reason why they were called corpses was because They all have no heads.

These corpses were dressed in all kinds of clothing. The only thing in common was that they had no heads, and everyone stood upright in place, like well-trained soldiers.

What’s even more weird is that all the corpses here are like this, densely packed like the ghost forests that have walked through before. Lou Yi roughly calculated that there are at least hundreds of thousands of headless corpses here. Who made all of this because of a prank or some other reason is beyond his ability to know.

"Everyone should be careful, try not to touch them, and everyone else should work hard to get ready for battle!" Lou Yi ordered.

"Yes!!!" everyone echoed in unison.

At this moment, a gust of wind swept across the place, and the corpses that were standing there actually moved...

They were swinging their arms and legs, spinning around in place, which caught everyone's attention, but they didn't seem to mean to hurt everyone, they just kept spinning around.

Lou Yi frowned because this thing will never be that simple, and new changes will happen soon. Suddenly there is a chirping sound behind them, as if something is rushing from behind. coming.

Lou Yi's face suddenly turned aside, and shouted at Yuwen Invincible, "Yuwen Invincible, open the way ahead, hurry up!!!"

The latter held Fang Tian's painted halberd, clamped the scaled golden beast with his feet, and shouted, "Uncle Si, come on!!!"


The scaly golden beast was shining with golden scaly light, like a golden meteor, whizzing forward, Yuwen's invincible halberd danced like a dragon, quickly sweeping the headless corpse in front, and Li Tianrun also took out the bright silver plate. The gun cooperated with the opponent to expand the passage.

Lou Yi looked back and saw the ghost heads before him. At this moment, he was rushing to where he was. Of course, their target was not these monks this time, but the headless corpses.

The ghost heads that rushed over soon put their souls into ghost heads, placed them on top of these headless ghosts, and sighed sincerely, "Ah, it feels good to have a body, you are willing Swap with me...?"

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