Building B

Chapter 1612: Demon King Reappears

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Lou Yi turned his head and looked in the direction of the Fusang Divine Tree. He didn't know if the distance was close. He felt that the black flame contained the power to make the soul tremble, and the flame contained the sky. This is undoubtedly demon fire, which made him think of the hideous figure, and he muttered to himself, "Is the wine swallowing evil boy...?"

At this time, Gen Yuehong came over to look at him, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Lou Yi said hurriedly, "Senior is the commander of the coalition forces this time, how dare the younger generation surpass me!"

"Let you just say it, so much nonsense!" Gen Yuehong pretended to be angry.

"Then... the younger generation dare to say a few more words, it is like this..." Lou Yi pointed to the surroundings and talked, which is far from what he said, and Gen Yuehong did not. What to care about with him, even the old swordsman and other seniors all surrounded him.

About half an hour later, Lou Yi changed his breath fiercely, and finally finished talking about his plan. Everyone heard that they didn’t know what it meant, but Gen Yuehong nodded and said, "Okay, just press Do what you said!"

Gen Yuehong turned and walked toward the college coalition forces. At this time, the old swordman suddenly appeared in front of him and asked in a low voice, "Do you understand what the kid said?"

Gen Yuehong glanced at the old swordman, shook his head gently, and the old swordman curled his lips and said, "You guy is a stern look on weekdays. You can't walk around for a long time!"

Gen Yuehong glared at him and said, "Don't ask for a bargain here, you old man! Are you reliable, what plan do you talk about?"

"Uh...cough cough cough, I have something to do, see you later!" The old man turned and left, disappearing instantly.

"This old guy is really...oh!" Gen Yuehong shook his head and returned to the coalition team, explaining that everyone must follow the arrangements of Building B, and Building B has already started to build the Star Gate, about half a day, The new camp and the star gate have been constructed. When the first batch of monks walked out of the star gate, everyone felt that their hard work was not in vain.

Before long, almost all the monks came to the new camp. Gan Zihao and Gan Linglong began to strengthen the protection and measures of the new camp without saying a word, while Lou Yi led the others to start the layout according to his vision.

In fact, Gen Yuehong and the old swordman do not understand that his arrangement is understandable. After all, what Lou Yi wants to do is to use the power of the Fusang Thousand Islands to contain the power of his main path. In other words, he wants Use the surrounding islands to reverse the Qianyuanju formation.

As long as it succeeds, then none of the enemies on the main island will even want to leave here. After Gan Zihao is ready, the three of them, each with a large group of people, start to line up according to the expected method.

When the layout of the first lap was completed, Lou Yi notified Chirk and Duanmu who were guarding the periphery, and asked them to come to the inner circle to defend, and the periphery could breathe a sigh of relief.

When Duanmu Siming came here, Guo Youde and others also started to follow Lou Yi's instructions and began to search the seabed of these islands in the core area, looking for treasures and secret paths that could be found.

Shen Wansan also rushed over with Mou Mingzhen, and was arranged by Building B in the camp to coordinate the resources of all parties. During this period, everyone was prepared to prevent sudden enemy attacks. However, what everyone did not expect was that they waited for a few. For a long time, I didn't wait for an enemy, or even a ghost, which made everyone feel quite uncomfortable, and even gave birth to the idea of ​​whether the enemy had escaped in a blanket.

However, there was no enemy to cause trouble, and everyone was happy. The arrival of Duanmu Si Ming also allowed many wounded monks to be well healed. After a few days, thick sea fog suddenly drifted from the sea. , In an instant it enveloped most of the central island.

Seeing the sea fog rolling in from a distance, this worried the monks in the camp. However, when the thick fog came over, everyone suddenly discovered that although they were surrounded by thick fog, they were not in the slightest view. Constraint, as if these sea fog does not exist at all.

Gen Yuehong got together with the old knife man, the two looked at each other, and the old knife man said, "These guys are really capable, oh~ we are old..."

Gen Yuehong shook his head noncommitantly, as if unwilling to pick up his words, he turned and looked at the sea abyss between the core island and the center island, muttering to himself, "It always feels a bit wrong..."

At this time, Lou Yi, Gan Zihao, and Gan Linglong are in the process of deploying the outermost islands. After everything is ready, the Qianyuanju Formation combines the two formations of cloud hanging and flying to control the sky, the sea and below the sea. The entire area.

When the time comes, even if the monks of the Fusang Thousand Islands want to leave, it is already impossible. Just as they are making the final arrangements for the formation, Duanmu ordered their state coalition forces to cruise in the boat. Above Hong Yuan, they did not realize that a catastrophe was imminent.

At this moment, a huge monster in the depths of the sea suddenly raised its head, seeming to feel the fluctuations in the surrounding formation, which made it wake up from its deep sleep. Its ten-thousand-foot body is slowly swimming out of its hiding place at this moment, and no one looks at it. It was actually able to hide in a huge trench, because at first glance it looked like one with the surrounding seabed, and there was no deviation at all.

But when it moved, the surrounding sea water suddenly changed color. At this time, a monk who asked Xianlou was traveling by here, and suddenly found that the sea in front of it had become extremely turbid, and they swam over to explore it. Fan, but at this moment two faint blue eyes larger than the house siren just came out of the turbid water.

The few people who asked Xianlou had not made the slightest response, they were swallowed by a terrible suction, and then this huge body began to swim towards the sea, and its body was shining with terrible lightning.

And when asked about the place where the cultivator of Xianlou was less than a kilometer away, Guo Youde was tightly covering his mouth with his hand, and beckoning him not to make a noise, they both just watched the huge behemoth like this. Swim toward the sea.

After waiting for the other party to swim far, Guo Youde trembled and began to send a message to Lou Yi, trying to inform him that the Abyss Demon King had appeared, but the distance between the two was very long, so it took a certain amount of time, but the Abyss Demon King was already far away. The sea is very close.

And on the sea directly above the Abyss Demon Emperor, the ships of the allied forces of the various states were moving straight forward, and I did not know who shouted, "Hey, look at the sea below, why is it getting darker and darker?"

Immediately after the originally calm sea began to surging violently, the people on the boat were shocked, and someone said, "Contact the people in the water and ask what is going on?!!!"

However, the voice just fell, and I saw an extremely huge black shadow flying straight from the middle of all their ships to the sky. Dozens of huge boats were torn to pieces in an instant, and some of them were even human. The boat with him was swallowed by the shadow.

This sudden scene made the people who had escaped the disaster by chance shuddered. They hurriedly shouted to get out of here, but the command of several ships seemed to have lost their minds, and they ordered to face the huge monster. Launch an attack.

The disaster that could have been avoided, but because of their reckless attack, once again fell on him. I saw the huge figure that soared into the sky. Suddenly, the whole body was wrapped in blue-black lightning. Suddenly, the black figure's head fell down, revealing hideousness The terrifying face, and then ten thousand thunderbolts fell from the sky, and all the ships that attacked it instantly turned into ashes under the baptism of thunderbolt.

The Abyss Demon Sovereign opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar, which resounded through the sky and through the clouds...

At this time, Building B, who was in the outer formation, finally received Guo Youde's voice. After confirming the content, his face changed drastically. After a few simple explanations to the formation masters around him, he quickly informed him. Zihao and Qian Linglong.

Soon the three of them joined together. At this time, Gan Zihao's face was full of frost, and Gan Linglong's face was cold, but Lou Yi began to consider how they should deal with this before flying to the destination. Extremely dangerous guy.

He first ruled the monks who were in charge of exploring the sea bottom, and strictly prohibited them from entering the area where the opponent was located. At the same time, he contacted Duanmu Si Ming to let him inform the states of the coalition ships to leave here as soon as possible.

At the same time, I contacted the old swordman and Gen and asked them to wish them a helping hand. However, people are not as good as the heavens, and they are waiting for the message from the old swordman. The main island has been dormant for a long time. They suddenly swarmed and rushed towards the camp from all directions.

After weighing the pros and cons with the old swordman, Gen Yuehong thought that they must never leave the camp at this moment, so they told Lou Yi not to worry about the Abyss Demon Emperor, and trapped it in place first, and then turned back after Dala Kun was resolved. Pack it up.

However, when Lou Yi informed Gan Zihao and Gan Linglong of the news, both of them rejected the plan. They were worried that the other party would take the opportunity to escape. At this time, the Abyss Demon Sovereign was already alert, and it would definitely try everything. The way to recover the injury as soon as possible, once it recovers, then their master's efforts will be in vain.

Lou Yi had no choice but to tell Gen Yuehong that the camp had to leave it to a few seniors. The Abyss Demon Emperor and the three of them would find a way to solve it, but it didn't take long for them to come together. It is Xiaotiandao Song Zhong and Shen Wansan's couple.

Obviously Gen Yuehong and the old swordman were still worried about their safety, so they were asked to come and help. Not to mention that Song Zhong's strength is now comparable to the old swordman, even Shen Wansan and his wife are enough to greatly reduce them. Several people are in a dangerous situation.

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