Building B

Chapter 1892: True power

An astonishing breath of true vitality burst out in an instant, and the old knife man looked at the hand holding the knife and smiled, "The baby now is really amazing!"

Mei Siyu, among the three friends of the cold year, thought of the nine-rank **** lotus flower pill that Lou B had given back. He couldn't help but fluctuated strongly, and he muttered to himself, "Such a young junior is another force. Lord, it will fly into the sky in the future, but it's a pity that we people might not have the chance to meet..."

The Songzai urn beside him said in a huff, "The third brother does not need to be like this, the children are safe and happy, and we are dead just right!"

Zhu Ximo didn't speak, his flute sounded sonorously, but there was a touch of sadness in the tune. Maybe this is his regret...

At this time, Jiutun Boy, the way it appeared in front of everyone, is its most real appearance, a terrible scarlet armor, on each piece of armor, a distorted face is branded, and there are many of them. Many familiar faces, many of them are the island owners on the Fusang Thousand Islands, and now one by one has become the nourishment for the Jiutun Boys.

Jiutun Boy is tall, wide, fat and powerful. The knife in his hand exudes a dark and terrifying magic. His face is covered under a red mask, but scarlet pupils shoot out from under the mask, straight. Staring at them all.

"Old man, let's try it first!" As soon as the old Dao Weng's voice fell, the man disappeared. His body became extremely huge in an instant. Obviously, he used the power of the law, and the sword in his hand was flickering. The speed is so fast that the eyes can't react at all.

However, even so, the Jiutun Boy didn't even move, he just stood in place and waved the clouds in the sky, the black and white swords and the shadows of the swords and swords, and there was a harsh sound from the collision, but the old knife was obviously at a disadvantage.

Gen Yuehong waved a few splashes of ink and began to control this world. In this world, he is the ruler and can control everything here. When he drew something with his hand, a large river with a width of more than a hundred meters rose into the sky, instantly incarnate. For the dragon, went straight to the Jiutun Boy.

The latter let out a cold snort, swung his sword to force the old Dao Weng back, shaking his hand, the sky clumping clouds transformed into eight dragons, and fighting with the Molong, at this moment the sky suddenly fell into the colorful plum rain. , Jiutun Boy gave a firm grip with his palm upwards.

A terrible devilish energy turned into a huge palm, crushing all the colorful plum rain into powder like a flower, and at the same time slammed his fist towards Mei Sizu who attacked it. At this critical moment, the two barriers were not At the same time, they stopped in front of Mei Sizu.

After two loud noises, Jiutun Boy blasted the barrier created by Gen Yuehong and Zhuximo to smash. His fists did not stop, but went straight to Mei Sizu. At this moment, a voice behind him shouted , "Three brothers get out of the way!"

Mei Sizu's figure swayed and left the place, only to see a strong emerald shadow of thousands of feet behind him, bursting with dazzling light, and violently collided with the fist of Jiu Tun Boy, the emerald spear shot suddenly burst open. They were shattered one after another, but they also kept reducing Jiu Tun Boy's attacks.

At this time, a golden light flashed from the side, and Xu Wu appeared golden on the left side of Jiutun Boy, swinging the broken double axe, preparing to give the opponent a fatal blow, but Jiutun Boy just snorted coldly with his left hand and threw his palm to the left. Xu Wu, as if driving away mosquitoes and flies, swept towards Xu Wu's body.

But this time Xu Wu didn’t choose to evade. He actually wanted to kill Jiu Tun with injury for death, but he still underestimated the opponent’s strength. With three loud noises, Xu Wu’s axe did his wish. It was cut on Jiu Tun's body, but only a few pieces of armor on its armor were blown away, but it was unharmed.

But the third loud bang was Jiu Tun's slap, which hit Xu Wu firmly, and flew him directly to the extreme distance, slamming him into a mountain.

"Xu Wu!!!"

"Xu Da Pao!!!"


Everyone called out in unison, Xu Wu struggled to get out of the mountain and said to everyone, "I'm fine, don't worry!!!"

Although he said that he was okay, but he was not really okay. The worst thing was that his own weapons were completely destroyed, and only two metal sticks were left in his hand, one of which was seriously distorted.

The second is that half of his body showed signs of cracks like a spider web, and one of his arms seemed to lose consciousness. The deformed metal rod he held in his hand fell from the air and hit the rock. There was a sound of Ding Ling Dang Cang.

Xu Wu looked at his left side, smiled bitterly and muttered to himself, "I was a fly driven away once, so sad..."

At this moment, a little ink appeared in front of him, and then the ink flew out from this little ink, instantly wrapping Xu Wu's body, forming a set of pitch-black armor, covering the cracks in his body. At the same time, the ink transformed into two axes, exactly the same size and weight as the one he used before.

Xu Wu looked in the direction where Gen Yuehong was and muttered to himself, "Thanks, Lao Gen!"

At this time, his mood was very tangled. Among the eight colleges, he and Gen Yuehong were the least likely to deal with it, because he always believed that Gen Yuehong could become the chief and command the affairs of the lower house because he was the most First cast in the door of heaven and human, but he was a step slower.

In the years that followed, he did not know how many times he slandered Gen Yuehong, feeling that he was not qualified for the position of the Dean of the House of Commons. He also proposed to fight Gen Yuehong many times, but the other party has never paid attention to him, so He felt that Gen Yuehong's behavior was different, and he was a shrunken tortoise that was timid.

But now the actions of the other party made him feel a little bit embarrassed. He finally understood why the other party did not argue and fight with him. This was the mind and responsibility of the other party as the agent of the college, which he could never match.

Xu Wu took the healing medicine. Although it didn't make much sense to him, he had long been determined to die. He must fight in the best state and die on the way to the charge.

Xu Wu has mobilized his true essence to the extreme. With the ink armor and ink axe, it looks like a black whirlwind. At this time, the main force of the battle is still the old swordman, and the three friends of Suihan are responsible for restraining and sneaking.

The addition of Xu Wu made the situation better. Zhu Ximo continued to use Xiaosheng to interfere with Jiu Tun’s judgment, so that it had to be distracted to resist the irritable sound. At this time, its pupils flickered. With the light of danger, it is clear that its patience has been exhausted.

At this moment, the eight dragon pythons fighting against Molong strangled their opponents and fell back into Jiu Tun's hands. In an instant, everyone felt the feeling of being held on their necks, especially Zhuxi Mo. .

However, he only frowned, as if he had already put life and death out of focus. At this moment, an invisible but extremely dangerous black light suddenly flashed in front of Zhu Ximo, who suddenly turned pale, with a mouthful of blood. The Tian Cui jade flute in his hand was dyed blood.

The situation of Zhuxi Mo immediately aroused everyone’s warnings, but Mei Sizu followed. The formation of the three people was broken because of the break of the Zhuxi Mo link, causing Mei Sizu, the closest to Jiu Tun, to be instantly Suffered a catastrophe.

Seeing a flash of black light, Mei Sizu was holding his colorful Meiyu sword to resist, but he was pressed by the sky Congyun, severely slashing into his shoulders, and the blood suddenly splashed.

"Zhuximo! Mei Sizu!!!"

"Boss! Youngest!!!"

The old swordman and Songsai rushed up with a roar, but felt a flash of black light in front of them. The old swordman reacted in time, holding the knife to block it, sparks flew, his knife broke in two, and his chest A long cut was cut, and his body flew back upside down, smashed two mountains and fell to the ground.

Song Zhai raised his gun to resist, the Han Song Qianzhongxue in his hand shattered in his eyes, his body was pierced by the gun handle that flew upside down, and a lot of shattered gun shavings penetrated his body.

In just a moment, Jiutun seriously injured four people. Zhu Ximo fell into a pool of blood unconscious. The others were still unsure of their lives and deaths. Xu Wu roared forward, but was blocked by a barrier. A voice said to him, "Xu Wu, don't make unnecessary sacrifices, leave it to me..."

Xu Wu looked back at Gen Yuehong, and happened to see that the other party had drawn the curse of fighting life with his magic pen at the moment. This meant that Gen Yuehong was going to fight this Jiu Tun for his life, which clearly meant to die.

"Lao Gen, are you crazy?!!!" Xu Wu roared.

"A gentleman has something to do, something not to do, and now it's the time when he knows he can't do it but wants to do it, the academy will leave it to you..." Gen Yuehong waved his hand when he spoke, and Xu Wu and Sui Han's three friends were all caught He gave away his own space.

Just when he wanted to send the old knife man out, the other party said to him, "The old man is willing to punish this demon with you. I am running out of time. This will be the place for the old man to bury his bones. ..."

Gen Yuehong's face was sad, because he felt the terrifying power like a storm behind him, which was climbing at an astonishing speed, which meant that the old knife man burned his remaining vitality in some way.

Gen Yuehong nodded and, we will extinguish this demon together, and return a peaceful world to my Kunwu world! "

Gen Yuehong's whole body also seemed to burn, but he turned his power into mental power, while the old swordman turned into pure power!

I saw a white light whistling and flashing from behind. The next moment it appeared directly beside Jiutun Boy, and it collided with the clouds in his hand. At this moment, the old man and the knife were one, and he looked forty years old. The up and down look is exactly what he looked like when he was at his peak.

In his hand there is a knife made of power illusion. This knife is exactly the same as the cloud pattern sky mark, but it is transparent. The old knife man uses this condensed transparent cloud pattern sky mark to swallow the wine in his hand. Clouds in the sky are pressing back steadily.

At the same time, the world of this world began to be filled with countless ink symbols. Gen Yuehong was like a madman, people stubbornly swearing ink in the air, where there is still a shadow of being old and serious before half a minute.

His full white hair has also been completely blackened, turning into the appearance of his twenties, with extraordinary handsome starbrows and sword eyes, just like the graceful son of the world, recklessly and wildly, swaying his youth freely and unruly.

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