Building B

Chapter 2286: Grievances

However, the people who are trapped here at this moment are by no means Lou B and the others. The entire underground of the Star Territory is full of trapped monks at this moment. They are all human cities, and they can purchase cobalt at a high price. The monks of the silver rough stone, and these men in black tricked everyone to come here through different routes, and lured them into the underground.

This is the third batch in a few months. This group of shameless people in black seems to want to kill these monks who came here to find cobalt and silver veins here to conquer something. There is a strange container in each hand, all flying in mid-air at this moment, with a grey breath constantly blowing outwards.

These gray auras do not know what is made. Once they come into contact with the cobalt-silver ore, the cobalt-silver ore will quickly turn black and release terrible toxins. They used this method to keep the monks in the direction of the veins. Hurry up.

The number of monks trapped in the mineral veins is very large, probably no fewer than 10,000. Most of them are casual cultivators or some disciples of small sects. They came to the floating monster battlefield but only came out to experience, but they failed. Want to be overwhelmed by his greed.

At this moment, some people have been attacked by the monster. It seems that it has no interest in human flesh and blood. It attacks the human soul. When the tentacles trap the person, those mouths will bite the opponent's body. Above, but it will not leave any wounds.

I can hear the sound it made when it swallowed, and a life that was still alive just moments ago turned into a corpse and fell to the ground. They were thrown aside like trash, and the tentacles would actively look for the still alive. Exist and try to prey on each other.

Everyone took out their best efforts and kept thinking about how to leave. Some people ventured into the weird black-gray mist, and soon the whole person was like poisonous hair, the whole body turned into pitch black, and the body was out of control. He took the initiative to walk towards the monster and soon became another victim.

In this way, the monster is constantly devouring human lives, and it seems that it will never be fed. At this moment, the man in black outside is still carefully watching all this, but the man in black on the side of building B has a face at this moment. However, there was a solemn look on the upper side, because since Lou B and the others entered, there were obviously very few people, but none of the sacrifices appeared, which made them feel a bit tricky.

   "Do you want to report it?" a companion asked.

"Let’s wait and see, this time it’s a great opportunity for our Dark Underworld Sect to become famous on this floating monster battlefield. If we can surrender this resentment, not only will we be able to get a powerful boost, and wish us sweeping the world. , You can still get the cobalt and silver veins that it has occupied for thousands of years. You have seen everything here. Can you imagine what a fortune this will be?" Someone said excitedly.

His comrades looked at each other. Although they felt wrong, they still obeyed his words and continued to stare down. At this time, Tieshan took the lead, with three hundred and sixty sacred sword energy, constantly slashing at all around them. Hundreds of weird tentacles have appeared around him at this moment. They made a sound of geba geba and surrounded and suppressed a few people. The more they moved forward, the more crazy the tentacles attacked.

Lou Yi felt that they were not far from the monster's body, but it was a great burden for Tieshan to face such intensive attacks. Lou Yi also quickly joined the battle, and he found that ordinary attacks were against It wasn't very effective. On the contrary, when he unintentionally swung his fist to reveal the Fourteen Mantra Bone Beads, the Buddha's light emitted from it had an effect on these tentacles.

So he used the power of the Dharma to fight against it, but the result was counterproductive. On the contrary, it aroused the fierceness of this guy. There was a loud rumbling noise from the veins, and countless tentacles in all directions pierced the thick rock wall towards Building B. Strangling, before building B reacted, he was directly submerged in the sea of ​​tentacles.

But at this moment, a golden light pierced the thick tentacles and burst out from the gap, and then more golden light appeared like thorns and thorns, and then there was a loud bang, a huge Arhat God, shining all over With the golden Buddha light, he blocked the top of Building B and resisted all the attacks.

The guardian **** saved Lou Yi's life at a critical moment, but I don’t know why, this monster resembles a person who hates the use of Dharma so much. The next attack becomes more unscrupulous and violent, and storm-like attacks surrounded from all sides. Come, as if to wipe them all out.

At this moment, Lou Yi's hands were knotted and printed in an empty seal. All he heard was a crisp sound. All the tentacles hit the air. The air was scattered with countless dense golden Sanskrit, forming a looming Buddha mask to protect At the crowd below.

Lou Yi injected his own power into the fourteen mantra bone beads. The Sanskrit script on the mantras shined with dazzling light. After the bone beads were disintegrated, they turned into two beads and placed them on the guardian god. The Buddha's light is prosperous.

The guardian **** will swing his fists and use his magical powers to blast the tentacles that roared around. Tieshan also took the opportunity to quickly open the way. Mingxin and Gan Zihao worked together to take charge of the left and right defenses. Wang Kai protected Huang Shang guarding the rear, and Lou Yi ruled. The whole situation was waiting for an opportunity, and they moved a little bit deeper in this way.

The space below became more and more huge, and countless branch roads appeared around them. This can no longer be regarded as a passage. Yan Ran has become a huge maze, but the cobalt silver mine pattern here is It is already very bright, which means that the purity of these cobalt-silver veins is extremely high, which may exceed Lou B's expectations.

On the other side, in other mine areas, some people have survived one after another. Most of them have used special life-saving methods, but more people have died in the veins, and they will never see tomorrow. The sun.

At this moment, the people in black outside became excited one by one, because their purpose was about to be achieved soon, and it was the most critical moment. However, some of them had sweat in their palms at this moment. Those who are in charge of monitoring their situation in Building B.

   Because they followed the advice of the person before, they missed the best time, and now it was too late to stop them. They looked at each other and prayed that something bad would not happen.

   At this time, a black shadow appeared beside them out of thin air, and asked in a gloomy voice, "Your emotions are a bit wrong, but something happened?"

The whole body shook suddenly, and when someone was about to collapse, the monk who prevented him from reporting it, suddenly said, "Young Sect Master, you can rest assured that everything is under control, we... we are just too excited. , Yes! Too exciting..."

The black-clothed man nodded, looked at a few people suspiciously, and then at the seemingly calm area below, nodded and said, "It's a critical moment. If you have a twelve-point spirit, my Dark Ming Sect will Rise, hehehehehe..."

His laughter was very gloomy, but it was obvious that he was also extremely excited at the moment. After his departure, these people looked at each other. Among them, the monk who was about to collapse, asked, "What should I do? What should I do? ?!!!"

   "Don't panic, maybe... maybe nothing happens?" the other party replied with a guilty conscience.


   Boom! boom! boom!

A huge vibration suddenly came from under the ground, breaking the last bit of luck in these people's hearts. At this moment, all of them are ashamed, and there is only one thought left in their hearts, that is, all of them are dead... ..

   It turned out that after building B and the others turned around, suddenly their eyes suddenly opened up. They came to a huge suspended place, surrounded by dazzling silver light, and an unusually ugly creature appeared in front of them.

This monster has a bucket-like figure. Because the hanging place is too deep, only the upper part of this monster can be seen. It is extremely ugly. There are countless tentacles on the head and neck, and one eye. It was in the original position of the mouth, but the mouths it should have had become countless, distributed on these tentacles.

At this moment, this one-eyed glaring fiercely at the guardian general, and urging the tentacles on his body, desperately to attack the guardian **** general, the guardian **** general urged the Buddha's light and violently collided with it, the fist shadow and the tentacles frequently contacted , With a deafening roar.

This monster attack has no rules at all. It only relies on shaking the head and the tentacles on the neck to attack. Lou Yi has never seen it extend its paws or tail guess it may be Being stuck here and unable to leave, looking at the silver light surrounding these words, you know how rich this cobalt-silver vein is. If all these are taken away, it will definitely be enough to create an array of the thirteen emperor realms. Ji, there may even be a lot of surplus, this is a treasure mountain, but if you want to take it away, you must first kill the strange creature in front of you.

Lou Yi looked at this weird creature, and felt that it seemed to be some kind of special spirit beast, but it should not be owned by the human race. He thought of the floating corpses that he saw when he came here before. It seemed that in addition to the human race, there were also the remains of other races, and he suddenly realized it.

This place should have been an ancient battlefield, and the cause was the cobalt-silver veins here. The tribes fought a protracted battle around the cobalt-silver veins. In the end, there were countless casualties but no winners. This spirit beast is very likely to be one side. The thing left by the forces, its original owner died, and it occupies the land as the king, becoming a monster guarding this cobalt-silver vein.

After figuring out these hurdles, Lou Yi sighed silently. This is really an unwarranted disaster. Some people with a heart want to use the way to please this monster to make him obey. Looking at the monster's cultivation level, I'm afraid It has long surpassed the scope of the floating monster battlefield, but it seems that for some reason, its strength is greatly reduced, but because of the lusts of some greedy and stupid people, it slowly recovers a little bit... .


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