Building B

Chapter 218: The little tree starts again

It took a while before he looked back, rubbing his hands on his chin, finally smiled, and said to himself, "No wonder the resentment is so great..."

According to Lou Yi’s speculation, this swallowing anaconda was accidentally pierced through the brain by the iron wall while sleeping. The power of this resentment can be imagined. Although it is super strong during the refining period, it is a whole body. Cultivation is useless.

The demon pill was restrained by its imprisonment, unable to escape from the snake skeleton, so it could only lead the prey here to kill, and barely survived.

Fortunately, there is a black jade and golden lotus as a guide, but there is no shortage of prey. I am afraid that many monks have disappeared without a trace inexplicably.

After figuring out all the key points, Lou Yi can only smile helplessly. It is really impermanent in the world, good fortune, and involuntary.

He wanted to step on the area covered by white light, but suddenly a sharp breath enveloped him. Lou Yi decided to chill his cheeks, reached out his hand and touched it, only to find that he was bleeding.

This made him a little surprised, is this white light preventing himself from approaching? why……

He stood still and did not dare to go forward. It was obvious that Bai Guang was just warning him not to go forward. However, Lou Yi wanted to figure out what happened, and the piece diagonally inserted in the snake skeleton. What is the origin of Tiebi?

He wanted to peer into the iron wall with his divine consciousness. Unexpectedly, the divine consciousness had just approached, and the white light suddenly flashed. Lou Yi felt a sharp pain in his head. The divine consciousness was chopped into pieces, and his spirit suffered a violent shock.

Lou Yi took a step back with lingering fears. The white light was able to cut through the divine consciousness, but he couldn't figure out what the iron wall was, and what was the iron piece he had picked up. What is the difference between the two? What's the connection...

Lou Yi fell into a bitter thought, but at this moment, the storage ring suddenly shined again, and a small dragon-shaped tree appeared in front of him strangely, and flew straight to the iron wall in front of him. position.

At this moment, the white light flashed and cut towards the small dragon-shaped tree, Lou Yi couldn't help shouting, "No!"

However, a weird scene appeared. I saw that the dragon-shaped tree was shrouded in colorful glow, and the five rays of glow turned into five dragons. The dragon stretched out its claws and pinched it firmly on top of the white light. Lou Yi looked at it for the first time. Know what this white light is.

It was a dilapidated flying knife, broken into many pieces. One of the buildings B felt very familiar. Suddenly he raised his head and looked not far away. The iron piece that revolves around the iron wall is not exactly the fly that he feels familiar with. Knife fragments...


The dragon claw squeezed the brilliant white flying knife so that it could not move. At the same time, the small dragon-shaped tree flew straight to the position of the iron wall and took root directly next to it. Lou Yi saw its roots continue to move towards. The eyes below seemed to attract it.

At the same time, the Bone Eater also flew out of the feeding bag and flew towards the position of the dragon-shaped tree without any scruples, but its target was not the tree, but the iron wall beside it.

These guys clung to the iron wall stubbornly, gnawing the black rust on the iron wall with a relish look.

At the same time, Xiao Zi seemed a little anxious, jumping from Lou Yi's left shoulder to his right shoulder. Its target was the same as the dragon-shaped tree, staring at something under the iron wall.

Lou Yi tried to walk forward, but this time, he successfully passed the **** and finally came to the iron wall. Xiao Zi swished off Lou Yi's body, like a purple lightning, whizzing towards him. In the dark hole below the iron wall.

But at this moment, the brilliant white light knife suddenly broke away from the shackles of the dragon's claws and slashed at the five giant dragons. The speed was extremely fast. The blade collided with the dragon's claws, bursting out a dazzling fire.

Xuanlong was taken carelessly and flew out with a knife. Lou Yi was shocked. He knew that the flying knife was so powerful that it came and went without a trace. Now that he is in the position of the iron wall, he can feel the bitterness. breath.

Fortunately, the five dragons are not easy to provoke. In the mist filled with water, the black dragon returned to its place, and the five-color dragons roared together. The five dragon's tails were intertwined in an instant, and the five colors were intertwined. A giant dragon filled with colorful divine light.

The body of a dragon embodies the characteristics of five giant dragons, and the five attributes interact and restrain each other, and the changes are endless. However, this flying knife is not like a normal thing. It is not afraid of the five-color giant dragon. Above the body of the dragon, it caused it to roar again and again, but there was nothing to do.

But fortunately, the flying knife was not complete and could not display its original strength. Otherwise, the five-color dragon must be in a different place. Lou Yi put down his guard a bit and began to observe the battle between the two sides.

The dragon soars, the dragon body is tossing, turning clouds and mist, bowing and spitting beads, dragon claws flying, dragon teeth sharp, dragon scales strong, dragon tail ghosts violated, Lou Yi is immersed in this state.

He didn't realize that at this moment he was already in the dragon-shaped tree. Time was frozen. The battle outside was actually over. The five-color dragon controlled the white flying knife again with a crushing force, behind him. The iron wall shrank quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the small dragon-shaped tree was slowly retracting its roots from the depths entangled with something. Xiao Zi tried to reopen the roots of the small dragon-shaped tree several times, but was blocked, even if it tried its best. It can't hurt this treasure tree at all.

The little guy looked a little depressed, but the little dragon-shaped tree didn't seem to be without mercy. It deliberately shrank the roots and squeezed out some blue-black liquid, which slid down the roots.

Whenever the liquid came down, Xiao Zi would open his mouth to catch it, and its aura began to rise steadily as it swallowed the liquid. The aura on its body became stronger and stronger, and the purple light was very dazzling.

The dragon-shaped small tree absorbs the entanglement, and at the same time squeezes it to provide some liquid to Xiao Zi. The entanglement of the small tree is actually the demon pill of swallowing anacondas. The demon pill originally hosted its demon soul. At this time, the demon soul After being wiped out by Lou Yi, the demon pill became an unowned thing.

That iron wall was actually part of the flying knife, and the reason it became so big was also because of the demon pill.

As a result, the Bone Eater worm has eaten up the residue of the demon pill on it. It has been robbed of its energy source by the small dragon-shaped tree. It has been subdued in the game of the five-color dragon. Now it is weak and hard to support, and can only change back to its original size. .

If you look closely, you will find that it looks very much like the head of a flying knife. At this moment, it has restored its original appearance, and another fragment of the flying knife is closely attached to it.

At this time, the mysterious patterns on the two pieces of iron are linked together, forming a particularly ancient word, and this word is the word knife, but the word knife is really too old, it can be traced back to the ancient times. Time.

I believe that the Emperor Fuxi will be surprised to speak when he sees it, because the word for the sword is the same as the innate gossip he enlightened in Mount Tai. It can be seen that the origin of the flying sword must be very big. .

But Lou Yi didn't know this. He was still immersed in the illusion of Five Dragon Fighting Flying Swords. There was no concept of time. Everything was static. The space and time in the small tree were static. When did he enter After going out, it was when he first entered.

Lou Yi has been looking forward to countless times that he will enter the space of the dragon-shaped tree as soon as possible, because he really needs this space of the small tree so much, he needs to continuously temper the 15th style of Long Tao, not only to strengthen the 15th style, but also It is necessary to seek opportunities for breakthroughs.

This sitting lasted for a whole month. At first, he also stayed in it for a whole month. After the dragon-shaped tree ran out of energy, he was sent out. But now, the dragon-shaped tree does not seem to be sending him. The meaning of leaving, this surprised Lou Yi very much.

You must know that staying inside for an hour will give you an hour’s experience than others. More importantly, the space within the dragon-shaped tree will continuously refine his body and increase his physique daily. This is the most critical.

The dragon is the head of all spirits, the strongest and most powerful monster, the strongest monster Kunpeng, once fought against the Tianlong for an era, and has never been determined. Later, Kunpeng was regarded as a monster by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. The saint master, dominates the demons from hundreds of millions of demons.

However, after the first battle for hegemony in the ten thousand realms, the demon race, Xingtian, the **** of war, ascended to the sky with fearless power, and angered the head of the Eastern Emperor and the Nine Heavens Palace. The demon race then fell apart. Don't ask about world affairs.

However, it is said that the Kongtong seal, one of the ten ancient artifacts, is a sacred item of the dragon clan, the emperor Yun of Wufangren, who was pregnant, and Fuxi was angry and cut off the bridge connecting the heaven, earth and the gods, causing the Kongtong seal to be damaged.

It's just why it fell from the hands of the Tianlong clan to the Kunpeng hand. This is probably the secret of the original battle, but the dragon clan can compete with the strongest Kunpeng of the monster clan with its own ~ It shows how strong his physique is.

However, there are also rumors that the Tianlong was finally defeated after a shocking battle, so the Kongtong seal would fall into the hands of Kunpeng.

However, there are also rumors that Kunpeng was also seriously injured, so that the **** of war Xingtian slashed the head of the Eastern Emperor, causing the demon clan to fail. Therefore, it can hardly escape the blame and take this opportunity to stay in the North Sea Hongyuan without healing. It's just that the injury was too serious, so the Kongtong seal was used to calm his wound.

There are countless legends in the world, and a few people can know what the fact is, everyone just lives in a small world, desperately trying to jump out and see the wider world.

Only a very small number of people succeeded, and most of them have become the bones of these successful people. There are countless anonymous people who have made these very few people. This has also caused the world to become more and more distorted. In order to climb up by any means, how easy is it to settle down?

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