Building B

Chapter 2472: Torn Flag

   The entire sky shone one by one, and the brilliant star maps shone one after another. They seemed to be fighting for beauty. After you sing, I will appear on the stage. The powerful stars envelop everyone here.

   At this moment, whether it is Huo Yunlie and Sima Xianglu who are in the same place, Yun Lancong and Li Wenfeng who are walking together outside, or Tieshan and others who are silent by Lou Yi's side, they all look up at the sky.

   At this moment, the vast starry sky becomes extremely bright, and people seem to see a uniquely vast star map, which is a vast universe that does not belong to this world, and contains unimaginable powers.

   People felt unprecedented throbbing from this, and wanted to immerse themselves in it physically and mentally. Some people of other races actually kneeled forward and prayed at this moment, seeming to be shocked by the scene before them.

   And Lou Yi, the instigator, is now in another world, a world completely different from the vast starry sky. He steps on the light of the stars, and under his feet is like the Milky Way, shining endless stars.

   looked up at the sky, the dark firmament was dotted with countless stars, but these stars had long lost their light, they looked lifeless, Lou Yi didn't know where it was, so he seemed quite cautious.

   Just then a starlight appeared, and in the blink of an eye he came to Lou Yi, leading him forward like a beacon, Lou Yi stepped on the light of the stars, and followed the other side continuously.

He didn’t walk fast, but he didn’t know why he had a feeling of crossing time and space. It was like the magical transition technique mentioned in the classics. He stepped on the light of the stars and appeared in another in the next instant. A time and space.

   He has witnessed many stars, but these stars are all dim, or broken. Lou Yi didn't know the meaning at first, but after walking for a long time, he suddenly realized it.

   All the dim and shattered stars here are the stars that once shining above the sky, but at this moment they have been destroyed because of the war.

   The destruction of every star is the day when the creatures of a world are destroyed. Although they are only an insignificant part of the mustard world, life is life, no matter how small it is, it is still a living life.

   They do not have the right to choose their identity, or they are born as ants, or as chaffinches, but as long as they have the courage to fight, who can say that chaffinches cannot flutter their wings and ants cannot stand upright.

It’s just that this process is countless times more difficult than those who reincarnate. It’s not an option to live, but how to live is a choice. Whether to choose to lie on the ground and work hard, or to stand upright on the ground, all in one's own thoughts. between.

  Lou Yi exhaled a long breath, his waist became very tall and straight at this moment, he no longer looked around, but walked straight ahead, straddling the endless world in a moment, and arrived at the final destination.

   A person, or a shadow, appeared here, because it was covered by divine light, Lou Yi did not see who this person was, but this person's body shape was different from ordinary people, and was surprisingly tall.

   Lou Yi felt that he was most likely not a human being, and the possibility of being a monster or a protoss was higher. When the other party saw him, he did not appear abnormal, but beckoned him to pass.

   Building B slowly stepped forward and saluted him, "Junior Building B, I have seen this fairy master!"

The other party did not speak, but looked at him up and down, then nodded, and the glowing finger nodded in front of him. In an instant, all the 108 star banner shadows that he had cracked appeared in front of him. .

Lou Yi looked at the other person in a puzzled manner, but found that this luminous person bowed his head in a pensive state, as if thinking about something. After that, countless spots of light appeared around him. The moment this scene appeared, Lou Yi seemed to suddenly understand what.

This light man should also be comprehending the formation of the stars. It’s just that this formation has only appeared once, and it stopped abruptly like a meteor. Countless people who were obsessed with the formation wanted to restore it again. Its unparalleled beauty blooms.

   It's a pity that this formation has condensed the wisdom of the entire ancient monster race, and also incorporated too many victims of the ancient monster race. In this battle, the monster race lost control of the heavens and was taken advantage of by the gods.

In the second battle between the gods and monsters, the ancient monster races were wounded and wounded. After that, the human race took advantage of the momentum to rise, and the three-legged tribe was formed. After that, the demons and the ghost race took advantage of the void to enter the world. The spirit race should make up the balance of power in the six realms.

But after the demon clan has experienced several failures, some truly powerful ancient clan either went to extinction, or chose to be incognito and escaped from the void, making those who want to find the clues that the demon emperor Eastern Emperor Taiyi set up the star formation at the beginning, changed It's as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

   Perhaps this expert who is unwilling to show his true face is one of the seekers in the vast universe. The time did not last long. It raised its head and waved its hand, and the surrounding stars gradually dissipated.

   The other party looked at him with glowing eyes, and the second person nodded, and then stretched out a palm, a light gradually shone between the two, and then everything around him began to change rapidly.

   Lou Yi got excited in an instant, he desperately restrained his emotions, because what appeared before his eyes at this moment turned out to be a broken star banner.

After combining everything he had seen before, Lou Yi immediately understood something. The Guangren seemed a little bit dissatisfied. He looked at the remnant flag for a long time, and then pushed it to Lou Yi and gave him a point. Nodded.

This means that the other party gave the remnant flag to himself. Don’t mention how excited Lou Yi is, but the more at this time, the more he must exercise restraint. In case the other party is testing himself, then he has a complete star flag. Things may be exposed.

   The other party is unwilling to show people in its true colors, which means that it has an ulterior secret. The more so, the more careful it is. After Lou Yi shrank the remnant flag, he did not immediately put it away.

He was observing the remnant flag, feeling the traces of history remaining on it. It may be that this move moved the light man. After hesitating again and again, he took out one hundred and eight small star flags and pushed it in front of Lou Yi. .

   Building B was as excited as getting a treasure at first, but after identification, it was discovered that only the three-stroke small star banner was real, and the rest were made by the day after tomorrow.

   Although they resemble real little star streamers in both size and breath, Lou Yi possesses the twelve star cones of the emperor's path and the nine star streamers given by the star streamer later.

After the light man nodded to Lou Yi, he waved his sleeves at him. Lou Yi only felt the sky and the earth rotate, and the light of countless stars wrapped his body. When he regained consciousness, he had returned. Above the ground.

   At this moment, he saw countless people looking up at the sky. The bright star maps above the sky were slowly rising into the void, and shortly after Building Yi came to the ground, they turned into stars and disappeared.

   I don't know who shouted at this moment, "I can finally leave this **** ghost place!"

   One sentence pulled the thoughts of countless people back from the sky, and they roared towards the entrance, showing that these guys have been trapped here for too long.

   But there are some people who choose to hide behind the stone pillar group. They can see a lot of fierce and evil people, looking at them face-to-face, and one can imagine how they will end up after they leave here.

   Faintly Jian Lou Yi felt a few good looks. They were all from the Protoss, and needless to say, they knew what the group of people were making.

   However, Lou Yi didn't want to leave this place so soon after getting the broken star flag. He wanted to take a good look at the broken star flag.

At this moment, there was a sound not far away. Sima Xiangru brought Huo Yunlie to him. After arriving in front of him, Sima Xiangru looked up and down Building B and said to him, "I don't know why, Suddenly I feel that the Lord Lou City is even more unpredictable!"

Lou Yi knew that this was not a compliment. He went to the peculiar star world above and felt the apocalyptic scenes of countless dark stars. Many thoughts emerged in his heart. These thoughts sublimated his state of mind and were regarded as helpful. He pushed another step on the path.

   At this time, Tieshan and others also gathered from all directions, and Yun Lan said to Lou Yi, "Couldn't Brother Lou caused the strange situation just now?"

   Building B smiled noncommittal, and joked, "What about me?"

Sima Xiang was taken With an incredible look on his face, Yun Lan shook his head and said, “That’s too boring. To set off into danger, it's really a bit disappointing..."

   Lou Yi smiled and said to him, "If it is really me, then there should be a reward, you see, I have no hands, if you don't believe me, ask Brother Lie and Mr. Shui Jing!"

Huo Yunlie nodded, and Sima Xiangru quickly adjusted his mentality. When Lou Yi said he was himself, he really felt incredible, but then he felt that he was deceiving himself and others. With the other party’s state at the time, he still had If he can't, how can he do it?

   After everyone got together, Lou Yi said to them that he had a sense of enlightenment and wanted to stay here for a little longer. I hope everyone can agree to it.

   Yun Lan naturally agreed completely. After all, he hadn't visited enough, and Li Wenfeng and the others also agreed. After two battles, the monks and juniors in Wenjian Pavilion need to take a good rest.

Naturally, there is no need to say more on Tieshan’s side. He is sure that it is Lou B who did all this, because ordinary people can’t make such a big movement. This guy is a person who can cause a sensation at any time. This is from knowing him. Since that day, it has been shown to the fullest. Anyone who dares to look down upon him will eventually pay a painful price for his arrogance and stupidity.


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