Building B

Chapter 2658: Part ways

Mingxin released all the accumulated grievances at this moment. In the eyes of the world, the relationship between him and Gan Zihao was abnormal, but it was an extremely difficult time for the two to get together.

For him, Gan Zihao is the other half of his life that is hard to give up. When facing this relationship, he has been confused, doubted, and at a loss as to what to do. It is Gan Zihao who has been by his side silently. Follow enlightenment.

He can actually feel the pressure of the other party being with himself, but he chose to resist everything. Lou Yi usually ridicules a few words, but he doesn’t know how much harm is done to him every time. .

Gan Zihao's aptitude is indeed not good. For today's world, his prospects are limited, but he doesn't care about it. He can't find a place where no one knows to live in seclusion forever.

But Gan Zihao always told himself that he had to pay back the friendship he owed Lou Yi, and when the time came, he would mention it to the bastard, but he never expected that this day did not come, but his man was dead. Nothing is left.

Mingxin's emotions collapsed at this moment, but besides the loss of his lover, what caused all this was the more important point, and that was the influence of the gods and demons on him.

His emotions were amplified infinitely by the magic array, which was regarded as a small movement made by Moeller before leaving. At this time, Mingxin felt a mass of anger in his body, which made him unable to calm down anyway.

Even when Bai Ling came out to scold him, the killing thought moved in Mingxin's eyes, and a trace of weird aura burst out from Mingxin's body, and the surrounding space began to vibrate.

Lou Yi noticed the anomaly at this moment, and blocked Bai Ling and Tieshan behind him, and at the same time opened the Yuanyue wall, the sound of a piece of glass breaking continuously sounded, and the surrounding space seemed to be shattered.

Lou Yi felt unusual fluctuations in the power of the surrounding space, and terrible space cracks began to appear around several people. Just when Mingxin was about to lose control completely, his head suddenly turned to the side and saw a strange call out at him. Astral ringworm.

Mingxin's emotions that he was about to run out of control obviously improved after seeing this astral ringworm. A wave of devilish energy was released from his body, and was quickly taken away by the surrounding space cracks.

Mingxin collapsed to the ground, looking extremely tired, Lou Yi wanted to step forward to help the other person, but the other person shouted, "Don't come close to me, and none of you should come over!"

The Astral Ringworm that belonged to Gan Zihao slowly flew towards the other side, and gave Gan Zihao's relic to Mingxin. When Mingxin's hand touched Xinyue Ruyi, a piece of spiritual ink turned The word appeared in front of him, staring intently, it said...

"My decision, nothing special, to live well, to meet again..."

Mingxin was out of control and wept loudly. He put away all of Gan Zihao's relics the same way, but when his hand touched the Xinghao pen, he threw it directly towards Lou Yi.

Lou Yi stretched out his hand to catch the pen. This object was originally a gift from Master Liao Wuya to Tu'er. After Linglong died, Lou Yi gave the pen to Gan Zihao for safekeeping. Mingxin was also there at the time. When Shi Mingxin made such a move, Lou Yi already knew what he was going to do next.

He stood up swayingly, with a look of innocence in his eyes, Lou Yi reminded him, "You have to live for him!"

Mingxin raised his head and looked at Building B, his eyes were full of irony and complaint. He stretched out his blood-stained fingers and questioned, "If you take his life, you are tantamount to taking my soul. Go down? Be a living zombie?"

Lou Yi's eyes were full of regret. Although all this was blocked by the enemy on the way, his own mistake led to the death of Gan Zihao, which was also an indisputable fact. He couldn't argue for this.

Just when Lou B didn't know how to speak, Ming Xin suddenly used the power of the space to open a strange crack. Without waiting for Lou B to stop it, Ming Xin sucked in.

Gan Zihao's Astral Ring Worm immediately chased him up, using his own power to protect Mingxin, Mingxin retracted his gaze in despair, and disappeared into the terrifying dark space.

Just like this, he left with a sense of despair and hatred for Lou Yi, and he completely parted ways with him. Lou B lost two generals in one day one after another. He was exhausted, and coupled with the crazy attack from the mind just now, The body shook and fell down.

Bai Ling exclaimed, and he held the fallen Building B in hold. Then, together with Tieshan, he carried Building B back to his residence. The monks of the Tongyu League had mixed emotions on their faces, and they made plans. The man is Lou Yi. The victory in this battle was also due to the destruction of the Great Array of Gods and Demons. Originally, this was a great achievement, but the current situation has left everyone at a loss ~ ~ The matter is far from over. Jin Wenyan was injured, which was more serious than it seemed, which caused differences of opinion within the Yaozu to begin to appear.

More importantly, they are the main targets targeted by the gods and demons. There are many victims among the monster races. The demons are constantly increasing their desire for killing and their hatred, making them popular Passionate.

The demon race was originally a group of respected power. Now it is obvious that Jinwenyan fought against Jinao. The former fell down. Disharmonious voices began to appear in this group of demon races. The clansmen and the two king violent bears almost caused conflicts with many demon races. If Jin Wenzhen endured the pain to stop him, I am afraid that things would become more difficult.

Yun Lan only saw the terrifying methods of this group of demons from the others. They were even more grateful for Lou Yi's original decision, but if this regrettable scene had not appeared, this would have been the best result.

During the period when Lou Yi fainted, the entire **** league was filled with a strange aura. After a few days in this way, Lou Yi woke up from his coma, looked up at the ceiling above the bed, and felt extremely helpless. Sighed.

The world is unpredictable and how can it be as expected, whether Xu Jinling or Qian Linglong, or Jin Tu and Xue Xing, too many undecided things made him lose one of his relatives.

He couldn't change all of this, he could only try to keep it as long as possible, and the matter between Gan Zihao and Mingxin hit him deeply at this moment. Bai Ling silently sat next to him and said softly, "It's all my fault..."

Lou Yi retracted his gaze to look at Bai Ling, stretched out his palm to grasp the opponent's hand, and said to him, "You are also for my good, don't blame you... Maybe all this is fate..."

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