Building B

Chapter 2665: The final place

Following this crisis of the Monster Race, Lou Yi earned enough eyeballs and brushed a wave of existence. Until this moment, he gradually felt that he could no longer rely on the Yuanhuang Order in his hand to make these Monster Races. Not so presumptuous in front of me.

However, he also knows very well that this is only temporary. If you want to really convince these guys, the most important thing is your own strength. Therefore, during the time when Jin Wenzhen is absent, Lou Yi will come to the monster race side. , Take two Wang Zixiong to practice.

You should know that these two evil stars were in this monster clan before, except for the Jinwenyan clan, but no one dared to provoke them. Now it’s not good. Feng Shui turns, and they both become Lou B and upgrade himself. A living target for combat effectiveness.

Lou Yi went into battle shirtlessly every day, beating the two behemoths with endless grievances. After seeing this scene, the Tyrant Lei on the side couldn't help but stick his tongue out, and even felt a little relieved.

After that, Lou Yi called Ba Lei and Huang Shang and the others. As a punching bag for these two guys, not to mention the effect was surprisingly good. After finishing the two tyrannical bears, they cleaned Huang Shang and Ba together. Ray is really a good way to get the best of both worlds.

Huang Shang’s bloodline is special, it belongs to the kind that is strong when it is strong. The more dangerous the fighting environment, the more he can stimulate his own potential. But because of the release of his bloodline, coupled with the accumulation of battles over time, it also makes it. The combat effectiveness has undergone a qualitative change.

It can be said that during this period of time, everyone is thinking of ways to improve their combat effectiveness in order to survive the cruel elimination. Li Wenfeng, Yun Lancong, and Huo Yunlie all have sect life-saving charms. If it is true When encountering life-threatening moments, this magic talisman can help them leave this place safely.

However, Lou Yi and the others need to do everything to ensure that they are alive, because they do not have a noble identity, but just a group of mortals struggling out of the mustard world.

For others, it may just come to experience the thrill of fighting on the battlefield, but for myself, it is a matter of life.

There are many people of all races who are in the same situation as him. This is why everyone desperately wants to improve themselves. No one wants to explain here for no reason. Among them, there is one exception, he is Luan Yuefeng.

As one of the leaders sent by Luan Tianzong this time, he should have carried the token given by Luan Tianzong's elders, but in that jade bi space, all his belongings, including the sword, were robbed by Zhou Likui. Looted away.

This also means that if Luan Yuefeng unfortunately dies here, then he will really die. At the beginning, Luan Qisheng was arrogant and arrogant. He thought that after taking the Sanguisheng Pill, he thought he could be invincible within an hour. But he never expected that Tieshan's heart to death would be so decisive.

He died in Tieshan’s hands due to negligence. His sword became Tieshan’s sword spirit, and his belongings also fell into Tieshan’s hands, but the token was because of Luan Qi’s holy body. Die, and become useless.

This also means that Luan Yuefeng, like them, can only fight desperately. If he died here, he would really die, and there would be no possibility of survival.

During this period of time, the sound of enthusiastic training can be heard everywhere, and Yuwen Wudi is now practicing the coalition formed by the monks of all races, in order to strive to survive as much as possible at the last moment.

Day by day passed, and finally at the moment when a light dawned, the heavens and the earth suddenly appeared out of phase, and countless colorful rays of light appeared on the sky, as if the sky was opened.

On the other side of the moat, the influence of the sky-opening spiral emerged. A huge immortal city stood at the top of it at this moment. Lou Yi immediately summoned the people and horses to let everyone make the final preparations.

At this time, Jinwenyan had to break through the barrier. Its injury was almost healed. If it can be given some more time, it will definitely recover completely.

Seeing the appearance of Jinwenyan again, the monster races seemed to have taken a reassurance pill. They always felt that they had lost their backbone without a king. Lou Yi also came to it at this time and returned Emperor Yuanling's hands.

During this period of time, Lou Yi’s strength and combat power not only subdued the two tyrannical bears, but also changed other demons. But demons are demons, and humans are humans. They are not the same race. There are suspicions that can be foreseen.

Although they have changed their views on Lou Yi, they still have not fully accepted him, and they are still worried about him as the leader, but Lou Yi is not worried about it. The so-called Lu Yao knows horsepower for a long time. Everything will be discussed later.

After all the people gathered, Lou Yi took everyone from the League of Desires towards the other side of the moat, and finally reached the final moment. Everyone looked nervous and hesitant.

I don't know what will be waiting for them. Whether they are willing or not, they will be sent into this battlefield. No matter how good they were before, there will be no way to hide at this moment.

At this time, located in various places in the floating monster battlefield, the demon realm created by the demon race, and the demon slaves who have been planted by the demon seeds, are all awakened by their owners on this day. These are the seeds personally selected by Moko. All of them have great talents.

And the Asuras who were hidden from various places gathered together on this day. They quietly crossed the sky and came to the final battle place. Because the identity needs to be hidden, they directly stepped into the demon. In the demon realm of the clan, find the secret realm that originally belonged to the demon clan, hibernate again, waiting for the arrival of the final moment.

After Lou Yi took the people across the moat, he came to a place where he had set foot in the first place. A huge immortal wall appeared in front of them. During the period, it was filled with the breath of the strongest. After the convenience is the final battlefield.

In the extreme distance, on the heights of the mountains and mountains, the spiral staircase stands there, and the fairy city on which the shadow is beautiful, is just looming before everyone's eyes.



The Jinwenyan and the dragon clan roared up to the sky at the same time, and the sound made the fairy wall tremble, and Lou Yi and Yun Lan Cong waited at this time to put their palms on the fairy wall, and they all injected their strength into it. For a long time, Xianbi slowly shattered after a slight tremor.

"It's finally the last moment..." Lou Yi muttered to himself.

At this time, whether it was Li Wenfeng, Yun Lancong, and Huo Yunlie who initially chose to form an alliance with him, or Tu Jiu and Luan Yuefeng who later chose to join, the expressions on everyone's faces were the same excited.

Lou Yi turned to look at everyone, and said to Jinwenya, Lava Basalt and Zili, "Next, proceed as planned!"


The answer to him was a deafening roar, after which a huge figure whizzed past them and galloped towards their respective areas.

The final land consists of the six races of humans, demons, spirits, demons, ghosts, and gods. The final land is ringed in the center. If you want to finally reach your destination and become the ultimate winner, you must insert your banner in it. The center of the domain.

Only when the six domains are all in their pockets can they open the path to the final place and become the ultimate winner. However, when the establishment of this place is located in the central area, there will be a safe area. People here will be free from killing and disaster, but the same will lose the chance to fight for the final victory.

Now the people of various races who had been hidden before were walking toward this safe place. They hoped that they could escape this disaster and leave this damned place alive.

However, they would never have thought that Moller had brought several Shura and a large number of demons to surround this place, and it was waiting for these greedy and fearful generations to throw themselves into the trap.

The more this time comes, the more people are needed for support, and although these guys are of little use alive, once they are converted into demons, they can be used as cannon fodder.

Just as these people of various ethnicities were heading towards the slaughterhouse, Lou Yi suddenly received an emergency letter from Jing Zhe and Jing Zhe. After Lou Yi looked up the information, his face suddenly changed. Up.

Lou Yi hurriedly convened a meeting in front of everyone present, and told the letter sent by Jingzhe and Jingzhe. He asked with a solemn face, "What do you think? ?"

Tu Jiu smiled and said, "They are looking for death on their own and have nothing to do with others. These people who are greedy and fearful of death, let them live and die!"

Li Wenfeng was silent for a moment and said, "This is their choice. Should we focus on consolidating the human domain first?"

Yun Lan shrugged and said that he had no opinion, Tie Shan said, "It's fine for you to decide, and your decision is my decision!"

A gleam of light flashed in Luan Yuefeng’s eyes, and he hesitated and said again and again, “This is indeed their choice, but if these people are really allowed to die, then the demons will definitely get an army of demons. For us Not a good thing!"

Huo Yunlie nodded and said, "I think so too. If the news is true, the number of these people is probably extremely large. If the people of the Demon Race really succeeded, the consequences would be disastrous..."

After Lou Yi looked around, he said again, "I understand everyone's opinions, so let me talk about my views..."

After the memory was over, everyone actually agreed with Lou Yi's approach. They chose to divide their troops into two groups. They were led by Li Wenfeng, Tu Jiu, and Luan Yuefeng's three men and horses. They went directly to the Territory and occupied them first. Follow Lou Yi to interfere with Mozu's plan.

Since the demons dared to besiege the only safe place this time, they must have brought a lot of people. Only relying on the existing people of Lou B, I am afraid that they could not be their opponents, so Lou Yi asked the spirits. The lava basalt on the side sent a request, hoping that they could send troops to come for reinforcements. The first contest in this final place was about to kick off.

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