Building B

Chapter 2672: Conspiracy

The devilish spirit in the palace is so powerful that there are Moller and the retainers of the Protoss gathered outside. They all have extremely shocked expressions on their faces, but the former is pretending, the latter is really scared. .


The demon energy here is too overflowing. The monstrous demon energy is mixed with the tyrannical demon power, which is tearing the entire palace to pieces. The huge demon shadow emerging from the void, whizzing down from above, directly hits below. The palace, destroyed the entire palace.


   Jin Ao appeared from the palace, and Ling Yu was surging with dark magic energy. It had a pair of eyes shining with **** light, and it killed its two kinsmen.


These two people of the same race are clansmen who have not been assimilated by demonic energy. They did not expect to escape the disaster of the magic storm, but could not escape the next disaster. Jin Ao's speed is so fast that he can't wait for them to react. , The devilish claws pierced their bodies.


   Jin Ao’s huge beak directly twisted the neck of one of the tribesmen and broke it apart, while the other tribe was torn to death by its sharp claws.


   Jin humbled his head and ate, tasting the flesh and blood of people of the same race, his expression was not compassionate, but extremely excited, and all of this fell into the eyes of people outside.


   "It's crazy... It's crazy..." The protoss retainers yelled in fright.


Unexpectedly, their voices immediately caught Jin Ao’s attention. It raised its blood-stained head and a pair of scarlet eyes, staring at these protoss retainers outside, and they changed their feelings in that instant. Jin Ao was right in front of him, and he was being stepped under the claws of the opponent and would be killed by the opponent at any time.


Moller saw that Jin Ao seemed a little out of control, and quickly used the things the Demon Lord had given him to control. However, Jin Ao had just become enchanted and had a strong sense of resistance. The fierce energy in his body did not dissipate, and he immediately cast his eyes on Mo. Le.


   The latter was startled, and his brows frowned. At this moment, Jin Ao flew directly towards him from where he was, and arrived in front of Moller almost instantly.


The Shura who followed Moller immediately all shot and blocked Moller's body, but at this moment Jin Ao was too strong, and the violent demon wind blades with both wings instantly turned them powerful. Shura was stunned.


   A Shura evaded and was directly caught in the sharp claws by Jin Ao. With a harsh sound accompanied by bursts of sparks, Moller was surprised to find that Jin Ao's claws had torn apart the magic armor under his hands.


This means that if you are attacked by the opponent, the situation will probably be out of control. It starts to shake a little, and asks whether to summon all the subordinates hidden under the ground to jointly take down Jin Ao, and then take those present. All the protoss were killed, and they had a showdown directly with the guys in the sea.


But in the end it began to choose to give up, because in the current situation, it is not the time for the final showdown. If it is self-defeating and unites the Protoss with the humans, then it will not be enough by its own power. Turn the tide.


Moller’s eyes flashed with anger, constantly urging the orb bestowed by the devil, but there was no way to calm Jin Ao down. At this time, the vassals of the Protoss had already recorded all this through special divine eyes. , They passed the image into the realm of the gods, allowing Fan Hai and others to witness all this with their own eyes.


   Seeing that Jin Ao was so fierce, the Shura who blocked them had to unite and take action. What made them even more unexpected was that their magic blades could not cause substantial damage to Jin Ao.


   Jin Ao's body of magic feathers at this time actually ignored the magic blades in these Shura hands, and even plundered the magic power on their magic blades.


A Shura was too aggressive, so Jin Ao seized the opportunity. The magic wings swept over his body and directly cut the Shura in half. When the blood was spilled, Jin Ao directly opened his mouth and swallowed it. In the abdomen, and made a crazy whisper.


Muller's face gradually became gloomy. Every member of its tribe was extremely precious in fighting power. The loss of one made it extremely distressed. As a result, in this place, it had already lost two tribesmen. They are not like those demon slaves. No matter how many demon slaves died, Muller remained unmoved, but Shura was different. Each of them was a mainstay that crawled out of the sea of ​​blood.


   Just as Muller was desperate, a turning point suddenly appeared. It finally felt a connection between the orb bestowed by the devil and Jin Ao, who was mad at the moment.


   This made it extremely excited. The first step it had conceived was finally about to succeed. Moller began to wrap the orb with his thoughts, and tried to shake Jin Ao's mind.


   But in the end, he didn't expect that Jin Ao's spiritual world was full of madness and killing. When Moeller entered this world, he almost couldn't control his feet.


   While cursing Jin Ao's madness, it began to plant restrictions in Jin Ao's spiritual world, so that it could control the opponent's will through the orb.


Several Protoss retainers saw that Moeller had not moved, but now they suddenly closed their eyes again, not knowing what it was doing, so they wanted to record everything with God’s eyes, but Moeller caught all this first. .


   It immediately forced Jin Ao to change his goal, gave up the entanglement with the Shura, and rushed towards the vassals of the extremely Protoss. The terrifying magic power instantly enveloped the Protoss army.


As Jin Ao entered the land of no one, he frantically began to kill the soldiers of the Protoss. Those retainers were not Jin Ao's opponents at all. They had to order Moeller to help out quickly. While Moeller ordered Shura to step forward to help, he started to get involved. Another little action.


   After a short while, the Golden Winged Roc after being invaded by the magic storm flew out of the magic storm one by one to kill the demon and monster army.


   Muller pretended to send the Shura back to defense, but left most of the Golden Wing Roc and Jin Ao in the Protoss camp, and a **** massacre began.


   There were countless deaths and injuries among the soldiers of the Protoss, and they were not the opponents of the golden winged rocs that had become demons. After the Protoss was almost dead, Jin Ao asked the Asuras to continue to help, and at the same time secretly issued orders to make Jin Ao reduce the number of Protoss again.


   These leading Protoss retainers were also ruthlessly crushed by Jin Ao. Only two of them survived. They were protected by Shura behind them. At this moment, they were full of horror and lost their minds.


However, the God Eye recorded everything completely. Zhang Hai and the others saw everything in their eyes in the realm of God, and they jumped with anger. It was a fifth of the Protoss coalition army, for them, they belonged to the Protoss. The elite teacher.


But now he was almost completely slaughtered by the enchanted Jin Ao. Jian Hai has reason to believe that Moller did all of this, but the other party's performance is not leaking, and even his servants are specially protected. This matter It caused an uproar in the realm of the gods, and soon things will be introduced to the monster race, and the panic caused by that time can be imagined.



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