Building B

Chapter 2782: Mirage

Lou Yi swims deeper alone, and suddenly a reverse current is whistling towards him with a large amount of phantom light. From a distance, it looks like a huge tentacle shining with magical light, and suddenly slams it horizontally. His body.

Lou Yi's mouth is slightly raised, and his body is walking through the water like a fish, because he has a water flag sitting on his side. You must know that this thing is the water control flag of the ancient gods and water gods, and all waters in the world can be used. Its deployment, not to mention this phantom light stream.

With the help of the Yishui flag, he speeded up and rushed downwards. During this period, turbulent water continuously shot towards him, which made Lou Yi wonder if there was a huge creature hidden under the seabed.

He thought of the huge crack that was mentioned by the Biyou clan when he came to secretly report himself. It moved in the opposite direction in a jagged manner.

However, the Biyou clan didn't exactly describe what it was, because at that time they were disturbed by the phantom light current, making it impossible for them to move forward, and even the people who risked approaching were also swept away by the phantom light current.

Lou Yi now thinks about it vaguely and probably has an impression, but he is still not sure whether his guess is true, so he can only temporarily suppress these thoughts and continue to move down cautiously.

However, he also kept a mindful mind. On the downward path, he reserved a mark to prevent him from having a beacon to guide him back when he couldn't cope.

At this time, Lou Yi’s eye pupils are already flooded with phantom light. If ordinary people are already unable to see it at this moment, his eye pupils are like two vortexes shining with strange lights, constantly swallowing them. These phantom lights.

When Lou Yi first came to this place, he knew that this place was extremely suitable for his own cultivation, it could make his pupil technique a qualitative leap, and at the same time he could temper his dream power.

Illusion, illusion, and illusion are all illusions that can be condensed by the power of dreams, which project them into the enemy's consciousness through the eye pupils, thereby making the opponent sink into the illusion and making them unable to extricate themselves.

What's more, when the pupil technique reaches its limit, it can even kill the subject directly. However, the power of pupil technique and the dream state can be strong or weak. The stronger the willpower, the less likely to be affected by hallucinations. You need to constantly temper your dream power and pupil skills to make the enemy unable to counter this power.

Lou Yi has been tirelessly exploring since he accidentally got the power of dreams. He found that the way of dreams was mysterious and unpredictable, different from the ordinary way. It takes time and place and special opportunities to improve this way.

He can integrate all the people and things he observes daily into the way of dreams, but to make them look real, he needs to tirelessly explore and temper.

Undoubtedly, now is an excellent opportunity. The illusion caused his sea of ​​consciousness to set off stormy waves, and countless strange illusions appeared in his mind, trying to change his will, making him crazy and falling into this.

But Lou B’s mental power is different from ordinary people. For so long, he has also tempered his divine consciousness to be as strong as an iron plate, but the strange illusion formed by the illusion is now being swallowed by Lou B through the power of dreams, but To absorb and digest such a huge power of phantom light, it needs to constantly consume its own mental power.

Fortunately, Lou Yi controls the life and death order and the soul realm. For him, these are endless spiritual powers. The life and death order is held in his palm, which makes the consciousness and the soul realm of the period establish a connection. His body The shadow of the tree of life and death appeared all around.

The soul shadow of the tree of life and death hangs down its branches to envelop Lou Yi’s body, and continuously inject soul power into his body. Through conversion of these soul powers, Lou Yi has continuously supplemented his spiritual power, allowing him to To swallow the surrounding phantom light faster and wider.

I don’t know if it was his behavior that shocked the mysterious creature that released the phantom light, so beside Lou Yi, the strange water shining with phantom light turned into a terrible vortex, and Lou Yi breathed a sigh of relief. Swallowed.

However, there is a water flag sitting next to Lou Yi to protect him from the influence of the vortex, and at the same time help him to advance toward the seabed faster. As he continues to deepen, the power of the phantom light becomes stronger and stronger, so that it covers the building. The soul shadow of the tree of life and death outside B's body was also plated with phantom light.

But it was also at this moment that Lou Yi's unsullied eyes at the center of his forehead opened instantly, and Lou Yi muttered to himself, "Break through the illusion, return to the original true!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wu Gu's eyes emitted a soft white light. They ignored the influence of the surrounding phantom light and directly helped Lou Yi see this place clearly. After Lou Yi saw this place clearly, he couldn't help but wonder. .

This is an extremely beautiful place. It has reached the bottom that can't be described in words. The huge coral trees are shining with colorful strange lights.

A huge coral group surrounds this seabed like a mountain, and in this huge coral mountain is dotted with precious treasures of invaluable value. These are treasures that ordinary people would never even think of. Once again, they don't know how many years they have been immersed in, let alone Lou Yi, even if others saw this scene, they might have already passed out excitedly.

It is so beautiful here, so beautiful, Lou Yi sighed from the bottom of his heart, his eyes were projected on the huge blood red coral tree that is as high as ten thousand meters, its branches stretch for dozens of miles, I don’t know it will grow into How much time is needed for this scale.

Each of the colorful and huge coral mountains is no less than a million feet tall. Seeing them, there is a sense of amazing admiration. The huge sea anemones and all kinds of strange creatures dotted them.

However, the most impressive thing is the various corals that make up the coral mountains. The brain corals are like human brains. They are thousands of feet tall, and there are black corals that are as dark as ink, stretching for thousands of meters. Rose corals are as gorgeous and colorful as roses, swept by the phantom light, they exude a charming pink color.

There are also mushroom corals shaped like mushroom clusters, each of which is thousands of feet high, and clusters of them grow on the coral mountains, embellishing them in distinct layers and colorful.

Coupled with the staghorn corals that can be seen everywhere, red, white, yellow, green, green, gold and purple corals, it makes this place like a sea wonderland, but Lou Yi, after lamenting its extraordinary workmanship, cast his eyes on the huge corals. Above the cracks.

These cracks are the same as the scenes that the Biyou people told him when they secretly reported him, but there seems to be a faint source on the head, because although these cracks are also very large, they are no more than a kilometer in length, which is unfathomable than the other party told him before. The rift valley seems to have a great source.

Moreover, these jagged rift valleys are not rift valleys at all, but the outer shell edge of a certain kind of creature. This kind of creature is rock clam, also known as mirage shell.

They are all alien species that have survived in ancient times. They can secrete bizarre body fluids through themselves and fuse into phantom light emitting bizarre light. Whenever they do this, they will be in the place where these body fluids appeared. A bizarre sight of a mirage.

Once someone is attracted to it, they will be swallowed by it. Therefore, in ancient times, people also called them sea magic snails. However, with the changes of the years and the looting of humans, their numbers are also increasing. cut back.

But who could have imagined that among the coral mountains, there were thousands of rock clams, and Lou Yi's excited palms shook.

But at this moment, all the rock clams suddenly shone brilliantly, and their exposed flesh began to secrete a large amount of glowing body fluids, and these body fluids turned into brilliant and deadly phantom lights as they volatilized.

The phantom light merged into the surrounding currents, forming the phantom light currents that had attacked him before. In an instant, Lou B was attacked from all sides, but because of the existence of the water flag, these phantom light currents were basically If you can't enter the side of Building B, you will be moved away by the water flag.

Lou Yi is like entering the realm of no one, and those phantom lights that are deadly enough to him are completely useless. Instead, they become the nourishment for him to temper the power of dreams and exercise pupil skills.

Lou B is like their natural nemesis, constantly approaching them, so that Lou B’s closest rock clams closed his thick shells unwillingly. Their shells look unusually ordinary, and it feels like It looks like a huge mountain rock covered with moss, with a circle of shell patterns growing on it, giving people an untouchable feeling.

But Lou Yi possesses the power of the dragon clan, so it is natural to deal with them. He condensed his power on his fist, and then slammed into the closed rock clam.

The ocean current oscillated violently because of his strength, and the closed-shell rock clam was hit by Lou Yi's hammer to continuously spew out water flow was still mixed with some turbid liquid .

Under the dissolution of the water, the liquid quickly turned into a brilliant and colorful strange light, but it was mixed with the viscera and other debris of the rock clam.

Seeing that Lou Yi was about to take down the rock clam, but at this moment a terrifying current suddenly hit from a certain direction. Before Lou Yi could react, he was swept away by this current. Gone.

But fortunately, Yi Shui Qi shot in time and didn't let him fall to pieces. When he recovered, he was already in a huge rift valley, but this rift valley was far bigger than he thought. , It’s just that the folded rift valley looks too peculiar, and the ground under his feet is also soft. Just when he was a little at a loss, a strange phantom light suddenly appeared on the road, Lou Yi fixed his eyes on the deep rift valley. There is a round of dazzling things like a bright moon, shining brilliantly.

Lou Yi stared at this thing intently, and stepped towards it unconsciously. At this moment, the huge crack on the top of his head was gathered up a little bit at this time, and Lou Yi was located. The land is also an ancient alien mirage, but it is totally different from the one taught by Lou B before, it is too huge...

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