Building B

Chapter 3092: Business League Headquarters

The core of the human world is an inch of gold, and the scenery is even more beautiful. There is almost no large area of ​​land here, and some are connected to the floating land and the unattainable boundary.

   These realms are located above the sky, and most of them are artificially condensed, but these realms do not welcome visitors. To put it bluntly, these places are prepared for future generations.

  This kind of realm is very similar to the floating monster world, but the number is much larger. After all, the manpower is limited, and the realm they can condense is not as natural as the floating monster world that was disintegrated in the first place.

Beneath the    realm is one huge floating continent like a jigsaw puzzle. Above these continents there is only one force that can occupy it, except of course the Human Realm Business League.

Of course, the scale of each floating continent is not the same. In addition to the human world's right to live in these floating continents, some spirit beasts and monsters also occupy some places here. These are the spirit beasts of some powerful monks and Contract beast, the fief acquired after the death of the owner.

Of course, if you want to survive in the human world, you naturally have to sign a contract with the human race, but some very powerful monsters and spirit beasts themselves need extremely powerful strength to tame. Over time, some monsters and spirit beasts will get rid of With the fate of being enslaved, the population has gradually grown.

   The mountain maze where Wenjian Pavilion's sub-chamber was located is also one of them. Thinking about the powerful strength of the Emperor Eye Flame King Tiger, you can have an initial judgment on the monster spirit beasts in this core area.

The floating continents are connected into pieces. The gaps between them are thick clouds. Although they are not a whole piece of land, their heights are surprisingly consistent. What's more interesting is that all the floating continents are below. It is a bottomless abyss, and there is special protection forbidden to prevent anyone from setting foot in the period.

However, it is this place like a fairyland that makes Lou Yi and others feel difficult. In the core of the human world, there is always a feeling of being stared at. This may be their psychological function, but more It comes from their intuition.

   Nowadays, they hardly dare to stay in any place, and they will start to pull out immediately after a little bit of trouble. After a few years of bumps like this, the sense of crisis has not diminished, but has become more and more intense.

On this day, they were forced to land in a floating continent. Yao Guang originally wanted to find a floating continent with superpowers, and borrowed the other person to **** them back to Wenjian Pavilion, but he was caught by Lou B. I was persuaded.

   The reason is very simple. Since these people who want his life can successfully penetrate the Wenjian Pavilion and even gain a high status, then why can't they get mixed into other superpowers.

After Yao Guang heard Lou Yi’s advice, he thought that what the other party said was reasonable, but with so many of them, wanting to go back to the sword pavilion together would naturally attract the attention of many people. After all, the core of the human world is very It's rare to see such a large transfer of personnel.

After finally discussing, they decided to go to the Human Realm Business League first. Lou Yi did this with two main considerations. One is to let He Lianju and Qin Jinqing reach the destination safely. The second task of Jue and Qin Wuwei's predecessors is to inquire about the personnel trends in the current core area through the news network of the Human Realm Business Alliance.

   Shao Guang thinks this is feasible, but after Lou B returns to his home, how happy he quietly tells him that this trip may be perilous. He speculated for a long time, but the results were not optimistic.

Lou Yi nodded. Seeing how happy there is to have a little bit of work, Lou Yi has already made a decision to send it to the headquarters of the Human Realm Business League. There must be a number of strong people there and give it to them. Protecting on your behalf is better than following oneself.

However, all of this was as long as he expected, but he said nothing, and returned to his home alone. After that, everyone reached an agreement, shaking the light and letting people turn the flying magic weapon, and went straight to the headquarters of the Human World Business League. go with.

It is actually very dangerous for   loub to do so, because the place where the Human Realm Business League is located is exactly where the Zhang family is located among the four big families of Xianyuelou.

   It's been thousands of years since he and Tieshan were secretly wanted by the Zhang family, but the Zhang family didn't seem to have the intention of revoking the wanted, so they actually felt like they were thrown into the net like this.

   Flying magical instruments shuttled through the thick clouds, with past magical instruments constantly accompanying them, everyone's nerves have been tense, after all, the closer to the destination, the more likely to have problems.

  On the way, they even encountered a monk who was also Wenjian Pavilion, but Yaoguang did not dare to contact with him, so they dodged all the way to the edge of a floating continent outside the headquarters of the Human Realm Business League.

The location of the headquarters of the Human Realm Business League is very well-designed. It is located in the center of a small and medium-sized floating continent. It was won by the joining forces of various business alliances. In order to win this floating continent, it also paid a huge price. of.

The four major families of Xianyue Building and many of them were the biggest contributors at the beginning. The only difference is that the four major families finally won a medium-sized floating continent and settled the family in this human world. The core place.

However, many chose outside the core area. As for the reason, no one knows why. Many people speculate that it may be related to the four major families of Xianyue Tower, but no one has ever come out to confirm this. It became a thing that people talked about.

However, although many have not settled in the core area, a considerable part of the elite forces in the family are placed in the business alliance. In the headquarters of the human world business alliance, many are the only Occupies one-fifth of the area in the business alliance headquarters.

Correspondingly, the Xianyue Tower does not have the slightest area here. This is also a thing that is talked about. At this moment, the flying magic weapon is floating outside the headquarters of the Human Realm Business League. Flying above the air land.

The floating continents here are also different from other places. All the small floating continents are pieced together by multiple forces to maintain together, and the medium-sized floating continents are all prominent in the business alliance. In the hands of the family and the forces.

Outside the headquarters of the Human Realm Business League, there are 23 small floating continents and nine medium-sized floating continents. Four of them are in the hands of the four major families of Zhangguan and Li Dai. Controlled by the front forces outside the home.

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   And the location of the four medium-sized floating continents selected by the four great families of Zhangguan, Li and Dai is also very interesting. They happen to occupy the four directions of southeast, northeast, southwest, and northwest outside the headquarters of the Human Realm Business League.

It is also an unwritten rule for flying magical instruments to shuttle on the edge of floating continents. After all, these floating continents are the land of masters. If you rush into it, you will definitely be questioned by the other party. The other party was disrespectful, but just as they walked along the edge, a lot of figures suddenly appeared in front of them. Shaking and the others frowned, knowing that trouble might be coming.

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