Building B

Chapter 494: Lone Fighting Worm Mother (Part 1)

He thinks he is not a kind person, but in this case, he can't leave Qi Rui alone. When he first met Songshen in the holy mountain, Lou Yi first heard of the theory of cause and effect, let him understand everything in the world. In fact, they are all related to the cause and effect of fate.

Your behavior determines your destiny, and cause and effect will run through. Your decision affects the cause and effect with everyone you know, from trivial to trivial, to the reincarnation of life.

Lou Yi thinks that his encounter with Qi Rui here is actually a kind of encounter of fate, and fate will not let the two people communicate unwillingly. This must be causal, so he wants to save Qi Rui, just because it belongs to His causality.

Before the power of thunder and lightning disappeared, Lou Yi began to go crazy. In front of the insect mother, he began to slaughter its people. The armored insect guards were constantly pierced by thunder and lightning, and crashed into the core. Ground.

The worm blood flowed into the deeper area along the empty pipe and poured into the area hidden by the worm mother. For some reason, Lou Yi always had a feeling that this long dead bloodthirsty tree. It seems to be calling him.

Could it be that your own blessings from heaven have no effect on such magic trees?

Lou Yi didn't dare to affirm this hypothesis, but he still had this kind of speculation. He killed the insect guards around him, but the insect mother didn't seem to have a trace of anger or compassion. It just watched him kill, even There is no intention to stop it.

It seems that at this moment, it has other arrangements. Qi Rui's body twitching seems to have become much relieved, but at the same time, his breath has also begun to weaken. Lou Yi took this opportunity to take it away from the insect mother. .

However, the strange aura that followed made him almost catch the other person's way. He looked at the nine-color blood crystal, Qi Rui needed it, even if it was stained with filthy pheromone, Lou Yi felt at this moment. Only this thing can keep Qi Rui alive.

He did not hesitate to grab the Jiucai Blood Crystal, and at the same time his body shook violently. The strange markings followed his palm to grab the Jiucai Blood Crystal and quickly spread towards his arm.

Lou Yi tried to contend with the wood spirit in his body, trying to see whether the detoxification power of Shennong Tea could offset these toxins, but none of these seemed to be useful, Lou Yi was caught in a dilemma.

He had no choice but to put the Nine-Colored Blood Crystal on Qi Rui's side first, and at the same time put the Dragon Soul Jade against Qi Rui's chest, so as to place the pheromone of the insect mother and infect it above the chest. Completely control Qi Rui.

The dragon soul jade indeed should have a peculiar power. It emits a soft green light, and the blood pattern contained in it is now shining with an emerald light, resonating with the dragon blood in Qi Rui's body, while absorbing the blood crystal. While resisting the pheromone contaminated by the worm mother.

The worm mother can’t sit idly by at this moment. It originally thought that these two humans would eventually become its puppets, but at this moment it discovered that one of them was so difficult to deal with, and the other puppet that was supposed to have had happened at this moment. accident.


The insect mother made a weird call, and at the same time exuded an amazing aura from the body, Lou Yi instantly changed his face, and at the same time opened the broken blue flowers to resist this aura. This is the insect mother’s pheromone, which it actively releases. .

It is to maintain its dominance with this object and let all the Zergs listen to their deployment. The surrounding soldiers and insects are first affected and directly plunged into a violent rage. They even madly rushed to Building B and launched a suicide attack.

Lou Yi wanted to protect Qi Rui while resisting the crazy attacks of these insect soldiers. He was immediately caught in a crisis, and the purple light on his body dimmed. This was a sign that the demon spirit fusion was about to end.

Lou Yi desperately resisted attacks from all directions, but his eyes were surprisingly calm. It seemed that he still had a plan to win, but it was not time yet. Sometimes he would look at the air traffic control below, as if he was waiting for something.

The insect guard twisted his huge body and slammed into it fiercely, but the Lou Yi express delivery was too fast. Although they have the ability to kill him, they can't touch the corners of his clothes. How can they kill him...

But soon the situation changed. The insect mother obviously had good wisdom, it made different sounds one after another, and Lou Yi also began to realize that things had become less easy to handle.

Because he had already discovered that the Zerg began to split into two groups, a large number of soldiers rushed to the place where Qi Rui was, but the insect guard still used his huge body to pester Building B.

This directly caused Lou Yi to be unable to take care of both the head and the tail. He had to protect Qi Rui, and he could not resist the impact of the insect guard. The barbs shining with maroon light looked particularly tricky.

With a kick on the ground, the person quickly retreated, avoiding the impact of the three-headed insect guard, and flew out the palm with a wave of purple electricity. The arc flashed towards the eager soldier insects, and the crackling sound echoed in this core. Ground.

Pieces of soldier insects died unexpectedly, with white smoke on their bodies. They were obviously electrocuted to death. Lou Yi was fortunate to have the existence of Zi Li, otherwise, the fruits would be unimaginable now.

Again, he

--0---0---small--say---this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Netizens of Lou Yi 00 novels, please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading for 00 novels: God Emperor's Favored Consort: Genius Summoner

-0--0---small--say---this is a gorgeous dividing line---

Glancing at the ground, he probably felt that time could no longer be delayed. His palm slammed on the ground, and suddenly a green light smoothed his palm and quickly poured into the ground under his feet.

There was a loud rumbling noise from the ground, and the insect swarms began to make a harsh sound. The purple vines glowing with black light crazily emerged from the air pipe. At first appearance, they quickly divided into hundreds and thousands of them, and they could be seen immediately. The zergs that arrived were all caught in the vine prison.

Lou Yi's complexion was pale again, and the consumption this time was much more intense than before. The purple light on his body was heavier than the exhaustion, and Zi Li reappeared, turning into a little purple beast, and his tired eyelids opened.

Obviously it was unwilling, because the owner hadn't escaped the danger yet, but at this moment it was powerless, and it couldn't even transform it. In the end, its head fainted, and there were worrying tears in the corners of its eyes.

Lou Yi put it in the breeding ring, and he couldn't comfort it a few times at this moment, because he was in a precarious situation at the moment, and because he consumed too much spirit energy, he was struggling even to stand now.

But fortunately, the prison vines are indeed worth the money. Lou Yi issued an order to directly obliterate them. The soldiers and insects were strangled in the vine prison, and then slowly strangulated to death, and the insect guards were indeed difficult to deal with. Even the prison vines can't help them.

The large size and heavy beetle have become the capital it relies on to fight the prison vine. Their huge worm teeth have become their counterattacks. There are a few larger insect guards that are about to bite off the prison vine at this moment.

They didn't struggle once, and Lou B needed to consume the corresponding spirit element. With such a large area of ​​restraint, his consumption of spirit element was almost beyond the reach, and he began to be seriously overwhelmed.

He had to selectively abandon some prison vines, and these prison vines that lost the support of the spirit element quickly withered and decayed, and soon turned into black and gray and dissipated in this central place, and this scene will naturally not escape the insects. Behind the eyes.

It made a crazy sound, causing more soldiers to go up and die to squeeze out Lou B’s spirit. I have to say that its plan was very successful. Lou Yi’s face became paler, and even his whole body was soaked in sweat. wet.

His legs were trembling slightly, and his palms were also shaking. How much he hopes that there will be a pill that can restore the spirit at this moment, but the reality is cruel. All the pill was consumed when he passed through the void.

Even if he can draw aura through the surroundings now, but he can't make ends meet, and he can't solve this urgent need...

The form became more severe, and just when he felt powerless, a voice rang in his mind, "Come on, come on..."

This bewitching voice kept reverberating in his mind. He looked around, trying to find the origin of the voice. Soon his eyes fixed on the target he was looking for, the heart of the sacred blood tree that had long since dried up. , Belongs to the tree heart of the generation of tree demon Sha Kun.

He has an instinctive resistance to this thing. If it is placed in normal times, he will never get close to it. However, now and then, maybe this dry tree heart seems to know this point and it will be timely. Bewitched with him...

Lou Yi rushed out without Taking advantage of the bug mother’s careless effort, he took back the shriveled tree core that had been broken in half, which was like a tentacle. The moment he touched Building B, he seemed to be alive.

Lou Yi wailed in pain, because at this moment, the shriveled tree's heart had merged into one, and the shriveled heart tube was squeezed into his body. They were greedy. Sucking the blood belonging to Lou Yi, the whole tree heart exudes a strange red color.

Lou Yi felt that the blood in his body was losing rapidly, and the remaining little spirit essence was all used to make fresh blood, but this Shakun’s tree core, like a bottomless pit, sucked his blood crazily. What's more, let those heart pipes spread deeper.

Lou Yi knew very well that if this went on, he would be sucked up. At this time, he decisively rushed to the nearest soldier insect, slapped the soldier insect to death with a palm, and then inserted his palm into its corpse.

He was not sure if this would be useful, but he had no choice but to do so. It turned out that his actions were very stupid, because no miracle happened. He was desperate and looked at Jiu who was placed beside Qi Rui. Above the color blood crystal.

He rushed forward as if grabbing the last straw, and the breath of the blood crystal suddenly covered his body with weird markings, but for a moment, he suddenly felt that he was saved.

Because of the markings, Na Mu Xin's plunder of his blood seemed to have stopped. Lou Yi, like a drowning man, grabbed the floating handwood and firmly grasped on top of the nine-color blood crystal.

His behavior was very crazy. He was plundering the blood qi released by the nine color blood crystals, which made Qi Rui's body tremble obviously, but Lou Yi had no choice. He had to find a way to remove this thing from his head first.

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