Building B

Chapter 721: Feng Mo comes

Lou Yi looked at the other party, neither overbearing nor overbearing, "It seems that there is no need for negotiation at all for the conditions you made?"

Lou Yi said, his eyes slowly became sharp, Tu Falcon felt a pressure inexplicably, which made him feel annoyed and ashamed, and he screamed at the sky.

It was like igniting the horn of battle. The overwhelming birds fell from the sky and swooped towards the building B. The falcon turned back to its original shape in an instant, and the sharp eagle claws were torn to the building B. With the old monkey, it seems that if these two people are taken, these humans will flee away.

At this time, the bereavement, which had been in a static state, suddenly turned into a black light, and the mysterious bone armor on his body was shining with black light, and the black bones turned into a long knife, and they were split horizontally.

But after all, this Tu Falcon has the initial cultivation base of the combination, not to mention that the monsters are inherently more powerful than the humans. This time the fight, the scorpion was directly shaken out, but it also slightly blocked the opponent, making Lou Yi took the opportunity to send the old monkey back to the rear.

Behind him at this moment, Feng Shiwei everyone screamed together, a vast golden aura gathered in the air, faintly out of the air, and then more than a thousand golden flying spears whizzed into the sky, not partial Fired straight at Tu Falcon.

The latter screamed, and the feathers all over his body protected him. The golden light was dazzling, the fire blasted into the sky, and the dense sound was as intense and swift as hail, but it didn't seem to hurt the opponent.

"Hey!" The voice rolled.

"Kill!!!" The voice shook out.

Thousands of golden lights gathered in one place, wrapped in the dazzling golden power, turned into a giant spear, and fired at Tu Falcon again. The latter was very embarrassed, and was provoked by humans one after another, as proud as it was. May not become angry.

Its figure flickered and disappeared in the same place in a flash. The golden giant spear returned without success, but it shot many rampant birds. Everyone moved in the same way, and the golden short spear turned back, but at this moment, Tu Falcon appeared strangely. On the way back, the wings shook and the wind blade howled and broke many golden flying spears.

At the same time, the eagle claws came out, kneading the golden spear that was continuing to fall into a golden knot, and then slammed it to the ground, towards the position where Feng Yawei was.

The golden lump made a piercing sound in the air, and slammed on the outer barrier of Wenxianlou. The huge ripples continued to spread to the surroundings. At this time, Yun Chuwei began to be in the mist, resisting beasts from all directions. Chaos, but the screams one after another, one by one strange shadows, constantly slaughtering them, but they can't see each other's shadow at all.

Lou Yi was a little anxious. He glanced at the massacre and found that the sweat looked like a lively scene. He neither acted nor retreated. The companions he had brought were also the same at this moment, but the tide of monsters behind them, But it had already rushed under the city wall, and the ground guard was ordered to resist.

Feng Yangwei guarded the sky carefully, and launched a **** fight with countless birds and monsters. This is a life-and-death battle. There is no fluke.

Li Dou saw Lou Yi staring at the battle below from time to time, and knew that he wanted to help, so he said to him, "Leave this fool to me, you go!"

Lou Yi took a deep look at him, seeming to confirm, because the battle above the city wall is actually more important. If the upper side is breached, then the mortals in the fairy building who have no power to bind chickens will face a tragic Massacre.

Li Dou nodded at him, Lou Yi patted him on the shoulder and said, "Thank you, brother!"

The figure flashed and others had already rushed straight down, dozens of people had died at this moment, but no one knew what attacked them. The Lou Yi hadn't landed, and his pupils had already been covered with a white soft light.

The greatest benefit of Spirit Swallowing Art is to pursue the soul of the other party. No matter what tricks you use, as long as you have a soul, you will never escape his eyes. In his sight, countless energy rays are intertwined, but big Part of it is owned by the monk who asked Xianlou.

However, he soon noticed a distinctive soul aura. This soul aura had a faint smoke-like substance, which seemed to merge with the surrounding clouds and mist, but Lou Yi could still see that there was a thread in it. The purple soul silk, although inconspicuous, is real.

His eyes followed these clues and began to look for the other party’s trail. There was another scream in front of him, Lou Yi immediately focused on the direction of the sound, and suddenly he found a nearly transparent figure, smooth. His body, a linear body, is quietly retreating towards the outside.

Its steps are extremely elegant, and its body is as agile as a fish in the water. It is clearly close at hand, but it is his own subordinates, and there is no trace of it at all. Force swallowed.

The peculiar spirit power shrouded all around was instantly consumed by Lou Yi like a whale taking water, that elegant figure suddenly appeared in his line of sight, what a beautiful creature it was, with a faint purple radiating from all over his body Fluorescence, shining with faint cyan light like stars.

Its eyes stared at Lou Yi, and it could be seen that it was extremely shocked and unimaginable that it would be discovered and the strange magic that Lou Yi had just cast.

We must know that their fighting power is not strong. The only thing worthy of praise is their ability to go without a trace, because their actions seem to be on the ground, but in fact they are walking in the air, only the distance between the limbs. There is a little distance from the ground.

This will neither leave footprints nor cause unnecessary noises. In addition, they can produce an aura close to the surrounding environment, which can confuse prey, deceive their eyes, and deceive their senses.

However, he did not expect that Lou Yi relied on the soul power that it radiated. As long as it used its abilities, it would inevitably emit soul power, and Lou Yi relied on tracking these to make it invisible.

But it’s one thing to find out, but it’s another thing to chase after it. I saw this shadow leopard instantly transform into hundreds of identical clones, but Lou Lou B knows that these are just clones.

However, the surrounding soul power made it difficult for him to catch the target's movement, and the opponent's cultivation base was significantly stronger than his own. He could only use the gentle wind and drizzle technique to play a cat and mouse game with the opponent.

On the other side, Li Douhe smiled and rushed to the sky, waving the double hammers in his hands, and actually had a head-to-head battle with Tu Falcon.

You must know that the monster race itself has great strength, so Tu Falcon didn't regard this bold human being at first, but after the actual battle, it found that it underestimated this human.

Li Dou Da Wushuang's divine power is derived from his own earth spirit veins, and he has inherited the Tiangang fighting spirit in the Bi Zhanzhan, coupled with the help of the Hunyuan One Qi Hammer Method, what is even more exaggerated is his current power , Can continue to improve, because Lou Yi also passed the formula of the demon **** sacrifice to him.

But apparently Li Dou didn't plan to use it yet. This was enough to prove that he felt that his current state was sufficient to deal with this falcon, but the eagle bird was not powerful, but its speed.

But now it seems that Tu Falcon seems to be trapped in a strange force field. Li Dou's slow attack, one heavy and one light attack, made Tu Falcon feel unable to adapt. It even forgot its own advantages, thinking To subdue Li Dou with strength.

Li Dou's two-handed wristbands now Pengfei spread out a pair of golden wings. He flapped his wings and flew high, like an unyielding Jinpeng, rushing to an opponent that is much stronger than himself, and the brave will win when he meets on a narrow road.

At this moment, Funeral is performing the task assigned to him by Lou Yi to protect the safety of Gan Youdao, because more and more monsters rushed into the formation. He is controlled by the formation, and naturally the most important thing The target of the attack.

Although this Qianyoudao is obsessed with the formation method, and his current formation skills are much higher than him, his own strength is inversely proportional to his formation skills. A very weak person, without protection, is simply vulnerable.

Li Ting did not show up this time, because Lou Yi gave him another task, which was to take care of the non-combatants in the valley. He was afraid of something he could not expect, and entered the canyon in the chaos, if he was there. , At least there is a layer of insurance for safety.

Fighting was everywhere, and the scene was fierce. The magic and magic were intertwined with The direction of the back mountain was almost razed to the ground, and the devastation left by the fighting was everywhere.

Feng Yangwei walked in the wind. Although Qi Hua and Bai Ye did not have the leadership, these people were the first to follow Lou Yi, and the fighting quality was also the highest. The cooperation between people was seamless.

What's more, Yun Chuiwei always coped with them from below. Yunshen disappeared and Da Yinxisheng cooperated. It was a perfect match. Feng Yangwei was a **** of ghosts, and after splitting the enemy, he quietly took away to the ground or the mountains. side.

Yun Chuiwei, who was in ambush, took the opportunity to make these birds become fascinated by the depth of the cloud. They didn't know what was up and down. After a period of chaos, some rushed straight to the ground. Then they were strangled by the ground guards below, and some crashed into the mountain wall, and the hidden Yun Chuiwei took the opportunity to kill them.

But the worst thing was that they rushed to the city wall unsuspectingly. There were hundreds of golden flying spears waiting for them. One round of salvo was enough to make them realize what it means to be beaten into a sieve.

However, just as the two sides were fighting each other, the man who had been inactive for a while, suddenly launched an attack. Lightning surged from his palm, and his body instantly changed back to its original shape. The huge body was like the same Like a cannonball, it whizzed into the direction of the city gate.

Thunder and lightning surrounded its body and easily pierced through the layers of defenses that the ground interceptor had worked hard to build. Even Ghost Rock City could not stop the thunder on its body at this moment. Thunder and lightning seemed to be a perfect killer.

Human Tu’s huge body rushed away from the defensive crowd almost instantly. It let out a roaring sound, opened its arms and slammed into the city gate. However, at this moment, a figure appeared silently. A water curtain unfolded, and it was so easy to slaughter people out.

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