Building B

Chapter 919: Haibao Conch

The two wanted to walk in an orderly manner. Gradually Lou B discovered a situation, that is, the scope of the maze is getting bigger and bigger, and the depth in the horizontal direction has been exaggeratedly expanded thousands of times.

But in the same way, if you encounter a dead end again, you don't have to go back the same way, because there are all directions here, one channel can't go through, and you just need to change another one.

It's just that some passages are filled with seawater, forming sea lakes in holes. The water in these sea lakes is extremely cold, and you can faintly feel what is hidden in them.

Whenever he encounters these sea lakes, he will choose to stay away. It is not that he is afraid, but that he does not want to make a fuss about it, so he fumbles all the way forward, but finally comes to a huge sea lake.

The water of the sea lake was constantly stirring, and Lou Yi looked at it with helplessness, because he had to walk this way, and the surrounding passages had been explored, and it seemed that only this one led to the area below.

And this passage is located in the center of the stirring area, Lou Yi looked at Tiger Chi and said, "Be careful!"

Huzhi nodded, followed behind him, and walked into this huge sea lake. The water was extremely cold, but it exuded a faint blue light. It was different from the sea outside, which was transparent. It is black and blue, and has a salty smell.

Although the sea water is churning, there is a strange sense of clarity. People are immersed in it to make him feel mellow. There are colorful corals and sea anemones growing in the sea lake, and some plankton can even be seen passing by in front of him. .

They were shining all over, and they could see their internal organs, and their bodies were like transparent glass. The speed was so fast that his hands could not touch each other at all.

In a place that is amazing, he can't feel the slightest danger here, and the water of this sea lake seems to have no taste, but it has such a slight sense of heaviness.

Lou Yi communicated with the water by himself, but found that the water in the sea lake was distinct, half of which was sea water, and the other half was an unknown liquid, which made him very puzzled.

In addition, there is no more movement except the vortex that is constantly stirring in the center, which is really weird...

Sometimes people are like this, and when there is danger, they can deal with it calmly, and when there is no danger, they feel a little confused.

Tiger Chi followed behind him, watching the luminous plankton flashing by, it subconsciously stretched out its hand to catch it, but just like Lou Yi, it couldn't touch them at all.

As the depth deepened, Lou Yi looked up and found that through the light blue water, he could still see the wall of the tunnel above, and the visibility was surprisingly good.

Slowly they fell to the bottom of the sea lake. It was strange that there was still nothing here. He had no choice but to continue walking forward. After walking for a while, he finally saw something unusual.

On some of the reefs slightly exposed at the bottom of the lake, there are some powder-like particles, which are very small, shining with strange light.

The reason why they are said to be strange lights is because their light will change with time. At first when Building B saw them, they glowed with a faint fluorescence, then slowly turned to light yellow, then turned to orange red. Turn to light blue again.

The light continued to circulate, and Lou Yi pinched these particles with his fingers. They were too tiny, even far inferior to the quartz sand that can be seen everywhere on the beach.

But this thing made him startled, because he had already recognized this thing, it was called snail, it was an extremely rare ore, also called Haibao. Its value lies in the fact that most of the things that can be thought of related to the sea require its participation, such as crossing the boat, such as the embankment of the harbor.

Metals mixed with snails are the natural nemesis of the sea clan. They will instinctively avoid areas containing snails for fear of avoiding them.

Therefore, the dams in the harbor and the boats on Duyuan boats will use rivets containing snails to reinforce the hull, or to reinforce the dams, so that the sea people stay away from the boats and the dams to protect their safety.

The immeasurable value of these snails made Lou Yi overjoyed, but these particles are too small, so small that the sum of these particles is not enough to make a rivet for crossing the boat, let alone the cornerstone of the dam. .

But fortunately, the area of ​​this sea lake is huge, and there is no need to worry about danger. For Lou B, it suddenly becomes a treasure house, which belongs only to him.

Lou Yi motioned Huzhu to pay attention to the surroundings. If he saw such luminous particles in his hand, he would remind him. Then the two moved side by side to both sides, gradually getting closer and closer to the center of the sea lake.

During the period, Lou Yi probably harvested a small bag of Luoying pellets, which was about half a catty, but he still felt dissatisfied, because it was obviously far from the amount he expected.

However, at this moment, the tiger swam over, and after making gestures with him, Lou Yi couldn't help getting excited, and followed the tiger to swim quickly to the right. The water at the bottom of the lake was exceptionally clear, and the exposed reefs were unobstructed.

Huchi took him to a group of protruding reefs, Lou Yi's pupils instantly dilated, and he froze in place with excitement.

A strange brilliance shone in his eyes, and a large area of ​​snails shining strangely on the reef, Lou Yi finally saw its real appearance.

As the name suggests, Luoying ore is a conch-like ore, but it is not an ordinary horn snail, but a smooth-looking ore like a nautilus, and what appears to him at this moment is this complete ore. Luoying ore.

They are set on the protruding sea reef, like magnificent gems, shining with dazzling brilliance, Lou Yi felt his blood flow faster, and even his legs began to tremble.

Haibao Luoying, there are so many Haibao Luoying, when he saw them, Lou Yi took away all the complaints he had just arrived here.

He swam happily, took out the copper heart short blades, and tried to pry them off the reef wall, but the reality slapped him with a big slap in the face.

The sea reef is unusually hard, and the snail ore seems to be stuck on it. No matter how hard he tries, the other party stays firmly on the sea reef. Lou Yi has a pie in the sky, but he finds Everything is a dream feeling.

Guarding such a treasure mountain, he couldn't move away. Hundred-claw scratching his heart was extremely uncomfortable. At this moment, Huzhi suddenly came over and saw him scratching his ears and cheeks anxiously. He gestured at the reef with his fist, and Lou Yi suddenly opened up. .

That's right, why should I do this with great care? You only need to break these reefs. Then, aren't these sea snails perfect?

However, a new problem still plagued him, and that was how to break these sea reefs that were far stronger than imagined, and it became a thing that plagued him again.

Tiger Chi volunteered to stand up, unfolded his broken heart, and slammed into the reef with enough strength. However, in the water, he received great resistance, but his strength was not released at all.

Lou Yi watched him riveting enough strength, but hitting the sea rock at a very slow speed, knowing that his method would not work.

He suddenly thought of something. He raised his head and looked upward, and slowly the corners of his mouth floated with a curve, and the whole body water Lingyuan was released. He thought of a simpler and more effective method.

Under his traction, the surrounding water flow formed a high-speed vortex around them, and a large amount of seawater was extracted and turned into the power of the vortex.

Soon a huge vortex broke through the sea and lake, exposing all the rocks in this area. Huzhu looked at the empty surroundings and gave him a thumbs up.

Then Lou B’s own freezing air was released, and ice crystals began to appear in the whirlpool, and more and more, forming countless black ice blades. Lou B carefully manipulated them to approach the rock, and then used the high-speed water flow to rotate. Cut these hard reefs.

Those profound ice blades quickly shattered or broke after these reefs collided, but Lou Yi didn't care at all. The sea water here was endless, as long as he wanted, he could gather more profound ice blades at any time.

This method quickly achieved results. The reef was cut at a speed visible to the naked eye. Lou Yi wrapped the ice blades with his mental power, turning them into its weapons, and tried not to damage the reef embedded in the wall. Spiral stone.

After an hour passed, he had harvested hundreds of ring-sized spirolites, but it would still take a long time to harvest them completely.

This kind of extremely precise manipulation is extremely energy-consuming, but Lou Yi found that through such a large-scale manipulation of the ice blade, his mental power has been tempered again.

After a whole day, this protruding reef rock was completely smoothed out, and all the snails fell into his hands. Lou Yi danced with excitement, like a three-year-old doll.

In this way, he can build the boat to cross the abyss by himself. The situation is so uncertain now that it is always necessary to have more methods. And this time, he has gained quite a lot. Not only did he get enough snail stones, but also to protect the waterfall. Liu Jian Jue’s [Turbulent Downward] and [Vortex Reversal] were sublimated.

Returning to the source of Wan Shui is not a kind of art, it is more like a form of expression of Tao. It originates from the exploration of the way of water, tracing the origin and seeking truth!

Although there are all kinds of roads, but after all, there are different paths to the same goal. The three thousand avenues are different, and you will see the truth after washing out the lead. Lou Yi has the five elements spiritual vein, and there are other roads in his body. He is walking at the fork of the exploration avenue.

The result is still unclear, but what is certain is that Tao needs exploration, Tao needs dialectics, Tao needs time to practice, and Tao needs time to realize, and all of this requires hands-on experience. The experience of others is important, but the way of others is not. I said, the other person's way is not my way.

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