Building B

Chapter 961: Soul of Refining the Sea

Lou Yi asked Wutu to let his people carry them well. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. The enemy may come here again soon. They must leave this place as soon as possible. At the same time, he asked Wutu to tell his people to let them go into battle. Bring the most important things, and he will help them solve the rest.

Seeing them being displaced, Lou Yi suddenly wanted to go back for some reason. He returned to Beizhou. He hasn't returned for a long time...

If you want to refine the soul of the sea, you need an absolutely safe place, so Wutu took Lou Yi to the Dragon Reef Pan where his father King Jiaolong was.

The so-called dragon reef plate is actually a group of reef plates composed of a large number of coral reefs. It looks like an island rather than an island. After all, the dragon family is still mainly sea, so it will rarely appear on the reef plate.

Wutu let the people follow him in a boat, and they headed towards the Dragon Reef Pan. After traveling for about two days, they arrived at the so-called Dragon Reef Pan.

Wutu told them to let them wait here. The Jiaolong clan's attitude towards the human race is not friendly, and even sneaks on the human race because of selfish desire. Although they have a dragon character, after all, the blood is still flowing in their bones.

Lou Yi looked at this huge reef. There were thousands of them. The tallest one jumped out of the water about a hundred meters. It looked like a real island, but there was no grass growing on it. Some The figure was basking in the sun wantonly.

About half an hour later, the Dragon King and his guards came to greet Lou Yi personally, because it had received the life-saving grace of the other party, and it also knew that Lou Yi had the blood of the dragon clan, and there was a real The dragon followed him.

After a lot of greetings, Lou Yi was led to the back of the reef. Only then did Lou Yi discover Liu Yinhua and another village...

Behind this reef plate, there is an extremely beautiful sapphire ring bay, which is like a bright sapphire inlaid on this dragon reef plate.

Some dragons with a body length of several tens of feet move freely up and down in this ring bay. There is an undulating reef ring around it, and sea water slowly pours in from its gaps. The beauty is unforgettable.

The Flood Dragon King turned into a human form at this time, but he was holding the head of a Flood Dragon, and spoke like Wutu. Now Wutu's status is higher than that of the Flood Dragon King. That is because he has been blessed by the Xuanlong clan and has been recognized as Xuanlongwei.

It’s just that the Xuanlong clan is not very concerned about this, they still use the sea clan as their army, which is different from other dragon clan, so in fact Wutu does not have any real power, but always listens to the Xuanlong clan. Call.

Their arrival attracted the attention of all flood dragons. They were either indifferent, curious, ignoring, or vigilant watching them walk across the dragon reef pan, toward the open waters directly in front of them.

The method of sea refining is different from the alchemy of the human race. It needs to be refined in a stable ocean current area. Lou Yi asked all of them to wait here. He only took Wutu and Huchi, and asked them to help him protect him. Interfere with other sea tribe or dragon tribe.

The Flood Dragon King also volunteered to help him, but Lou Yi refused. He asked the other party to restrain the Flood Dragon Clan, because in the process of coming, these Flood Dragon Clan members did not release any kindness to them.

If you take advantage of your own alchemy and secretly attack the Wuman tribe above, it will be a bit unreasonable. Zuo but only uses this to help Wutu find a way to redemption. If everyone is gone, then everything is meaningless. .

Lou Yi jumped into the water and began to dive down quickly. He was looking at the surrounding environment while spreading the divine consciousness to the surroundings. Finally, he nodded with satisfaction. It seemed very suitable for alchemy, perhaps because of being there. On the territory of the Jiaolong tribe, there were no traces of other sea tribes around.

The soul of the sea has 27 main medicines, and it is necessary to combine them with 133 auxiliary medicines to make the soul of the sea, but Lou Yi has some eyebrows, but for the method of refining, This is the first real hands-on implementation.

Wu Tu and Tiger Chi were separated on both sides, Lou Yi stood alone in the middle of the water. He took out the sea palace imperial scriptures and carefully read the detailed rules before taking a deep breath and starting to prepare.

The refining of the soul of the sea requires the purchase of a sea furnace. This sea furnace is different from the pill furnace. It relies on sea water instead of flames. Lou Yi pinches it with both hands and extends toward the sea with its true essence, slowly the surrounding sea He was wrapped in it, and a huge bubble-like water cover was formed on the outside.

The method of sea refining turned out to be that the alchemist had to mix the refining medicine in the same furnace. This can be said to be unheard of, but Lou Yi did not feel nervous because of it. Flowing into the water cover, twenty small one-sized water **** were formed around his body.

Lou Yi took a deep breath. Even if the preparation work is over, the next step is to dissolve the 27 main medicines with water refining. In order to avoid mistakes as much as possible, he only took every kind of material. a little bit.

Twenty-seven main medicines, according to the primary and secondary points, are sea god's baleen, whale baleen, upper dragon's back coral, mosasaur's eye, shark cordata, squid pulp, king crab cream, clover stone shell, fish Long Ning Fat, Lizard Whale Musk, Cyclops Eyelid, Megamouth Shark Tooth Phosphorus, Shrimp Foot Creeping Moss, Dragon King's Whale Oil, Antarctic Giant Intestinal Moss, Giant Shellfish Clayton Yellow Algae, Hongcai Jellyfish Whisk, Haidi Crocodile tear stone, smooth tooth dragon bone marrow, crocodile blood, cow whale tears, ammonite phosphate, weird insect three color grass, giant crab claw moss, ichthyosaur plasma.

The 133 auxiliary medicinal materials are some special products of the outer tombs, such as sea grapes, blue-ringed kelp, Ryukakusan, snail mud, Saitama coral, scorpion fish silk, Hanhai rare, etc. .

The composition of the sea soul seems to be a part of the ancient sea clan that is blended into the pill after reconciliation, so that a sea soul pill should contain all the ingredients of the ancient sea clan, thus forming a sea vein in the body , Became the darling of this Hong Yuan.

This is not an easy task. Lou Yi looks at a cyan-white tuber in his hand. This thing is the so-called Poseidon's whisker, which is the scorpion grass. It looks very similar overall. A beard, but it was also a hundred times larger than Lou B itself.

He sighed and murmured to himself, "Try it first, I hope it can be successful once..."

A wisp of sea water wrapped the tuber of the sea god’s whiskers with his hand, and slowly sent it into the first water ball. At this time, Lou Yi was calm and pointed his index finger and **** on the water ball. A current of water began to generate around it, and began to shuttle quickly inside and outside the water ball, like a water jet, cutting the tuber of Poseidon's whiskers.

Being able to see the high-speed cutting water flow, at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning the Seagod's whiskers into a bluish-white viscous substance, this process seemed not difficult, but it made him a little relieved.

Lifting the palm of the hand upward, the five fingers twisted on the water polo, and the water flow flew out of the ball and started to rotate horizontally with the water polo. Lou Yi stared at the changes in the water polo and watched the broken residue. After grinding, it slowly became clear.

Lou Yi knew that the first attempt was a success. He took a breath and took out of the Universe Bag. A nearly transparent creature appeared in front of him. The overall length of this creature was three or four feet long, and even more The wide and long beard and the two long shrimp tongs in front are more than ten feet long.

They are the kind of sea deep krill that can be enlightened after eating, but in the sea soul pill, they are called whale baleen, so that Lou Yi was confused and thought it was a certain creature. Part of the body.

It’s just that Lou Yi was curious and tried to eat a bit raw, but he didn’t feel the sense of enlightenment at all. This inevitably made him quite disappointed. Maybe this thing is only effective for the sea clan, and I don’t know that Wutu is a half-human half-flood dragon Of blood, will it be effective?

He shook his head abruptly, shook off these messy thoughts, looked at this piece of shrimp on the ground weighing a hundred kilograms, lightly tapped his finger, and the water flow wrapped it into the second ball of water. .

Only this time the method of refining is slightly different. He squeezed the water ball with his palm, letting the sea water inside desperately compress inward, and squeezed out the essence of the shrimp meat. At the same time, he replaced the palm with his fist and manipulated the water flow to make the water ball. Vibration is constantly generated, so that the essence is continuously broken up and integrated into the water polo.

The prawns dissipated in an express delivery visible to the naked eye, and the sea didn't seem to change in any way, but Lou Yi knew that it had already become different.

However, this process still needs to last at least two hours. Before that, he only needs to control the water flow to exercise... A dazzling array of corals are piled up in front of him, and the method of refining is simple, that is, to grind them all into a slurry, but Lou Yi feels a chill. Even if it becomes pulp, can it really be eaten...

The same variety of materials were placed in front of him. Each has a special refining method, and it is extremely time-consuming. He looked out of the water cover. At this moment, Hong Yuan was extremely quiet, turning the sapphire blue light. .

Wutu and Tiger were obsessed with each other, paying close attention to every move around, which made Lou Yi feel at ease. He brought a bay-sized bead in front of him. This object was called the Eye of the Dragon. It was actually a kind of bone. The algae ball, which is attached to the forelimbs of the mosasaur, looks like eyeballs at first glance, which is why it gets its name.

Although they are bones, they are unusually light. Lou Yi sends them into the water ball in a stream of water. They need to be soaked. It takes about four to five hours to get them out of the bone algae ball. Come out of the hidden place.

Lou Yi quickly sorted them with his left and right hands at the same time, dividing the time to one side, and at the same time arranged them one word according to the time sequence in which they were to be merged, and then threw them aside and ignored them. Everything was controlled by the ocean current.

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