Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 118: special visitor

The 13th floor clothing room of Water Company.

"Ahem, the four of you will be our company's cleaning staff next. Usually, you don't need to do anything, just clean up."

Natasha swiped the door with her ID card, and took some fitted clothes from inside to the four of them.

At present, the company's security does not need to continue to increase staff, and other parts are not suitable for these Asgardians.

Natasha simply arranged them here. It just so happened that the physiques of the four of them are very strong, and their work must be smooth.

About the Nine Realms, Asgard, Asgard, and Odin, Kyle has already briefly described them to Natasha.

Originally, Natasha had a very longing attitude towards the gods in the myth, and wanted to see how powerful they were.

But when she saw Thor, the **** of thunder in front of her, there was only one thought left in her heart, and that was—what a weak god!

"Okay then, the next thing is your salary. The hourly salary of our company's cleaners is 20 yuan per hour, and the working hours are 16 hours a day. The statutory holidays are given according to regulations, and there are two opportunities to ask for leave every month."

Seeing the four of them, there was no objection. Natasha began to introduce some of their treatment, which was ordered by Kyle himself.

But then again, having the **** of thunder in Norse mythology do the cleaning is a great feeling!

"Saul, do we really want to listen to that woman?"

After Natasha left, Vorstager said reluctantly, how did he do such a thing, he was eating and drinking every day.

Fandral didn't speak, but the expression on his face had betrayed his thoughts, and he was as disapproving as Vorstagg.

"Okay, that Kyle just said that this time is my father's order, everyone must obey."

Thor was also helpless, but thinking that it was Odin's order, he couldn't do anything if he didn't agree.

And seeing that the Rainbow Bridge was made like that by Loki, it is impossible for a few people to return to Asgard in a short time.

"Let's start now, just in time to experience the life of a mortal."

Sif tied her hair in a circle around the city, long hair would interfere with work.

According to the tasks left by Natasha, each of them needs to be responsible for the sanitation and cleaning of the six floors.


Inside the top office.

Kyle is playing with the Destroyer armor in his hand at the moment. This thing is given to him by Odin, and the control authority has been erased.

Now, his clone is looking after the manor. He plans to change the destroyer in his hand. The value of this thing is too low.

"First, change the emission hole, and set it on the face is nothing."

Kyle wanted to complain about this a long time ago, why do you have to put the place where the particle decomposition rays are emitted on your face?

Learn from Tony next door. Wouldn't it be delicious to put it on your chest?

Or the palm of your hand. Odin didn't worry that his beard would be burned when the ray was gathering energy.

"That's alright. From now on, you will be the sparring machine in the company."

After Kyle's changes, the Destroyer's appearance has become more in line with human aesthetics, and some new functions have been set.

One of them is the mediation of combat power, which has four levels in total.

The highest level is for Natasha and Carter, and the rest are for those with ordinary abilities.

The Destroyer has an unmanned mode and can stay in the training ground for 24 hours to become a sparring robot.

Kyle only needs to keep the Destroyer's energy sufficient at all times, and the rest basically don't need to worry.

"I hope you won't be too miserable!"

I guessed in my heart, like Alice and Apache, they can probably fight the second-level destroyer.

The rest of the abilities can be satisfied with the first level. Thor and Hulk can beat the third level, but they will be suppressed by the fourth level.


Time flies, and soon it will be late at night.

Several unlicensed black sedans drove into the underground parking lot of the Walter Company.

"Commander, the five teams have all arrived and can start the mission!"

People wearing SHIELD's exclusive combat uniforms were transferred from the car and quickly formed a square. Before that, they had hacked all the cameras here.

There are ten people in each squad. There are fifty people in this squad, plus five captains and a battle commander.

"Listen, our mission target is the core database of Walter Company and Kyle Walter, and everyone else will be killed."

The commander said briefly, it is simply too easy for these people to break through such an ordinary person's company.

Moreover, a super combat force was specially sent from above them to ensure the success of this operation.

"The task of the first and second teams is to capture Kyle Walter, and the third, fourth, and fifth teams are responsible for infiltrating the core database and stealing data."

After the preparations were completed, the commander began to give orders.

They have been monitoring this place for a whole day, except when Kyle entered the company in the morning, he never left.

"Long live the Hydra!"

After shouting a slogan in a low voice, the squad instantly broke into and began to infiltrate in squads.

The commander sat back in the car and started to remotely control the actions of the five teams.

But these people will never know that the red queen has seen all this clearly, and being hacked into the camera is just a bait.

"The second-level plan has been activated, and the defense facilities have been activated..."


inside company.

Entering the first floor through the connecting passage of the elevator, the first team and the second team began to move towards the upper floor, and the third, fourth, and fifth teams moved towards the outer floor.

The whole office building has more than 50 floors, and it is estimated that it will be dawn if you look for them one by one.

However, according to reliable information, the database is located on the 22nd floor of the company building, and there is a particularly strict supervision nearby.

They intend to go around from the outer floor, so that they can directly enter this floor.

"Captain, I feel something is wrong!"

Walking in the extremely empty and dark corridor, a team member looked around suspiciously. There were many unknown metal ornaments on the left and right walls.

Not only that, but even the ceiling has strips of things staggered, similar to incandescent tubes.

"Don't be nervous, it's just an ordinary company, there is no danger."

The captain didn't take it to heart. As for the "small ornaments" mentioned by his teammates, in his opinion, it was just a decoration style.

Strange to say, there may be nowhere better than the Hydra base.

But in the next second, there were 11 people in this team, and the expressions on their faces instantly became solemn, and they took up the weapons in their hands.

This passage is not long, about 20 meters. Behind them, a row of infrared cutting rays is slowly moving over.


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