Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 226: Ivan Vanko's last resort

That's how things went, our Mr. Tony started sneering again when he realized that he couldn't be broken by the opponent.

"You guy!"

Affected by this poisonous tongue, Ivan Vanke only felt the anger in his heart rising.

Withdrawing the electric whip, the sides of his armor unfolded backwards, and the missiles from Hammer Industries aimed at Stark.

In this regard, Ivan Vanke did not hesitate at all, and pressed the launch button directly, and sixteen missiles flew towards Tony instantly.

"Jarvis, activate the interference."

This kind of pediatric attack is nothing to Tony, a senior weapons scientist.

A circular device protrudes from the back of the nano-war armor, and a peculiar pulse wave spreads around. These missiles fall directly to the ground after being interfered by the pulse.

And Ivan Vanke's battle armor was also affected a bit, and began to sway from side to side.

The two electric whips in his hands were also constantly waving, like a circus performer performing a juggling act.

"Damn it, stop it for me!"

Inside the armor, Ivan Vanke kept pulling the joystick to finally stop the ghostly mourning whip armor.

Just as he regained his sight, Tony, who was holding a sledgehammer, came towards him and hit him heavily in the face.

Crack! ! !

This time, the damage caused was very serious. The head of the Mourning Whip Armor was directly smashed into a hole, and electric sparks kept bursting outwards.

"Damn Tony."

Due to the severe head injury, Ivan Vanke in the armor almost became blind, and only one camera was left to see outside.

Behind him, Steve couldn't sit still when he saw that Ivanfanko was hit so badly.

Holding two knives, he stepped forward quickly, and before the opponent had time to react, he slashed directly at the back.

"You guys, don't think you can beat me like this!"

In the cabin, the front display was already flashing a red warning, after the battle with Steve and the hammer blow from Tony.

Now that his battle armor has reached the limit, if he attacks a few more times, it may be scrapped on the spot.

But this is a problem that Ivan Vanke has thought about for a long time, since he knew that his enemy is the Avengers.

In order to prevent such a large superhero organization from sabotaging his plan, he specifically approached Justin Hammer for cooperation.

The purpose is to create an army of robots that can drag other people, and a secret weapon that can be used as a last resort.

"No, stop him now."

Although he didn't know what this guy was going to do, the ominous premonition in his heart made Tony immediately shout to Steve.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Steve no longer restrained himself, and directly burst out with all his energy.

A wave of blue energy waves spread out to the surroundings, and the surrounding buildings began to be covered with cracks.

"Don't be delusional, victory will be mine in the end!"

Ivan Vanke immediately activated the energy barrier of the armor to resist the energy shock from Steve.

Tony kept bombarding this thin shield with an energy cannon behind him, but the damage caused was not ideal.

After the charging was completed, Steve slashed directly with a knife. The five-meter-long knife light flashed with dazzling light, and it broke Ivan Vanke's defense with just one blow.

The sword light cast unabated bombardment on the Mourning Whip Battle Armor, causing a violent explosion in an instant.

"Captain, you are using too much force!"

Seeing Ivan Vanke, who had been completely swallowed up by the explosion, Tony whispered to Steve next to him with a look of disbelief.

He just wanted to stop the action of that suit of armor, but he didn't tell Steve to hack him to death. Now, the questions in his heart will never be answered.

"Sorry, I didn't control it well."

Steve didn't expect this scene either. It was really unstoppable to explode all the power at once.

Steve felt that it was necessary for him to go back and practice his control, and try to keep this situation from happening again.

"Forget it, let's tidy up the battlefield first, I still need help."

Tony didn't bother so much. Since it has already happened, he can only accept it.

Boom! boom!

Just when the two thought the dust had settled and wanted to collect Ivan Vanke's body and then clean the battlefield, the ground under their feet began to vibrate.

"What's going on here!"

One fell to the ground without standing. Tony couldn't figure out what was going on here, as if he had been unlucky ever since he entered.

Steve stuck his two knives on the ground to stabilize his body, with a dazed look on his face, unable to understand the current situation.

It was obvious that Ivan Vanke had already been wiped out by them, so why did something go wrong at the last moment?

The building above began to fall, and Steve and Tony were buried deep in the ground in the blink of an eye.


Above, the exhibition hall.

The sudden earthquake made everyone panic. The original robot chase was dangerous enough, but now the difficulty has been raised again.

"Melinda, take them out quickly, this place is probably going to collapse!"

Coulson grabbed Justin Hammer beside him and said There were dozens of dignitaries behind him.

Boom! ! !

Another big shock came. This time, it was not only felt here at the venue, but even the blockade five kilometers away had been affected.

"Really, every time a hero comes on stage, he will encounter special obstacles."

Pietro, who was strolling in the venue, sighed helplessly. Originally, he wanted to visit the center of the place.

But judging from the current situation, if he doesn't take action, everyone in this venue will be devoured by the coming earthquake.

"Next, let's enter the high-speed moment!"

After taking out the goggles from his pocket, Pietro made a starting position and disappeared in place the next second.

As he ran, the surrounding things gradually began to slow down, the dropped glass floated in the air, and the wine inside was also half-sprinkled.

The falling ceiling and the cracked ground also slowed down. In this wonderful perspective, Pietro was the same as no one else.

He quickly came to the room in front, pulled out a few people hiding inside, and sent them all outside.

Afterwards, Pietro turned into a ball of silver flashes and began to carry people in and out of the entire venue.

"Huh? Is this green guy the Hulk? He looks very powerful."

On the way, Pietro also met the Hulk who was tearing apart the steel robot.

Due to the particularity of his abilities, Pietro's body is relatively slender, and he prefers a streamlined appearance to ensure his speed.

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